IBM Support

Fix list for IBM COBOL for Linux on x86

Release Notes


This document contains a complete listing of the latest releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes sorted by version for IBM COBOL for Linux on x86


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Helpful Hints For Obtaining Technical Assistance:

Before you contact IBM Support, gather the background information that you need to describe the problem. When you describe a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

  • Can the issue be reduced to a small test case?
  • Can the test case be provided to IBM?
  • What version and fix pack level were you using when the problem occurred?
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you use to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.

If you have helpful information to diagnose or identify the problem on your system, you can provide this data by following the instructions to exchange information with IBM Technical Support.

Table of Contents:

1.2.0 Fix Pack 4
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

May 1, 2024

PH61174 Incorrect results with comp-3 subtract value
PH60057 Abbreviated combined relation conditions not working

1.2.0 Fix Pack 3
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

February 13, 2024

PH59730 Files not being properly close when a user exception occurs
PH59566 Data exception not thrown with comp-3 add
PH59563 Invalid result from subtract statement
PH59771 cob3 assertion in dict_lookupqualifiedname
PH59770 cob3 assertion failure in gentranslate

1.2.0 Fix Pack 2
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

December 19, 2023

PH58656 New compiler sub-option ARITH(FULL)
PH58609 Recursive call error when an exception occurs

1.2.0 Fix Pack 1
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

August 28, 2023

PH56555 cob3 assertion failure for il_finishValueGen in qlnival.c
PH56556 Incorrect line numbers when debugging a COBOL program that uses CICS/DB2 copy books
PH56557 Incorrect debugger display of parameters for a dynamically called CICS COBOL program
PH56570 Non related data member getting overwritten after a COMPUTE statement

1.2 Release
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

June 9, 2023


Table of Contents:

1.1.0 Fix Pack 6
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

September 4, 2024

PH63071 New compiler sub-option ARITH(FULL)

1.1.0 Fix Pack 5
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

April 25, 2024

PH52470 ON SIZE error for COMP-2 data types
PH56557 Incorrect debugger display of parameters for a dynamically called CICS COBOL program
PH52453 Incorrect exponent in DISPLAY for COMP-2 items
PH44577 Missing catalog message file

1.1.0 Fix Pack 4
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

December 22, 2022

PH50806 IGYLN2927-S Incorrect qualifier detected at VALUE. Name is not valid error.
PH51624 Issue warning message if SIZE and MAXMEM options are used td>

1.1.0 Fix Pack 3
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

August 19, 2022

APAR Description
PH48094 Assertion ((recordPtr)->type)==0 failed in compiler Frontend with CICS and SQL
PH48628 Compiler error when if-else contains only exec sql statements
PH48635 Assert failure in WCodeDriver
PH48634 Compile time error with SECTION EXIT
PH48636 COBOL program leading to DB2 bind error
PH48792 PTF2 won't install on top of GA license file

1.1.0 Fix Pack 2
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

April 22, 2022

APAR Description
PH44059 FUNCTION TRIM causes a linker error related to undefined reference to `_Qln_triml'
PH45097 INITIALISE TALLY fails to compile with COBOL for Linux x86, V1.1
PH45093 IGYPS0212-S SQL host variable reference "TUOTTOPROSENTTI" has invalid syntax
PH43831 -host does not accept capitalized ASCII as a suboption
PH45675 Incorrect alignment offset message displayed by the compiler
PH45682 Incorrect embedded SQL behavior
PH45681 Compile time error when using D or d in column 7 with embedded CICS

1.1.0 Fix Pack 1
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

July 13, 2021

Relevant technotes:
APAR Description
PH38070 Adding support for IBM Debug for Linux on x86

1.1 Release
Compiler & Runtime Date Released

October 1, 2021


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SS7FZ2","label":"IBM COBOL for Linux on x86"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000007xLAAQ","label":"COBOL"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"1.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 September 2024

