IBM Support

FSFC Features and Upgrades - 4.6

General Page

This page describes the features added and defects addressed with each build.
Contact support to access the upgrade files. A valid maintenance agreement is required.
  • Features added in 4.6

    PowerHA Tools for IBM i 4.6 is now available for all customers current on maintenance. It has all the features and fixes from prior releases, and adds the following:

    • 43431: WRKCSEDTA filtering and position-to field

    • 43359: WRKCSEDTA option 15 = Auto-refresh log view

    • 43303: STRFSFLASH handles source LPAR in MSG_BUSY state

    • 38291: ENDFSFLASH *TAGJOBLOG supported for non-PVI BRMS operations

    • 38070: Exit point *PRERESTOR added

    • 42221: Exit point *BRMFINTGT added

    • 39733: Support for concurrent control group backups

    • 41985: Added the ability to ignore control group errors

    • 42450: Delay changing host connections to accommodate Storwize Volume Protection

    • 42063: Integration of BRMS and Cloud Object Storage

    • 41663: Memory flush *NONE

    • 38933: WRKCSECRDL option 6 to Validate

    • 40922: QIPLDATTIME set to *NONE on the target LPAR

    • 39723: Creating WRKCSEDTA's shows the auto-start cluster parameter

    • 43727: New commands: RTVCSMSSNS and RUNCSMCMD

    • 43623: RUNCSMACT supports type *FLASH

    • 44142: WRKCSEDTA Opt 15 = Auto-refresh log

    • 36809: Check that QLPAR on the is neither disabled nor expired

    • 45101: Added CHKFSRFLSH and STRFSRFLSH

    • 45102: Added exit point *FAILNFY

    • 38132: If CHGASPACT fails on remote FSFC then restart GMCV

    • 28250: Check that QLPAR on the source has *ALLOBJ, *SECADM and *IOSYSCFG

    • 47105: QZRDIAEXT2 in debug mode will log incomming IP's on the source

    • 35434: Check BRMS file level ID's prior to restoring QUSRBRM

    • 35844: SAVDDD has a new parameter *GEN which creates a new directory based on a timestamp and both SAV and RSTDDD have more log messages

    • 47838: Flashcopy should remain active if "Restart target after flashcopy" is set to *NO

    • 47326: WRKCSEDTA F7 = work with subsystem QZRDFSR

    • 48288: Support for BRMS restricted state IP addresses in PVI and FSR

    • 48379: Support for controller hostnames up to 63 characters

    • 44380: Activation Endinge Cloud-init will automatically be handled

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the April 8th, 2022 build:

    • 51347: BRMS Number of control groups to wait for defaults to 1 (not 64).

    • 51914: Target LPAR was not finding communications resource.

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the April 13th, 2022 build:

    • 50344: Fixed resource location code not found on target LPAR.

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the August 1st, 2023 build:

    • 61546: RTVINF was leaving the java tunnel open.

    • 61574: Add iSCSI CSEDTA info to DMPINF.

    • 61146: Minor enhancement to TSTCOMM.

    • 61146: QZRDWRTCDT missing BRMS control group copy.

    • 60483: QZIAWCHJD *JOBD was not owned by QPGMR.

    • 60631: New 4.6 format of host connections broke QZRDRCVCSE and QZRDWRTCSE.

    • 60929: 7.5 compatibility updates.

    • 60195: QZRDRTVCDT (API) access code updates (85,88,89).

    • 50820: MCH3601 in QZRDIAEXT2 caused by receiving an HTTP response from browser.

    • 59998: CLEANLOGS parameter RETAIN is now required.

    • 59913: DMPINF shows both CSM server IPs.

    • 60262: Toolkit was not properly handling PowerHA grace periods.

    • 59949: CSM initial timeout increased to 150 seconds.

    • 59896: Fixed null pointer exception when CSM server unable to connect and *DEBUGCSM was *ON.

    • 59807: Sort volumes when creating volume fingerprint.

    • 59857: IBM i version logged in src.log and ctl.log.

    • 59755: BRMS exit program changes for 7.5.

    • 59336: Addressed viewlog errors

    • 59438: MCH0601 from CHKFSFLASH if source LPAR was missing toolkit license.

    • 59351: New command: RTVSTRPRSC.

    • 59354: Log URL parms for Java code.

    • 59345: Clean up isProductInstalled log entries.

    • 59309: QZRDWRTCDT accepts comm LOCCOD shortcut *LPAR-.

    • 59326: Disallow Expire and Terminate in RUNCSMCMD.

    • 59108: STRFSFLASH/CHKFSFLASH did not honor PowerHA grace period.

    • 59327: Change default CSEDTA wait time from 60 to 20 seconds.

    • 59093: Expand command parm to 30 characters in RUNCSMCMD.

    • 58992: Importing SVC volumes for host mapppings failed to save volume IDs.

    • 56798: SNDBRMMSG - didn't end TCP if not in restricted state.

    • 57525: WRKCSEDTA escape messages caused job to end when run from IBM i main menu.

    • 58749: Don't delay BRMS xfer for icc xfer if icc isn't installed.

    • 50344: Miscelllaneous PowerVS fixes and tweaks.

    • 55930: QZRDIABUSY should handle _FsfcTrgSvcLUNs and _FsfcTrgDs8kLUNs.

    • 56616: LUN validation improvements for SVC CHKPPRC.

    • 57786: CHKFSFLASH fails when QZRDIAEXT2 job starts, reporting errno 3452.

    • 38291: Make ENDFSFLASH *TAGJOBLOG work for non-PVI BRMS operations.

    • 51104: STRFSFLASH defaults activation engine delay to zero minutes.

    • 55923: Tape DEVD should be set to online(*no) prior to flashcopy.

    • 55348: Bearer token expirations are now transparently handled.

    • 55701: RSTDDD was issuing MCH3601 from QZRDSVRSEN.

    • 52932: CSM client failed when password or userid is 16 characters long.

    • 51914: configureNetwork was failing to find location code, change port field check.

    • 53370: Host names in mappings failed if longer than 16 characters.

    • 54389: Add environment variable for FSFC to force use of PING instead of testPort.

    • 53157: CHKFSRFLSH failed with IAS0506 when CSM is configured.

    • 53100: SWPPRC and CHKPPRC fail for SVC GMIR environments configured to use CSM.

    • 55638: Use QIBM_FSFC_PING environment variable to revert DS8K REST call back to DSCLI calls.

    • 53257: Fixed memory leak (MCH5003).

    • 52561: Toolkits hangs if LPAR IPLs too fast.

    • 52481: CFGSTRPRSC will change the IP's line description.

    • 55460: Remove QZOUTQ before restoring BRMS.

    • 53234: Functional Usage updates.

    • 53028: WRKCSE F6 Validate for SVC not working.

    • 52563: HMC failure during fsfc backups didn't switch to secondary IP.

    • 51347: CRTCSEDTA should default BRMSNumnCtlgWait to 1 instead of 64.

    • 50760: Java PowerVS client manager gets better error handling.

    • 50619: New PowerCSL commands: RTVCLDCLNL, CNLCLDCLN, and DLTCLDCLN.

    • 50954: Remove requiremenet to speicfy machine type model and serial on loccod (*LPAR-).

  • Upgrading to 4.6 from a prior release

    Upgrading to 4.6 is only recommended from version 4.5 - upgrading from any other release will require manually re-creating all WRKCSE, WRKCSEDTA and WRKCSECRDL entries. Use the following command to display the version and build date:


    All the controllers and source LPARs in a cluster must be at the same version (i.e. 4.6). We strongly recommend that they also all be at the same build date. The version and build date is stored in data area QZRDHASM/BUILD.

    The 4.6 controllers will support non-cluster source LPARs running at 4.5 or 4.6, which facilitates upgrading source LPARs in stages.

    As of 4.5 DS8K volume groups are no longer supported on WRKCSE opt 16 panels. These have been changed to hostnames and volume mappings and the configurations on the DS8K will also need to change. Use WRKCSE opt 16 to record your existing volume groups before the migration, then use WRKCSE opt 16 after the migration to enter the new host mappings.

    For DS8K copy services environments which specify "Full Flash" and "Resynch Flash" then the existing FlashCopy must be removed before the next STRFSFLASH. To remove the FlashCopy, ensure the target LPAR is not using the target LUNs and run the rmflash script from WRKCSE opt 14.

    To update the controllers:

    1. Upgrade the controllers to 4.5
    2. Ensure no STRFSFLASH or STRFLASH or SWCSE commands are in process.
    3. End the toolkit subsystem:
    4. Generate a text file with all of the WRKCSE / WRKCSEDTA information:
    5. Save the DDD information:
      MKDIR '/tmp/ddd45backups'
      QZRDHASM/SAVDDD PATH('/tmp/ddd45backups')
    6. On each controller, issue the restore command:
    7. Update to the most recent Secure Java JAR file.
      Download it from here:
      Place it on all controllers in /QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/
      Then update the links:
      RMVLNK OBJLNK('/QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/jsch.jar') 
      ADDLNK NEWLNK('/QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/jsch.jar') OBJ('/QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/jsch-0.1.55.jar') 
    8. On one controlling partition, migrate the existing DDD to the new format:
    9. On each controlling partition issue the setup command:

    To update a source LPAR:
    1. End the toolkit subsystem:
    2. On each source LPAR, issue the restore command:
    3. On each source partition issue the setup command:
    4. After these steps have been performed, it is recommended that CHKFSFLASH be performed before the next planned flashcopy to test the configuration.

    While it is not necessary to make any changes beyond those listed above, the following are optional steps to use some of the new features in version 4.6:

    • If using multiple controllers and STRFSFLASH from the source LPAR, use WRKSTRPRSC on the source LPAR to define the controllers and call STRFSFLASH with parameter CTLR(*AUTO) so that STRFSFLASH can use either available controller.
    • On the controllers use SAVDDD with your backup strategy to capture the toolkit DDD.
    • If LPM is involved, update the CSEDTA to specify HMC Managed System *SEARCH instead of multiple CSEDTA's.
    • Use the Hyperswap support to avoid multiple CSEDTA's.
    • Use BRMS Custom timestamps if the BRMS Advanced Feature is installed and licensed.
    • Change the BRMS control groups use the Backup item exit program QZBRMSEXIT instead of ENDFSFLASH in the last *EXIT, so you can get notifications of abnormal control group end and backup progress in restricted state.
  • Updating 4.6 to a newer build date

    1. Ensure no STRFSFLASH or STRFLASH or SWCSE commands are in process on the LPAR being upgraded.
    2. End the toolkit subsystem:
    3. Issue the restore command:
    4. Issue the appropriate setup command:

    After these steps have been performed, it is recommended that CHKFSFLASH be performed before the next planned flashcopy to test the configuration.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cxy9AAA","label":"High Availability-\u003EFull System Flash Copy"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 August 2023

