How To
Two items can improve the performance well to fetch data from JSON-based RESTful data source via Autonomous REST Connector.
1. Update value of "InsensitiveResultSetBufferSize" property in connection string;
2. Filtering the fetching data in RESTful data source remotely
CREATE SERVER LOGMONITOR type autorest wrapper JDBC options (
DRIVER_PACKAGE '/home/inst1/sqllib/federation/jdbc/lib/FOautorest.jar',
driver_class '',
url 'jdbc:ibm:autorest:Config=/opt/LogMonitor/cfg/;createMap=forceNew;InsensitiveResultSetBufferSize=4096;')
lowScore: The minimum score for searching students
highScore: The maximum score for searching students
It searches the dataset of students whose score is in the scope [lowScore, highScore]
Example of RESTful call:
Attention please:
The comments(#1 and #2) below are used for explanation only;
Please remove all the comments in your configuration file.
#1. define the fields of student object returned from RESTful call
#2. define the mapping between operator in SQL and filter parameter in RESTful API
"low": {
"high": {
In this example, a virtual column 'low' is defined in the AutoREST Connector configuration file, and when there is a 'greater than or equal to' ('ge') operator is calculated against this column in the SQL issued towards the RESTful data source at Federation side, the Autonomous REST Connector will covert the 'greater than or equal to' operator to the RESTful API 'getStudent' with the defined 'lowSCore' parameter and the value for this operator.
CREATE SERVER EXAMMONITOR type autorest wrapper JDBC options (
DRIVER_PACKAGE '/home/inst1/sqllib/federation/jdbc/lib/FOautorest.jar',
driver_class '',
url 'jdbc:ibm:autorest:Config=/opt/ExamMonitor/;createMap=forceNew;InsensitiveResultSetBufferSize=4096');
-- You can ignore the "create user" step below if the RESTful call doesn't need authentication.
Create user mapping for user server EXAMMONITOR options ( REMOTE_AUTHID 'user', REMOTE_PASSWORD 'password');
Create nickname nck1 for EXAMMONITOR.tab1;
Run SQL:
select * from nck1 where low >= 70 and high <= 90
The SQL will be converted to be:
Operator in SQL statement
Syntax in AutoREST Connector configuration file
Result in RESTful call
= | "#eq":"a" |
"x=y" in WHERE clause of SQL statement is rendered "a=y"
It issues a RESTful call with parameter "a=y" to filter the fetching result
!= or <> | "#ne":"a" |
"x!=y" in WHERE clause of SQL statement is rendered "a=y"
It issues a RESTful call "a=y" with parameter to filter the fetching result
< | "#lt":"a" |
"x<y" in WHERE clause of SQL statement is rendered "a=y"
It issues a RESTful call "a=y" with parameter to filter the fetching result
<= | "#le":"a" |
"x<=y" in WHERE clause of SQL statement is rendered "a=y"
It issues a RESTful call with parameter a=y to filter the fetching result
> | "#gt":"a" |
"x>y" in WHERE clause of SQL statement is rendered "a=y"
It issues a RESTful call with parameter "a=y" to filter the fetching result
>= | "#ge":"a" |
"x>=y" in WHERE clause of SQL statement is rendered "a=y"
It issues a RESTful call with parameter "a=y" to filter the fetching result
in | "#in":"a" |
"x in (1,2,3)" in the WHERE clause of SQL statement is rendered "a=1,2,3"
It issues a RESTful call with parameter "a=1,2,3" to filter the fetching result
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Modified date:
15 July 2020