IBM Support

Integrating MaaS360 and G Suite

How To


Instructions for integrating MaaS360 and G Suite (now called Google Workspace). This will allow admins to have visibility over devices that have G Suite accounts configured as an enterprise mail resource, and will grant the ability to implement access control rules.


G Suite is going through a rebranding as 'Google Workspace'. This could potentially impact the Google interface and workflows.  The instructions provided here are valid as of October 2020.
If significant UI updates are implemented, this page will be updated accordingly.


Please note: This will require admin access to both MaaS360 and Google admin consoles to complete the steps
Open using Chrome as the browser: please make sure that you are not auto logged in as the incorrect account.  You must be logged in to the site as a G Suite admin.
Select Create Project
Console login
The project name may be anything you like, but we suggest something that will be easily identifiable - MaaS360 *Account Number* or MaaS360 G Suite Integration are common names.  The Organization should be the primary with which MaaS360 will integrate.
Project name
Once the created project loads, select Credentials.  If no consent screen has ever been configured, you will have to go through this process first.
Credentials 1st screen
Select Configure Consent Screen, choose Internal, and then Create.
Internal Consent Screen
While you may fill out all the desired fields for the consent screen, for our purposes only App Name (MaaS360), User Support Email (G Suite admin email address), and Developer Contact Email (any email address) are required.  Once all the fields are configured, select Save and Continue.
User consent screen
Consent Screen 2
No Scopes need to be configured for MaaS360, select Save and Continue at the bottom and proceed to the final screen for Consent Screen configuration, and select Back to Dashboard - you will see your consent screen listed.
Consent Screen Final
Select Credentials on the left window pane.  Select Create Credentials  and  OAuth Client ID
Expand the Application Type menu bar and select Web Application
Web Application
The suggested name of the OAuth Client ID is MaaS360 *Account ID* - example: MaaS360 30018781.  You will also need to add the Javascript Origins and Authorized Redirect URIs.  The URIs are as follows:
Authorized Javascript origins:
Authorized redirect URI:
The # should be replaced with the first number of your MaaS360 account ID.  This will be a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6.
Select Create.  A success screen will pop up, though you will not need the information present on this screen, and can dismiss it.
You should now see the OAuth Client listed in the project.  Select the download icon that MaaS360 will use to complete the process.
Download JSON
Open the MaaS360 portal and navigate to Setup-->Services-->Enterprise Email Integration.  Enable the G Suite option and choose the box to configure credentials.  As you have been following these instructions, you may skip the first two screens to the final configuration screen.
Enable Service
Final Config
Enter the Google Admin email (G Suite email address of an admin), upload the JSON, and enter a notification email address in case there are sync failures (can be any email address).
This completes the initial setup.  First sync may take ~15 minutes to complete.  Devices receiving activesync G Suite email will populate in the device inventory in a "Not Enrolled" status. 
Once the integration is setup, admins may navigate back to Setup-->Services-->Enterprise Email Integration and optionally choose to enable access control measures.
Access Control
The integration of MaaS360 with G Suite for device visibility and access control is now complete!

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000712AAA","label":"INTEGRATIONS"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 October 2020

