IBM Support

MustGather: Issues with the IBM Web Administration for i GUI



This document explains how to collect data for issues with the IBM Web Administration for i GUI.  Gathering this information before calling IBM Support will help familiarize you with the troubleshooting process and save you time.


One or more Java exceptions in the IBM Web Administration for i application.  IBM Web Administration for i GUI is not functioning as expected.


IBM i OS; ADMIN Server

Resolving The Problem

If you encounter an error when accessing the IBM Web Administration for i application (HTTPAdmin), you should collect the following information when the internal application server and application(s) are experiencing the problem:

Enable tracing for the ADMIN4 application server

1. Open the IBM Web Administration console (http://serverName:2001/HTTPAdmin).
2. Click on Manage -> Application Servers. Select the "Admin4 - V8.5 (int app svr)" server from the list, then click on "Logging" under "Server Properties" in the left-hand menu.
3. Select the "Server Logging" tab, change the "Maximum log files:" field to 10, and change the Message Source to "accessLog,ffdc,message,trace" or *ALL from the drop-down list.
4. Click the 'Server Logging' tab. Take note of the value in the "Trace Specifications" field, the default is *=info . Change it to "".
5. Click the OK button.

End the IBM i Administration Server

  1. From a 5250 Emulation session, execute the command, ENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN).
  2. Execute the command, WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR).
  3. Wait for all of the ADMINx jobs to end.
  4. After all ADMINx jobs have ended, proceed to the next step.

Implement additional JVM options for the ADMIN4 application server

NOTE: These steps are only required if you are experiencing issues managing WebSphere Application Servers in the IBM Web Administration for i GUI.
  1. Issue the following command.
    EDTF STMF('/qibm/userdata/os/admininst/admin4/wlp/usr/servers/admin4/jvm.options')
  2. Insert the following lines into the file (optional:  This is only required for issues with managing WebSphere Application Servers).
  3. Press F3 twice to save & exit the file.

Restart the HTTP Admin server

  1. From a 5250 Emulation session, execute the command, STRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(*ADMIN).
  2. Execute the command, WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR).
  3. Wait for all of the ADMINx jobs to start and stop utilizing CPU.
  4. After all ADMINx jobs have started and their CPU utilization is 0~1%, proceed to the next step.

Recreate the issue

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the IBM Web Administration for i GUI using the debug URL (http://<server>:2001/HTTPAdmin?debug=finest).
  3. Recreate the issue.
    * Typically, it is recommended to gather a screen shot of the issue/error message and provide IBM Support with the detailed steps followed to recreate the issue.

Execute the QMGTOOLS/HTTPADMCOL utility and upload the file

  1. If the QMGTOOLS library has not yet been installed, you should refer to the following document for information on how to download and install the QMGTOOLS toolkit on your IBM i server.
  2. Type the following command on the IBM i command line: ADDLIBLE QMGTOOLS
  3. Take an opt. 13 to check for an update and follow the prompts to automatically download and restore the updated library. NOTE: If the system cannot connect to IBM please perform 'Method 3' from the following document to manually update the QMGTOOLS library:
  4. Uploading data to IBM requires a data transfer ID. Ensure that you create a transfer ID and transfer PASSWORD at the following website:
  5. We can then run our collector command:  HTTPADMCOL ARE_FLAG(Y) FTPRSP(Y) FTPTYPE(*HTTPS) IBMID('transferid') IBMPWD('password') CASE_NBR(TSxxxxxxxxx) EMAIL(YOUREMAIL@COMPANY.COM)
* The above command will run for 5-15 minutes and will automatically FTP the /tmp/collectorscripts/data/ file to EcuRep and forward the data to the IBM Support Case Number specified.

*** If the local IBM i server does not have access to IBM's EcuRep FTP server, the automatic upload will fail.  As a result, the /tmp/collectorscripts/data/ file will need to be uploaded manually to

For transferring files to IBM that are smaller than 2GB each (files may exceed 2GB in total):

    - If you have an existing IBM Support Case
    1. Go to our ECUREP upload site at the following address:
    2. Enter your IBM Support Case Number. Then, click the Continue button.
    3. On the next screen, click on the Choose File button to select the file you would like to upload to IBM Support. Click Submit to transfer the file and associate it with your IBM Support Case.
    - If you are opening a new IBM Support Case
    1. Sign-in to the IBM My Support Portal at the following URL:
    2. Click on the button "Open a case".
    3. Fill in the necessary fields to create a new case.
    4. Scroll down to the Attachments section and click the Upload Files button.
    5. On the next screen, click on the Choose File button to select the file you would like to upload to IBM Support. Click Submit to transfer the file and associate it with your IBM Support Case.  Please note that there is a 2GB limit per file.
    6. Click the Submit case button at the bottom of the page when you are ready to finish creating your IBM Support Case.

For complete instructions on using the HTTPADMCOL utility in QMGTOOLS, refer to the URL,

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CIcAAM","label":"IBM i Administration Server"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
07 August 2024

