IBM Support

Release Notes for IBM SPSS Modeler 18.3

Release Notes


IBM® SPSS® Modeler is a data mining toolset that helps you build predictive models quickly and intuitively. System requirements, installation, and known problems are addressed.


For a list of new features in this SPSS Modeler release, see New Features in IBM SPSS Modeler 18.3 in the Knowledge Center.

System requirements and installation
For information regarding requirements and installation, see this site.

Windows - run as administrator
If you are installing on Windows, you must use "Run as Administrator" by first right-clicking on the executable.

IBM Cognos TM1
IBM Cognos TM1 10.2 Fix Pack 1, or later, is required before Modeler can import and export Cognos TM1 data.

Ubuntu 14 and Ubuntu 16 on Linux
On Linux, there can be issues with installing Modeler Server on Ubuntu. For an explanation of the workaround, see:

Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2017 is supported for Modeler Solution Publisher.

AIX isn't supported.

Single sign-on for data sources
You can connect to databases from IBM SPSS Modeler using single sign-on. If you want to create a database connection using single sign-on, you must first use your ODBC management software to properly configure a data source and single sign-on token. Then when connecting to a database in IBM SPSS Modeler, IBM SPSS Modeler will use that same single sign-on token and the user will not be prompted to log on to the data source.

However, if the data source was not configured properly for single sign-on, IBM SPSS Modeler will prompt the user to log on to the data source. The user will still be able to access the data source after providing valid credentials.

For complete details about configuring ODBC data sources on your system with single sign-on enabled, see your database vendor documentation. Following is an example of the general steps that may be involved:

  1. Configure your database so it can support Kerberos single sign-on.
  2. On the IBM SPSS Modeler Server machine, create an ODBC data source and test it. The DSN connection should not require a user ID and password.
  3. Connect to IBM SPSS Modeler Server using single sign-on and begin using the ODBC data source created and validate in step 2.

Known issues and limitations
At time of publication, the following issues were known:

  • Single Sign On (SSO) isn't supported with SPSS Modeler 18.3 due to a Java issue.
  • The documentation page Cognos TM1 SSL connection talks about the outdated Tomcat server. Updated instructions are as follows:
    1. Enable SSL on IBM Cognos TM1 Application Server. See the TM1 documentation.
    2. Download the tm1server.pem certification file. For example, if using Firefox:
    Open a browser window and enter your TM1 Server datasource URL such as Then click View Certificate to open the server certification.
         b. In the new Firefox browser window, click PEM (cert) to download the tm1server.pem file.
    3. From the command line, go to the SPSS Modeler jre\bin directory and then run the following command to import the tm1server.pem file to the SPSS Modeler Server (modify the paths to match your environment, as needed):
    C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Modeler\18.3\jre\bin> keytool.exe -import -alias tm1server
    -file C: \Users\Administrator\Downloads\tm1server.pem -keystore ..\lib\security\cacerts

         a. Enter the default keystore password changeit if prompted.
         b. When prompted whether to trust this certificate, enter yes.
    4. Restart SPSS Modeler Client and SPSS Modeler Server.
  • When installing SPSS Modeler Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x, you must first run the command yum install libnsl. If you don't, you may encounter the following error when attempting to start SPSS Modeler Server:
    error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  • The documentation isn't clear regarding where the SPSS Modeler client log file is (as opposed to the server log file). This will be fixed in the next release. To enable logging for the client, open the file log4j2.xml in a text editor and change level="info" to level="debug" in this line:
    <Logger name="com.spss" additivity="false" level="info">
    The default client log file location is /Applications/IBM/SPSS/Modeler/18.3/IBM/SPSS/ on Mac and ${env.USERPROFILE}/IBM/SPSS/Modeler/18.3/log on Windows. For Windows, env.USERPROFILE is usually C:\Users%username%, where %username% is the proper folder name.
  • If configuring a keystore stash file for SSL according to these instructions, the instructions for Windows regarding leaving the setting blank to be prompted are no longer valid. This feature is no longer available on Windows, only on Linux/UNIX. This is due to recent changes in Windows (for details, see
  • The CPLEX Optimization node's decision variable doesn't support complex arrays.
  • SPSS Modeler Batch passwords can only contain the following characters. Special characters such as '@' can't be used.
    - letters
    - connecting punctuation characters (such as '_')
    - digits
    - numeric letters (such as a Roman numeral character)
    - combining marks
    - non-spacing marks
  • When installing R on PowerLinux, in step 6 of these instructions, use xlf_r in the following portion of the command instead of xlf95_r.
    export FC="<XLF_PATH/xlf95_r -q64"
  • Any pim/par files generated from a stream that includes the Language node, using a previous release of SPSS Modeler, don't work in SPSS Modeler Solution Publisher 18.3. As a workaround, you must generate the pim/par files using version 18.3.
  • IBM Analytical Decision Management has been deprecated. It's only supported with SPSS Modeler version 18.0 and SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services 8.0. In some cases, IBM Analytical Decision Management may still be mentioned in the translated documentation. This will be corrected in a future release.
  • The Text Analytics Translate node was deprecated starting in version 18.0, but you could still run existing streams that contained the node. For 18.2.2, the Translate node is no longer supported.
  • If installing on MacOS, you must use the default installation path.
  • CPLEX isn't supported on macOS. You can use the CPLEX Optimization node (add it to your stream, edit its properties, etc), but you can't run it.
  • The Extension Output node, the Custom Dialog Builder output node, and the Custom Dialog Builder import node aren't supported in Modeler Adapter 18.2.2.
  • In the XGBoost-AS node, under **Booster Parameters-->Tree method**, the **exact** option is no longer supported if you selected **gbtree** for the **Booster Type** on the **General** tab. This is caused by a recent change made by open-source Apache Spark.
  • Because of an issue reported with IBM JDK, Data Views can't be loaded in Modeler Client when connected to a zLinux Server.
  • The Netezza bulkloader nzload does not accept SJIS encoding. So if you are handling data with SJIS encoding and export to to Netezza via a bulkloader script, you must manually set the encoding as UTF8 in Modeler's options.cfg file (add "encoding, UTF-8" to the file).
  • The Evaluation node doesn't support the use of commas in field names. If you have field names containing commas, you must either remove the commas or surround the field name in quotes.
  • The E-plot (Beta) node can't run in an IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services job on a headless Linux environment because the third-party component JXBrowser does not support headless Linux.
  • In the E-plot (Beta) node, you can't choose the same data for the X axis and Y axis.
  • The Spark nodes (XGBoost-AS, K-Means, and Isotonic) don't support specifying an integer/double column as Flag/Nominal for building a model. To do this, you must convert the column value to 0/1 or 0,1,2,3,4...
  • The Spark nodes (XGBoost-AS, K-Means, and Isotonic) are only supported on Windows 64, Mac 64, and Linux 64.
  • On machines with a Taiwanese locale, when upgrading from Modeler 17.x, old streams (created in 17.x) may need to be unlocked due to a JRE upgrade. For example, you may need to unlock Super Nodes in Modeler 17.x first and then lock it in 18.2 after upgrading.
  • The IBM SPSS Modeler Premium Japanese Language Extractor was no longer available in Text Analytics starting with version 18.1.0.
  • Java heap space error in Modeler Server

For some tasks, when processing a large number of records, it is possible that a Java heap space error can be displayed.

If this happens, you can configure the JVM setting to increase the memory. as follows:

  1. Close the stream that generated the error.
  2. In the <Modeler Server installation path>\config folder, open the jvm.cfg
  3. Configure the setting, the default is 256; for example: options, "-Xmx1024m"
  4. Save the configuration and reopen the stream.
  • datetime_now function returns null value against Teradata

When using the DataDirect Teradata driver, the SQL_COLUMN_TYPE may return a null value. The alternative is to use the native Teradata driver.

Database import and export

  • SQL Server support with the Data Access Pack driver.

The ODBC configuration for SQL Server must have the "Enable Quoted Identifiers" ODBC connection attribute set to “Yes” (the default for this driver is "No"). On UNIX this attribute is configured in the system information file (odbc.ini) using the "QuotedId" option.


  • In Database Caching with IBM DB2.

When attempting to cache a node in a stream which reads data from a DB2 database, you may see the error message “A default table space could not be found with a pagesize of at least 4096 that authorization ID TEST is authorized to use”. To configure DB2 to enable in-database caching to work properly in SPSS Modeler, the database administrator should create a "user temporary" tablespace and grant access to this tablespace to the relevant DB2 accounts. We recommend using a pagesize of 32768 in the new tablespace, as this will increase the limit on the number of fields that can be successfully cached.


  • Database errors with IBM DB2 for z/OS.

When running streams against DB2 for z/OS, you may experience database errors if the timeout for idle database connections is enabled and set too low. In DB2 for z/OS version 8, the default has changed from no timeout to 2 minutes. The solution is to increase the value of the DB2 system parameter IDLE THREAD TIMEOUT (IDTHTOIN), or reset the value to 0.


  • Scoring some models with confidences enabled using generated SQL returns a database error message on DB2 z/OS.

Scoring a subset of algorithms, with confidences enabled, using generated SQL can return an error on execution. The issue is specific to DB2 for z/OS; to fix this, use the Modeler Server Scoring Adapter for DB2 on z/OS.


  • Database bulk loaders.

In order to use the bulk loading feature of the Database export node, you need to install Python on the same machine as SPSS Modeler (or if using SPSS Modeler Server, on the same machine as the server). The "python_exe_path" parameter must be set in the options.cfg file. You can install Python from the SPSS Modeler Client, SPSS Modeler Server or SPSS Modeler Solution Publisher product DVDs.


  • Some aggregation results can differ between SQL pushback and native modes with Oracle.

When running a stream containing an Aggregate node, the values returned for 1st and 3rd Quartiles when pushing back SQL to an Oracle database may differ from those returned in native mode.


Modeling nodes

  • Record ID field.

Passing a non-numeric Record ID field into a modeling algorithm may cause a stream to execute slowly. The Record ID field is not a requirement for modeling, so we recommend filtering out the field.

  • Logistic Regression.

Binomial Logistic Regression does not allow strings longer than 8 characters. You can avoid this problem by encoding strings, for example by using the Anonymize node, before passing them to the algorithm.

If temporary disk space is low, Binomial Logistic Regression can fail to build, and reports an error. When building from a large data set (10GB or more), the same amount of free disk space is needed. You can use the environment variable SPSSTMPDIR to set the location of the temporary directory.

  • Cox regression.

On scoring a Cox regression model, an error is reported if empty strings in categorical variables are used as input to model building. Avoid using empty strings as input.

Integration with IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services

  • Storing SPSS Modeler streams in SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services.

No unlock checkbox is available when storing streams in the Collaboration and Deployment Services repository. Unlock is the default when storing streams. To lock or unlock an object, choose Tools->Repository->Explore, navigate to the object, and right-click on its name to display the context menu.

Integration with IBM SPSS Statistics

  • Generating non-English output.

When generating output in languages other than English, it is advisable to specify the language in the Syntax.


  • The 'Launch application' option of a Statistics Export node does not open the data set when working in distributed mode.

When running Modeler and Statistics together in Server mode, writing the data out and launching a Statistics session does not automatically open a Statistics client showing the data set read into the active data set. The workaround is to manually open the data file in Statistics client once it is launched.


Multi-byte data

  • Inserting multibyte data into Teradata from SPSS Modeler Server.

To insert multibyte data into a Teradata database from SPSS Modeler Server, use the following configuration:

1. Run the server in Unicode.

2. Set the Teradata user default character set to UNICODE using tdadmin.

3. Configure CharacterSet=UTF8 (UNIX DSN), or set the Session Character Set to UTF-8 (Windows DSN).

4. Ensure that there are only ASCII characters in the column names.

  • String Collation.

In this release, string sorting and comparison use the ICU 4.8.1 collation service for the system locale. Japanese collation does not distinguish half-width from full-width Katakana.


  • Graphs.

The screen reader is not able to read graphs, so these are not accessible to visually-impaired users.


SPSS Modeler Text Analytics

  • Cancelling an extraction can take a long time when working with very large data sets.

Multiple Interactive Workbench sessions can cause sluggish behavior. Text Analytics and Modeler share a common Java run-time engine when an interactive workbench session is launched. Depending on the number of Interactive Workbench sessions you invoke during a Modeler session - even if opening and closing the same session - system memory may cause the application to become sluggish. This effect may be especially pronounced if you are working with large data or have a machine with less than the recommended RAM setting of 4GB. If you notice your machine is slow to respond, it is recommended that you save all your work, shut down Modeler and re-launch the application. Running Text Analytics on a machine with less than the recommended memory - particularly when working with large data sets or for prolonged periods of time - may cause Java to run out of memory and shut down. It is strongly suggested you upgrade to the recommended memory setting or larger (or use Text Analytics Server) if you work with large data.


  • Scoring on rules is different in Text Analytics depending on whether you load a text analysis package (TAP) from Text Analytics directly or whether you load a TAP from Text Analytics for Surveys

Use TAPs made within Text Analytics as the ones made in Text Analytics for Surveys may be created using a different version of the linguistic resources.


  • Linux on x64 - openMP support requires the customer to install a separate package.

Linux Red Hat x64 support.
For Red Hat Linux, openMP support requires the package "libgomp-4.4.4-13.el5", which is available from the RedHat website:

Linux SuSe x64 support.

For SuSe11, openMP support requires the package "libgomp43 4.3.3_20081022", which is available from the SuSe website: .

The package is for the GNU compiler collection OpenMP runtime library, and is available from the section titled: "Development/Libraries/Parallel".

  • Client memory exhausted after many repeated Interactive Workbench extractions.

Modeler Client can run out of memory after multiple Text Analytics Interactive Workbench sessions have been run without restarting the application. Monitor the memory usage in the status line and, if running low, close and re-open Modeler Client.

Related information

Technical Support is available to maintenance customers. Customers may contact Technical Support for assistance in using IBM Corp. products or for installation help for one of the supported hardware environments. To reach Technical Support, see the IBM Corp. web site at . We recommend that you check the support site for updates.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2020.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3RA7","label":"IBM SPSS Modeler"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008hBRAAY","label":"Modeler-\u003EDocumentation"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"18.3.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 February 2023

