IBM Support

Migration from IBM® QualityStage® Module for US Address Certification to IBM® QualityStage® Address Verification Interface

How To


This document describes the steps needed to migrate your Address Certification of United States addresses from IBM® QualityStage® Module for US Address Certification to IBM® QualityStage® Address Verification Interface


To simplify our address verification and certification offerings, IBM® consolidated the InfoSphere® QualityStage® Module for US Address Certification (USAC) with the InfoSphere® QualityStage® Module for Address Verification Interface (AVI). This change will help simplify ongoing operation and maintenance of the software and reduce future upgrade and migration complexity. Starting with AVI 10.6, customers can use the Address Verification Interface with the new IBM® InfoSphere® QualityStage® AVI Reference Data for US Address Certification to perform the address certification that they previously did with USAC. 
This change requires both a change in license entitlement (see Part Changes) and a technical migration of USAC jobs to AVI jobs. While the migration process is relatively simple and low risk, IBM® recommends performing a regression test after the migration to ensure no loss of functionality.
The AVI Reference Data for US Address Certification replacement for USAC is subject to terms required by the United States Postal Service. These terms prohibit the hosting of US Address Certification data outside of the United States of America. 
Part Changes
Previous New
1. IBM® InfoSphere® QualityStage® 1. IBM® InfoSphere® QualityStage® (No Change)
2. IBM® InfoSphere® QualityStage® Module for U.S. Address Certification
2. IBM® InfoSphere® QualityStage® Address Verification Interface (Existing Part, Version 10.6 Required)
3. IBM® InfoSphere® QualityStage® AVI Reference Data - For U.S. Address Certification (New Part)
IBM® supplies a command-line migration tool to aid in the migration of USAC jobs to AVI jobs. The package includes documentation and a video for using the tool.
The USAC to AVI CASS™ migration process now supports migrated jobs that already contain an Address Verification Interface stage. Before you import a migrated job, the latest AVI 10.6 quarterly update (Q2 2021 and beyond) must be installed.  See here for instructions to download and install the required part:

Additional Information

Q: If I currently use both AVI and USAC stages today, are these stages now represented as one stage with the new version of AVI?
A: No, you still need two separate stages for AVI vs USAC functionality, although both stages are AVI stages. The new AVI stage allows for a selection of AVI or USAC functionality to determine how the stage is treated and to provide connection options to the appropriate reference data. 
Q: If I upgrade to AVI 10.6, do I also need to upgrade my reference data at the same time?
A: AVI 10.5 reference data works with the AVI 10.6 interface. However, previous USAC reference data does not work with AVI 10.6. Customers must use the new IBM® InfoSphere QualityStage AVI Reference Data - For U.S. Address Certification. 
Q: Can I still download monthly updates for the USAC data?
A: Monthly data updates for the previous InfoSphere® QualityStage® Module for U.S. Address Certification (USAC) product will cease to be available as of 31 July 2021
Q: When is reference data updated for the new US Address reference data for AVI?
A: Reference data is updated monthly or the new U.S. Address reference data set. The U.S. Address Reference Data for AVI is distributed in the same manner as the other AVI reference data sets.

Related Information

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSVSBF","label":"InfoSphere QualityStage"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"},{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"IBM InfoSphere Information Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000L13TAAS","label":"QualityStage->Address Verification Interface - AVI"},{"code":"a8m50000000L13DAAS","label":"QualityStage->US Address Certification - USAC - CASS"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.5.0;11.7.0;11.7.1"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 June 2021

