IBM Support

Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1.0 Fix Pack 23, 8.1.0-TIV-NCOMNIbus-FP0023



This fix pack is a cumulative fix release and addresses some new APARs and internally found issues since the release of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1.0 Fix Pack 22.

Download Description

Java 8 Important Information

This upgrade uninstalls the existing IBM Java 7 and installs the latest version of the IBM Java 8 JRE. If any of the Java 7 files were modified since the v8.1 installation, then these modified files are removed during the upgrade process, with the exception of the file. Before you perform the upgrade, backup these modified files to a private location, then after the upgrade reapply the modifications. The Java 8 file has big differences to the Java 7 file, so any modifications will need to be applied after reviewing the default file.

IBM Java 8 will NOT run on some older versions of operating systems, which include the following operating systems:
- AIX 6.1 before Tech Level 9
- Older versions of Linux (due to a GLIBC 2.7 requirement)
- Solaris SPARC 32 bit (IBM Java on Solaris SPARC is 64 bit only)

The following defect solutions are included in this release:



        The scripts to install automatic startup scripts on Linux systems
        have been updated to support systemd as used on RHEL 7, SuSE 12
        and later versions of Linux. The script also now uses
        /etc/os-release to determine the Operating System in use if

        A problem concerning multiple definitions of the same table in
        rules include files (introduced in IV91244) has been resolved.
        Previously the probe would unnecessarily read in the data
        multiple times leading to excessive memory growth upon rules file
        rereading, and possible errors creating the cache rules files if

        The NT Event List (NCOEvent.exe) is the native desktop on Windows
        for Netcool/OMNIbus. When making a connection, one of the attributes
        that it presents to the ObjectServer, is an identifying AppName.
        The AppName is saved in the system database 'catalog.connections' as
        well as displayed in SQL debug messages in the ObjectServer's log.
        The format for AppName of a Windows Desktop client is
        'NT Event List@ip-addr-in-hex'. When the Windows host for the Desktop
        is configured for IPv6, the hex encoding of the address was incorrect.
        This has now been fixed.
        Example (incorrect) for IPv6:
        NT Event List@FE000000740A9ACE
        Fixed IPv6 result is in typical IPv6 address encoding, for example:
        NT Event List@fe80::749c:a2c:9
        (Note that the address would be truncated as the field only allows for
        a maximum of 30 characters in the entire field. That is too short for
        most IPv6 addresses.)
        Example for IPv4:
        NT Event List@0914C14A
        The ObjectServer has been fixed so that it now simultaneously support
        Props.LiveUpdate TRUE while maintaining the existing behaviour of the
        'ALTER SYSTEM SET' SQL command.
        The new generic property Props.LiveUpdate was introduced in
        8.1 fixpack 22 (APAR IJ21246).
        When this property is set to TRUE, and an update to the props file
        is detected, the file is reread and processed at runtime without the
        need to stop/restart a component.
        The ObjectServer also supports property updates via the SQL
        'ALTER SYSTEM SET' command. Any property update via this command
        should always take precedence over any manual props file updates.
        It should be possible to update one property via the props file whilst
        another using the SQL command, without any unexpected results.
        Only properties that can also be updated via 'ALTER SYSTEM SET' command
        should become effective if the update is attempted via the propsfile.
        (Many ObjectServer properties are READONLY)

        The new generic property 'Props.LiveUpdate' was introduced in
        OMNIbus 8.1 fixpack 22 (APAR IJ21246).
        This fix adds support for the 'Props.LiveUpdate' property in the
        ObjectServer's ldap.props file, and provides a workaround
        solution for enhancement request RFE 134706. It enables the
        periodic dynamic update of the distinguished name password
        'LDAPBindPassword' without the need to stop/restart the
        To enable this feature, the 'Props.LiveUpdate' property must be
        added to the ldap.props file and set to TRUE. The default value
        is FALSE.
        Note that it is only the 'LDAPBindPassword' property that can be
        modified without a stop/restart. Updates to any of the other
        properties in the ldap.props file will be ignored.
        If a WebGUI system needs to authenticate via LDAP and also
        requires periodic dynamic updates to the distinguished name
        password for the LDAP connection, it could instead be configured
        to authenticate via the ObjectServer, which in turn then needs to
        be configured to interface with LDAP.

        Add a function to probe rules, md5_hash, that generates an MD5
        hash value for a string.

        When setting a new incr value (e.g. the Serial column in
        alerts.status) using the "alter table" SQL the checks that the
        ObjectServer performed on the suitability of the new incr value
        were insufficient and did not take wrapping incr values into
        account. The checks have been updated now such that the new incr
        value must be at least 1000000 away from every existing incr
        value in the table, including taking wrapping incr values into

        To address possible security issues, the JRE for Tivoli
        Netcool/OMNIbus V8.1.0 is updated to IBM JRE 8.0 SR6 FP10.
        ObjectServer Gateway debug log messages related to locks
        acquired/released on the cache manager, insert/update/delete
        table data handlers, and data entries being
        inserted/updated/deleted are no longer being logged. They were
        logged very frequently and contain no other debugging information
        of use. The frequency of these items in the log also caused the
        log files to wrap more often which could cause useful debugging
        information to be missed.
        The "Execute ObjectServer SQL command" log message from the
        ObjectServer gateways now logs the name of the ObjectServer in
        which the SQL was being executed.

        nco_adduser and nco_removeuser scripts would not run on Linux
        platforms that cannot run 32-bit binaries. The nco_common script
        has been updated to ensure that the 64-bit version of isql is
        executed when these scripts are run.

        Password change commands issued by the native EventLists are now
        scrubbed in accordance. This follows on from the changes made in
        APAR IJ11039.

        Add a function to probe rules to determine if one string
        expression contains another string expression.

        The md5_hash() ObjectServer function could cause the ObjectServer
        to fail for some values and also produce incorrect hashes for
        other values. These problems have been resolved.

        The Sybase jConnect JDBC3 driver for the ObjectServer does not
        support a proper meta data interface similar to a Sybase
        database.  In response to an attempt to retrieve a meta data
        object upon connection, the following SQL exception would be
        thrown: -
        java.sql.SQLException: JZ0SJ: Metadata accessor information was
        not found on this database. Please install the required tables as
        mentioned in the jConnect documentation.
        The JDBC3 driver has been amended to 'do nothing' and not throw
        an exception on a meta data request.

Installation Instructions

OMNIbus core 8.1 must be installed prior to installing this Fixpack.
Fixpacks are cumulative, the latest Fixpack can be applied to update
OMNIbus core to the latest Fixpack version.

IMPORTANT: Before installing this fix, ensure that all Tivoli Network
Management applications on your computer are shut down.

Installation Manager
The latest version of Installation Manager is recommended and can be
downloaded from

Check the required version of IBM Installation Manager in the IBM Software
Product Compatibility Reports at:

Check the Installation Manager and OMNIbus version installed by running the
imcl listInstalledPackages -features -long
which can be found in the following locations:
Windows: install_dir\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools
Linux and UNIX: install_dir/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools

Installation manager can be started in console mode by running the command:
imcl -c
which can be found in the following locations:
Windows: install_dir\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools
Linux and UNIX: install_dir/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools

Installation manager can be started in GUI mode by running the application:
which can be found in the following locations:
Windows: install_dir\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse
Linux and UNIX: install_dir/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse

At any stage if you encounter difficulties using Installation Manager
you can consult the built in help or the latest Installation Manager
documentation by searching IBM Knowledge Center at

Using IBM Passport Advantage(r)
If your computer has internet access and you have an IBM Passport
Advantage account, you can update packages directly from Passport
1. Start Installation Manager.
2. Under the Preferences option, select Repositories and make
sure the "Search service repositories during installation
and updates" is checked.
3. Select the update option and select the "IBM Tivoli Netcool
OMNIbus" entry from the list of packages to find updates for.

Local Repository
Extract the Fixpack into a new temporary directory, then specify the
repository in the preferences before you update. Each package must
be extracted into a new directory.
1. Start Installation Manager.
2. Under the Preferences option, select Repositories and add a
new repository. Give the location of the extracted
OMNIbusRepository/composite directory
3. Select the update option and select the "IBM Tivoli Netcool
OMNIbus" entry from the list of packages to find updates for.

Electronic Software Delivery(ESD) Zip File
If you have downloaded the ESD for Fix Pack 23 then:
1. Create a directory to store the files and extract the contents
on the zip file into this.
2. If you have installed Installation Manager using either
Administrator or Nonadministrator mode, run the update_gui
script to launch Installation Manager into the update panel
without the requirement of configuring the update repository.
3. If the script fails, or Installation Manager is installed in
Group mode, or you want to run in console mode, then you must
configure the update repository as in the Local Repository
above, with the new repository being the extracted
OMNIbusRepository/composite directory.
4. Select the "IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus" entry from the list of
packages to find updates for.

[{"DNLabel":"8.1.0-TIV-NCOMNIbus-FP0023","DNDate":"28 Aug 2020","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"99999999 B","DNPlat":{"label":"Linux","code":"PF016"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":"","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSSHTQ","label":"Tivoli Netcool\/OMNIbus"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus

Problems (APARS) fixed

Document Information

Modified date:
28 August 2020

