IBM Support

HMC V10 network installation images and installation instructions

Fix Readme


Upgrading or installing HMC V10 over a network



1. Check for information on release specific upgrade instructions and known restrictions by reviewing the release notes in the README on Fix Central.

2. (Optional) If your HMC firewall does not allow FTP to external sites then you must download (or copy) the image files to a server that accepts FTP requests. Download the appropriate HMC V9 network images and put them on a local FTP server.

HMC network installation files can be obtained at

or from the IBM FTP site :

HMC Version 10 Release 1 M1010 images for 7063 machine types and vHMC on Power for x86 vHMC

Information on the file sizes and checksum can also be found in the readme on Fix Central.

The following files are required for upgrading or installing HMC V10 over a network.

File Name Description
img2a Kernel image
img3a Ram Disk file system
base.img Base Image
disk1.img Base HMC Image and Service Documentation
hmcnetworkfiles.sum hmcnetworkfiles.sum

Download via anonymous FTP

If your HMC firewall does not allow FTP to external sites then you must download (or copy) the image files to a server that accepts FTP requests. Follow these instructions at a command line to use the anonymous FTP process to download all network install images simultaneously.

# ftp
ftp> open
  Name: anonymous
  Password: ftp
ftp> cd /software/server/hmc/network/v910/<MT> (where <MT> is either ppc or x86) and change (v910 to v950 if necessary)
ftp> prompt   (turns off interactive mode)
ftp> bin   (ensures binary transfer mode)
ftp> mget *   (downloads all five files simultaneously)
ftp> bye   (exits FTP after all files have been downloaded)

Remote upgrade using network images

This method uses network upgrade images to upgrade an HMC from a remote location. Before upgrading, check the target release readme file for information on supported upgrade path and special upgrade notes.

Follow these basic steps.

NOTE: Skip step #1 if the HMC can access the IBM FTP site directly.

1. Verify that the following files have been downloaded to the local FTP server:
img2a, img3a, base.img, disk1.img and hmcnetworkfiles.sum

2. On the HMC, you must first save upgrade data by running the following commands:

  • To save data to both usb and disk, insert a USB key into the HMC usb port:
    saveupgdata -r diskusb
  • To save to disk alone:
    saveupgdata -r disk

3. Next, run the getupgfiles command to copy the network image files over to the bootable disk partition on the HMC from the IBM FTP server if the HMC firewall allows FTP to external sites.

For upgrading to HMC V10 R1, select ppc for 7063 Machine Type and vHMC on POWER or x86 for vHMC x86

getupgfiles -h -u anonymous --passwd anonymous -d /software/server/hmc/network/v1010/ppc
getupgfiles -h -u anonymous --passwd anonymous -d /software/server/hmc/network/v1010/x86


OR if the files are on a local FTP server run the following:

getupgfiles -h <FTP server> -u <user id> --passwd <pwd> -d <directory>

4. After the files are copied over, run the following command to set the HMC to do the next reboot from the special bootable disk partition on the hard drive where the downloaded network files are stored :

chhmc -c altdiskboot -s enable --mode upgrade

Now the HMC is ready to be rebooted and automatically upgraded with all the code copied to the bootable disk partition.

5. Finally, issue the hmcshutdown -r -t now command to reboot the HMC and start the upgrade.

6. After the HMC upgrade completes, apply the required fixes. See Fix Central for latest fix information.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSOQ2E","label":"Hardware Management Console V10"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000bowEAAQ","label":"Hardware Management Console"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 May 2022

