Save a book as a template and set it as a default
You can now save a book as a template and set it to be your default. Administrators can also set a book template to be a global default, making it a default template for other users.
Search for control objects in the Modeling workbench
You can now search for control objects n the Modeling workbench.
In the Search field, prefix the search term with } to search for a control object. For example, }Capabilities. The search looks for items that contain the string that follows }.
Use a new property to manage the display of item borders
A new property, Show selected border in preview, is now available for items (widgets, visualizations, and explorations). With this property, you can enable or disable borders around items when they are in consumption mode.
For dynamic items like visualizations and explorations, the property is enabled by default. For all other items (widgets such as Text, Image, and Shapes), this property is disabled by default.
You can now also set a corner radius for borders around items.
Select multiple objects by using mouse drag
You can now select multiple items (widgets, visualization, and explorations) that are on a book tab by using your mouse. Previously, you had to select each item separately.
Click anywhere on the canvas and drag your mouse around the items you want to select. All items within the lasso you created are now selected. This improvement makes it easy to group or move multiple items at the same time.
You can select multiple items with a mouse drag in both Edit mode and consumption mode.
When you are in consumption mode, before you make your selection, enable the Show selected border in preview property for the items you want to select. This makes it easy to see the selected items when you lasso around them.
Search on multiple words when monitoring thread activity in Planning Analytics Administration
You can now search for multiple words on the database Threads tab in Planning Analytics Administration. Separate each word with a comma. For example, run,admin,Architect.
Search is not case-sensitive.
Use custom compact numeric format to display values
You can now append one or more commas to the end of a custom number format pattern to display values in compact format in explorations and visualizations. Each comma present at the end of a format pattern scales the value display by 1,000.
A single comma results in the value being displayed as thousands. Two commas display the value as millions. Three commas display the value as billions.
For example, the format pattern #,##0.0, results in the value 1234567.89 being displayed as 1,234.6. The format pattern #,##0.0,, displays the same value as 1.2.
To improve the usability of compact format, you can include literals in the format pattern to display specified characters. You can use these characters to indicate that the value is displayed as thousands, millions, or billions. Literals must be enclosed in single quotation marks.
To improve upon the previous example, use the format pattern #,##0.0,'K' to display the value 1234567.89 as 1,234.6K. The format pattern #,##0.0,,'M' displays the same value as 1.2M.
Use enhanced workflow and capabilities when you create plans and applications
The workflow for creating plans and applications is modified to simplify the creation process.
When you initially create a plan or application, you set the name, description, and image on a page separate from the plan or application template.
You can still modify these details directly on the plan or application at any time.
Additionally, you can now set approvers for a plan or application. Approvers are users who can fully edit a plan or application after its initial creation. An approver has all the capabilities of an administrator for a plan or application, including the ability to submit a plan step on behalf of any group.
Submit a plan step for all groups to which you belong
When you belong to more than one group that is assigned to a plan step, you'll see a new option to Submit all groups when submitting a step. Select this option to submit the plan on behalf of all groups to which you belong.
Deprecation notice - modeling books in Planning Analytics Workspace
Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.70 is the last release that allows modelers to create new modeling books. The ability to create modeling books will be removed in the next Planning Analytics Workspace release. Existing Modeling Books will continue to be usable.
IBM recommends the use of the Modeling Workbench as a replacement for modeling books.