IBM Support

QRadar: Hardware migrations and support case policies

Question & Answer


This article informs administrators about QRadar® Support policies. This document outlines out-of-scope work for hardware migration cases and the responsibilities of the QRadar administrator. 


Responsibilities for hardware migration issues

QRadar® administrators are required to replace hardware after five years or when the appliance reaches the End of Support date. QRadar Support can assist with errors or product functionality issues, but administrators are responsible to migrate QRadar to new appliances as outlined in the QRadar hardware migration documentation.
Support type Description Responsibility
Hardware migration support
QRadar® technical support teams can assist administrators with migration errors. QRadar® support can assist the customer in resolving migration issues, such as:
  1. Issues where administrators cannot complete an 'On Demand' configuration backup or when administrators experience errors restoring a QRadar config backup.
  2. Review error messages when administrators cannot change their network configuration or use remote management.
  3. Investigate errors when administrators attempt to Deploy Changes on the Console or Full Configuration Deploy errors.
  4. Provide advice on data not part of the configuration backup that might need to be backed up by the administrator. For example, trusted certificates or modifications made in Red Hat Enterprise, such as static routes or firewall (iptables) modifications.
  5. Applying fixes from previous cases where IBM development provided a software workaround for an issue. This scenario applies when customers migrate hardware to the same software version as the prior case, as typically fixes are written for a specific fix pack version.
  6. Technical questions directly related to the migration such as documentation, known issues, or how-to complete certain steps.
  7. Errors attempting to create a high-availability appliance pair.
  8. Troubleshooting user interface or application errors after a migration is complete.
  9. Data collection or service issues after the administrator completes a migration.
QRadar technical support

To open a case or report an error, contact QRadar technical support.
Out-of-scope for QRadar Support
Administrators are responsible for completing migrations and planning. The following activities are considered out-of-scope for technical support cases:
  1. Detailed design, planning, or performance recommendations. 
  2. Requests to audit data after a migration or complete reports for administrators about migrations for compliance purposes.
  3. Hardware or security recommendations.
  4. Requests for WebEx conferences to assist with appliance migrations when technical support is not required.
  5. Troubleshooting driver or firmware compatibility errors for hardware not purchased through IBM.
  6. Best practice for migrating data or requests to modify support tools used to complete migrations.
  7. General system reviews after a migration is complete. For example, "I completed a hardware migration to my new appliance and need support to review for issues."
  • Assistance with completing data migrations, audits, best practices, custom data migration utilities, and more can be provided by IBM Security Expert Labs
  • Contact you sales manager or sales team for hardware questions. For information about hardware warranty and hardware end of support policies, see the IBM QRadar Support Lifecycle.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwsyAAA","label":"Admin Tasks"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 June 2021

