Fix Readme
This readme file contains information about installation of the interim fix and about enhancements, known problems, restrictions, and solutions in support of IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.8.
Readme file for: IBM® Datacap
Product or component release: IBM® Datacap
Update name: Interim fix 001
Fix ID:
Publication date: 30 June 2021
Download location
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Product or Component Name
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IBM® Datacap | Windows | |
Known problems, restrictions, and solutions
Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of interim fixes are documented as techdocs in the product support knowledge base. To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Datacap, see the support knowledge base.
To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Version 9.1.8, see IBM Datacap Version 9.1.8 Release Notes .
To view IBM Datacap 9.1.8 documentation, see IBM Docs Datacap v9.1.8 .
Prerequisites for IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.8, Interim fix 001
The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM® Datacap are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.8. Before you install this fix, ensure that you installed IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.8. For more information about installing IBM® Datacap, see Installing IBM Datacap . For complete details about the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap, see System requirements .
Installing IBM® Datacap 9.1.8, Interim fix 001
To install the IBM® Datacap 9.1.8, Interim fix 001, use the following procedure:
- Download the 918 iFix 001 package from Fix Central .
- Extract the 918 iFix 001 package, and run the Update.exe file.
Access the IBM Content Navigator administration tool and update the JAR file path to use the latest DatacapWebPlugin JAR file. For more information, refer to documentation.
Fixed APARs:
APAR Number | RTC ID | Component | Summary |
NA | 195971 | Datacap Web services | Datacap Navigator application has been validated to address SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting(XSS) Vulnerabilities. |
NA | 196071 | Datacap Applications | Datacap TravelDocs application has been modified to replace deprecated actions with the new Datacap 64-bit actions. |
IO26726 | 195697 | Datacap Services | Configure Datacap Server to allow a different attribute other than distinguished Name in UserDistringuishedNameAttr in LLLDAP Group Authentication. |
IO27312 | 195554 | Datacap Desktop | Datacap Desktop Job Monitor fails to correctly display dates in the right format in Job Start column and Task Start column when running in non-English locale. |
IO27365 | 195817 | Recognition | OCR_SR.RecognizeToPDFOCR_S () creates poor quality, blurry images affecting the quality of search PDF on extracted images. |
IO27433 | 194550 | Recognition | OCR_A's Recognize() recognizes zero 0 as symbol ◯ when processing images in a Datacap application. |
IO27566 | 195557 | Datacap Web services | User is not able to execute Global ruleset via Transaction\execute API |
IO27612 | 195735 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Navigator Verify panel displays a validation failed error message for the wrong field when validation fails for one of the fields. |
IO27617 | 195556 | Datacap Navigator | In Datacap Navigator viewer, if the zoom feature is applied to any PDF file, the image displays the characters in the image as blurry and out of focus. |
IO27632 | 195599 | Actions | SplitBatch.SplitBatch () retains all the document and page information that was present before the batch split and after the batch split in the parent batch xml file. |
IO27634 | 195563 | Datacap Desktop | In Datacap Desktop application station ID entered in the login UI screen fails to persist when you log off and log back in. |
IO27641 | 195600 | Actions | SplitBatch.SplitBatch () returns a blank value for TYPE variable in the child batch field value instead of returning the Type. Example: "Type: " |
IO27667 | 195558 | Datacap Navigator | In Datacap Navigator Scan and Verify task, disabling and enabling the "Copy" option and the 'Comment' does not work as expected. |
IO27797 | 195564 | Datacap Navigator | In Datacap Admin Console Verify panel, under advanced tab, when DCO tree view box is enabled for read-only view, and a user uses the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M, a comment pop-up window is displayed instead of being disabled. |
IO27832 | 195588 | Datacap Desktop | Datacap Desktop: Order of custom column gets changed if you make any changes to OTTB application column order. |
IO27990 | 196066 | Datacap Navigator | In Datacap Navigator application, you are unable to scan when the "Show manufacturer scanner properties" setting is enabled. |
IO28048 | 195085 | Development Tools | Datacap Application Copy tool failed to include "Microsoft SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL)" database provider in the drop down "select database" window. |
IO28088 | 195818 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Navigator Verify panel with EDS integration shows the fields size as shrunken when there is a property table field on the panel. |
IO28104 | 195331 | Actions | OCR_A.Recognize () inserts unexpected characters such as "OBJ" in between words that are extracted when recognizing text from images. |
IO28107 | 195568 | Actions | Barcode.GetAllBarcodes () fails to read (QR) barcode on the page to return the value in a delimited string. |
IO28108 | 195382 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Application fails to display the Viewer when saving the scanned document using "Document from scanner" option under the "Add Document" tab. |
IO28151 | 195642 | Actions | SharedRecognitionTools.Actions.De |
IO28153 | 195627 | Actions | ExportToXML () generates the XMl file with incorrect DCO data such as document,page and field details. |
IO28156 | 195562 | Actions | RecognizeToPDFOCR_A() is updated to enable the configuring of JPEG instead of JPEG2000 compression when extracting colored images from PDF files. |
IO28164 | 195649 | Datacap Services | Batch ID's are reset to start at zero when a new month in the year is encountered instead of continuing with the next batch ID number when batch naming template is configured to use [Y].[n:6] in taskmaster server. |
IO28167 | 195653 | Actions | RecognizePageOCR_A () fails to return valid recognition results when attempting to run recognition on an images with an Indian Rupee Symbol (₹). |
IO28176 | 195681 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Navigator application Verify task allows batches to be submitted even when pages in the batch fail validation. |
IO28194 | 195690 | Datacap Desktop | QueueBy 'Station' settings are not working for pending batches when queue by settings are applied for two different tasks. |
IO28205 | 195768 | Datacap Desktop | Datacap Desktop fails to display 300 DPI images in FlexID panel viewer while 200 DPI images are displayed. |
IO28221 | 195718 | FileNet | FNP8_SearchAndDownload () action fails when the search clause in FNP8_SetSearchWhereClause () action has 'This INSUBFOLDER' |
IO28224 | 195715 | Actions | Convert.OutlookKeepEmbeddedImages |
IO28231 | 195745 | Actions | Barcode.GetAllBarcodes action throws an exception error in all Datacap applications when Datacap Studio is configure to process GS1 DataBar barcodes in zones tab. |
IO28251 | 195811 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Navigator application Job Monitor hangs when it is refreshed with the "Show Saved Filter" functionality disabled. |
IO28257 | 195710 | Actions | Allow options for configuring compression of Gray images in recognized PDF for action RecognizeToPDFOCR_A() |
IO28263 | 195824 | Datacap Web | In Datacap web client application displays their textbox custom columns as a drop down column in their Verify panel misleading users that need to enter data into fields. |
IO28286 | 195834 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Navigator fails to update the Pages column with number of pages scanned when the "STATUS CHANGE OR ROLLBACK" privilege is not enabled for a user. |
IO28307 | 195897 | Actions | SplitBatch.SplitBatch () creates the 10th child batch with a suffix of .10, .11 instead of a two character alpha-decimal suffix such as .01, .02, .0A, ..., up to .ZZ. |
IO28309 | 195902 | Actions | RulerunnerLogic action library continuing to have dependencies with older rrunner action library is resulting in errors thrown in verification panels and also in task rrs logs. |
IO28310 | 195905 | Actions | RecognizeFieldVoteOCR_S () changes the stored results of the recognition value when the field value is present. |
IO28324 | 195991 | Datacap Web services | wTM CreateBatch request returns a 201 instead of a 400 error code when failing to create a batch even when wTM returns a success response during a file upload. |
IO28342 | 195998 | Datacap Navigator | Clicking "Change User Settings" in Datacap Navigator fails to allow a user to configure the layout and behavior settings. |
IO28350 | 196059 | FastDoc | Datacap FastDoc (Admin) crashes with an "Application Error" when modifying display name of the field in 'Configure documents, pages and fields' tab |
IO28355 | 196061 | Fingerprints | Find FPXML files button in Fingerprint Maintenance tool generates error, "System.ArgumentException: Second path fragment must not be a drive or UNC name." |
IO28361 | 195335 | Actions | NENU : Nenu action ProcessDeleteBatchesEX throws error in the logs when trying to delete the batches which are present in database but not present in batch directory folder. |
IO28374 | 196079 | Datacap Web | Processing batches in Datacap Web Client Verify task removes the datafile tag from the page file when no validation is required on the page |
IO28406 | 195985 | Actions | ewsmail.ex_scan () moves valid emails to a problem folder when the incoming attachment does not contain the expected attachment i.e. PDF and email with different attachments. |
IO27990 | 196005 | Datacap Navigator | Datacap Navigator Viewer fails to display scanned images when "Show manufacturer scanner properties" setting is enabled. |
IO28342 | 195995 | Datacap Navigator | In Datacap Navigator application when you click My list button after opening scan client and cancel the batch, the My List tab does not get launched as expected. |
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Document Information
Modified date:
04 August 2021