IBM Support

Type-ahead for ClearQuest web

Product Documentation


This document contains instructions for configuring, administering, and using IBM Rational ClearQuest type-ahead feature.


Configuring and maintaining type-ahead for IBM Rational ClearQuest Web

© Copyright IBM corporation, 2014

IBM Rational ClearQuest Web supports a new feature called type-ahead. This feature lets you configure ClearQuest Web to allow your end users to use any choice-list drop-down as a search field to find items available in the choice-list. As the user types a few letters and words, ClearQuest type-ahead will present a list of matching items in a ranked order. For example, assume you have a choice-list field with hundreds of items. Traditionally, the only way a user will find an item is by clicking on the down-arrow of the choice-list to navigate through the list, or if the user knows the exact letters the item starts with, they can type it to jump to the match. This is a cumbersome solution and is not very helpful for long choice-lists.

Using ClearQuest type-ahead, a user can now simply type a few letters or words about the item they are looking for in the choice-list field box. Those letters or words can be anywhere in the text of the item. As the user is typing, a list of matching items is presented ranked from most to least relevant. As more letters or words are typed, the list is narrowed to the items related to the entered text. In effect the user no longer has to navigate through hundreds of items looking for the one they want.

Prerequisites for IBM Rational ClearQuest Web type-ahead

IBM Rational ClearQuest Web type-ahead requires ClearQuest or later. In addition, type-ahead requires that you have ClearQuest full-text search enabled using Solr 3.6.1 or later. Read the two scenarios on upgrading to ClearQuest or later and to Solr 3.6.1.

Enabling IBM Rational ClearQuest Web type-ahead

Before you can enable ClearQuest type-ahead, you will need to deploy and enable ClearQuest full-text search. At a minimum, full-text search must be enabled on the record-types and fields you want to use for type-ahead.

ClearQuest type-ahead can be enabled along with full-text search or after enabling full-text search. Enabling, configuring, and maintaining type-ahead has no downtime impact on ClearQuest Web. However, while type-ahead is being enabled, or during follow up maintenance and configuration work, there may be momentary interruptions to existing full-text search or type-ahead usage. The interruption can be in the form of an error message indicating that full-text search is not available; in some cases, the results may be incorrect or incomplete. For the incomplete result case, this may last for the duration of the operation being performed on type-ahead. That is, if the index is being re-generated, and if the operation will take just hours or few days, the results will be incorrect for the entire duration of the operation. For details of how each operation impacts type-ahead and full-text search usage, see the detailed description of the type-ahead full-text search command section as well as the scenarios section for type-ahead.

To enable type-ahead, you will need to work with your ClearQuest schema designer and based on your organizational need, determine which reference fields on a form will be enabled for type-ahead usage. Once you make a list of those fields, you will examine the record-type associated with those fields and then decide which fields in each record-type will be used for type-ahead. Once you have that list, you are ready to enable ClearQuest type-ahead.

As an exercise, assume you will enable both ClearQuest full-text search, and type-ahead on a ClearQuest database using the out-of-the-box DefectTracking schema. To do this, follow those steps:

1. Create a text file, and call it typeahead_cfg.txt (you can call it anything you want) and enter the following in the text file:


2. Using full-text search administration tool, run the command:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --init_cq_fts includeusersgroups --create_fts_was_profile manual --fts_was_profile_home D:\FTS.Profiles

3. In your full-text search deployment home directory, locate the file cqtsadmin-TextSearch-SAMPL.xml. Edit this file by changing the value for the XML block <enableTypeahead> from:

<newValue required="no"></newValue>


<newValue required="no">true</newValue>

4. Using full-text search administration tool, run the command:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg.txt"

5. Using full-text search administration tool, run the command:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --setup_cq_fts

Once these steps are completed, type-ahead will be enabled and ready for use from ClearQuest Web. If you are already logged in to ClearQuest Web, re-login for changes to take affect, and then create a new Defect. In the Owner field, instead of clicking on the down-arrow, click in the choice-list box and type a letter such as “e”. The list will show all items that have the letter “e” anywhere in the text of fields used for type-ahead, per the type-ahead configuration file. Continue typing by adding an “a”, so now you have “ea”, and see that the list is narrowed to a single match, which is the record “lead”. Start over and type the two letters “e” and “I”, with a space between them, and the list will show “engineer” and “admin”.

After enabling type-ahead, you can further configure and maintain it as your organizational needs change. For example, you may need to add or remove a record-type or fields to match the corresponding schema changes. You may want to disable type-ahead on one or more record types. You may need to optimize the type-ahead index to reduce its size and fragmentation. All of these use-cases are described as a story in the scenarios section of this documentation.

Attention: Enabling, configuring, and maintaining type-ahead is done on a per-ClearQuest user-database basis. If you have two or more user databases, each will have to be enabled, configured, and maintained independently. In addition, an operation that is run against a user database does not impact any other user database. If your ClearQuest user database is MultiSite replicated, type-ahead enablement and configuration impacts all other replicas of that user database, provided the entire clan uses a single full-text search server (contact customer support for guidance if your clan uses multiple full-text search servers).

Understanding the IBM Rational ClearQuest Web type-ahead configuration file

To enable ClearQuest type-ahead, you will need to create a text file in which you will enter the record-type name and the fields for that record-type that you want to be searchable by full-text search. The format of the type-ahead configuration file is as follows:

<record-type-name> = <field-name-#1>,<field-name-#2>,<etc>

If you are enabling type-ahead on more than one record-type, simply repeat this line format for the additional record-types using one line per record-type. When you use the “import” argument of the full-text-text search administration command typeahead_cmd, the “import” command will validate the correctness of the type-ahead configuration file before it is used. The validation is in the following forms:

1. The data is syntactically correct. Missing “=” or “,” are reported as error.

2. The record-type names and fields are correct. The spelling as well as case sensitivity of the record-type name and the fields must match of those in the ClearQuest database for that record-type. In addition, all the fields must exist and match for that record-type in the ClearQuest database.

3. The record-type and fields must also be indexed by full-text search. If a record-type or a field configured for type-ahead is not enabled for full-text search, the type-ahead configuration validation will fail.

The following should be noted about the type-ahead configuration data and its impact on your type-ahead usage:

1. The first set of field(s), for each record-type is expected to be the unique key field(s). If the unique key field is missing, then they are added when the file is uploaded to the ClearQuest master-property table. The file itself is never modified.

2. For a stateless record-type, a record-type may contain two or more unique key fields, known as a compound unique key; if so, then all the unique key fields must be used.

3. The order in which you list the fields for a record-type is the order in which the result-set of the drop-down choice-list will appear.

4. The list of fields for a record-type is the list of fields in which full-text search searches within. The unique key field(s) is always part of this search field list.

5. If a field in the type-ahead configuration file is repeated, then the value for that field will also repeat in the result-set of the drop-down choice-list.

6. The order display order of field list you specify in the type-ahead configuration file, is the order in which the drop-down list in the choice-list will appear.

7. If a record-type has no field list after the “=” then the only value you will see in the type-ahead result-set of the drop-down choice-list is the key value for that record-type. In addition, the unique key field will be the only searched field for that record-type.

Enabling IBM Rational ClearQuest Web type-ahead in a non-MultiSite replicated ClearQuest environment (typical configuration)

If your ClearQuest environment is not MultiSite enabled, and you want to be able to use full-text search and type-ahead on the users and groups record-type, then you must make sure all ClearQuest clients are using ClearQuest or later. You can use the client version check feature associated with feature level 8 to prevent downrev clients from accessing the database. Failure to upgrade or disallow downrev clients will result with incomplete full-text search and type-ahead hit results in particular on users and groups record-types. However, if you choose not to index users and groups record-types, you can continue to use older ClearQuest clients as long as the database feature level is 7 or greater.

Enabling IBM Rational ClearQuest Web type-ahead in a MultiSite replicated ClearQuest environment

If your ClearQuest environment is MultiSite replicated, and you want to enable type-ahead, you do not need to upgrade all ClearQuest clients and ClearQuest Web servers at the same time. You can have a mix of different versions of ClearQuest Web servers. In this situation, any older version of ClearQuest Web will simply not have the type-ahead feature capability. In this environment, you only need the ClearQuest full-text search server and one of your ClearQuest Web servers upgraded to or later. The other ClearQuest Web servers as well as any other ClearQuest clients can be downrev as low as 7.1, and upgraded over time. (

init_cq_fts [includeUsersGroups]


Copies the ClearQuest full-text search default template and then generates the default entity file. In effect, it runs both the copy_fts_template and gen_entity_file options. This command is one of the first commands that you run when you deploy full-text search. It creates a dbset_userdb directory in your ftshome directory. All default data and settings that are related to this deployment are placed in this directory. One of the key files that this option creates is the Entity-dbset-userdb.txt entity file. It is placed in your ftshome directory. When you customize your deployment, you decide whether to leave it as is or to remove record types and fields that you do not want to be searched. Another file that is created is the cqftsadmin-dbset-userdb.xml full-text search administrator configuration file. This file holds additional default settings that are specific for your deployment and environment such as the server name, your WebSphere Application Server profile name, the index batch size, and the index frequency.

Note: This command-line option is typically run in combination with the create_fts_was_profile and fts_was_profile_home command-line options so that a new WebSphere Application Server profile is created for this deployment. Otherwise, the ClearQuest full-text search deployment fails, unless you reuse a WebSphere Application Server profile that was previously deployed for full-text search.

New with ClearQuest, is the optional parameter includeUsersGroups that you can pass to init_cq_fts. If init_cq_fts is passed this parameter, it will also include users and groups record-types as part of the full-text search deployment. If you already have a full-text search deployment and want to take advantage of being able to search on users and groups record-types, you can use the add_record_type command-line option to add them.

Note: The use of includeUsersGroups is not tied to ClearQuest Web type-ahead feature, it can be used as a stand-alone feature of full-text search.

Attention: If you intend to index users and groups record-type, you must make sure that all your clients are at ClearQuest version or later. Failure to do so can result with incomplete hit results when searching on users and groups record-types. You can use ClearQuest’s “Client Version Control” capability to enforce this. Read Technote # 1632013 for details. Note that, if your ClearQuest configuration is MultiSite enabled, then this requirement does not apply; you can have mixed versions of thick ClearQuest clients and ClearQuest Web in your environment downrev to version 7.1.


Use this command to preconfigure your full-text search deployment. It creates your ftshome directory, copies the default files to it, and sets default values. Before you complete your deployment, you typically customize the entity file.


This command creates a new ftshome directory if it does not exist and copies the default data and settings for your deployment into it.

Stateful status

This option is not stateful. This command should never fail unless there is an I/O error.


You want to start a new full-text search deployment for one of your user databases and you want to index “users” and “groups” record-types.

1. Run this command to preconfigure your deployment.

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TextSearch --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --init_cq_fts includeusersgroups --create_fts_was_profile Automatic --fts_was_profile_home D:\CQFTS.WASprofiles

2. Edit this deployment entity file to remove record types or fields that users should not be able to search. Also, add an ampersand (&) in front of a field for each record type. This will be the display field in the hit result set of full-text search.


3. Complete your deployment by running this command:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TextSearch --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --setup_cq_fts

typeahead_cmd "import -file <typeahead-config-file>"


This command is used to enable, configure, and maintain ClearQuest type-ahead feature. This command takes one or more arguments, and when the argument is more than one, the entire argument must be in double-quotes. Before you can use this command, you must first enable type-ahead by changing the value of <enableTypehead> XML tag in the ClearQuest full-text search administrator configuration file called cqtsadmin-<dbset>-<userdb>.xml


After deploying ClearQuest full-text search and determining which fields on a form of your ClearQuest schema you want to enable type-ahead, you use this command to enable, configure and maintain ClearQuest type-ahead.

Use the “import” type-ahead argument command to import your type-ahead configuration data into the ClearQuest master-property table. The import will fail if the file format is invalid or it contains invalid data such as record-type names and fields. If the ClearQuest master-property table already has data for type-ahead, the old data will be overwritten with the new data.

After the type-ahead data has been imported into the ClearQuest master-property table, if a change was made to the type-ahead configuration, such as a record-type was removed, then the command will also remove that record-type from the full-text search index for type-ahead.

Note: It should be noted that this is the only condition which will cause an update to the type-ahead index when this command is run. If you add a record-type or make a change to the list of fields for a record-type, you will need to follow up this command with "sync_idx" argument type-ahead command for the type-ahead index to be in-sync with your type-ahead configuration change.

It is an error to use “import” argument command without passing it a file name.


The ClearQuest master-property table is updated with the new type-ahead data. If your type-ahead configuration data was changed such that it removed a record-type which had been enabled for type-ahead, then your type-ahead index is also removed, thus your index is also impacted.

Stateful status

This type-ahead argument command is stateful. If the command fails during one of its execution point, you should be able to correct the issue and then run the command again. The operation continues from where it stopped. If a failure occurs, an error message tells you what to do.


You need to enable or change a type-ahead configuration.

1. Create or edit your type-ahead configuration file based on your type-ahead needs.

2. Run the command to apply your type-ahead change:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg.txt"

3. If you changed a type-ahead configuration by adding a new record-type or adding / removing a field to an existing record-type, then you need to follow up your “import” command with a "sync_idx" command:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"

typeahead_cmd "export -file <typeahead-config-file>"


Use to “export” the type-ahead configuration data as it is currently stored in the ClearQuest master-property to a file or screen.


The “export” type-ahead argument command is used to export to a file the ClearQuest type-ahead configuration data as it currently exists in the ClearQuest master-property table. If a file under the name <typeahead_cfg.txt> already exists, it will be overwritten. If you leave out the “-file <typeahead-config-file>”, the type-ahead data is displayed on the screen output of the command.


If you provide a file name, and a file under that name already exist, it will be overwritten.

Stateful state

This type-ahead argument command is not stateful. This command should never fail unless if there is an I/O error.


You need to find out what your existing type-ahead configuration is.

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "export -file typeahead_cfg.txt"

typeahead_cmd "validate -file <typeahead-config-file"


Use the “validate” type-ahead argument command to validate your ClearQuest type-ahead configuration data.


The “validate” type-ahead argument command is used to validate your ClearQuest type-ahead configuration data. The command will examine the content of your configuration file and verify that the format of the data is correct as well as that the record-types and their fields are valid in your schema and are indexed by full-text search. If you leave out the “-file” part, then the validation is done against the existing type-ahead configuration data already stored in the ClearQuest master-property table. Both forms of validation are useful.

The file-based validation is used to validate that your configuration data is correct before you make the change to type-ahead by the “import” command. In fact, if the file fails validation, it will not be imported when you run the “import” type-ahead command.

The “-file”-less base validation is used to validate that your existing configuration data as it exists in the ClearQuest master-property table is still valid against your existing full-text search deployment. This kind of validation you will want to do after you have made changes to your full-text search deployment such as adding or removing record-types or fields to your full-text search deployment.


The type-ahead configuration or full-text search deployment data and settings are not affected.

Stateful state

This type-ahead argument command is not stateful. This command should never fail unless if there is an I/O error.


You need to “validate” that your recent full-text search changes you have applied has not caused any side effect to your type-ahead configuration.

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "validate"

typeahead_cmd "remove -file <typeahead-config-file>"


Use the “remove” type-ahead argument command to disable your type-ahead enablement.


The “remove” type-ahead argument command is used to remove the type-ahead configuration data from the ClearQuest master-property table and by doing so type-ahead will be disabled on all fields that type-ahead was enabled for.

After running this command, your type-ahead index remains on the disk, consuming disk-space. You should run the “delete_idx” command to also delete the index and reclaim the disk-space.


The ClearQuest master-property table is changed such that the data for type-ahead for this user-database is removed.

Stateful state

This type-ahead argument command is not stateful. This command should never fail unless if there is an I/O error.


You need to disable type-ahead.

1. Run the command to remove the type-ahead from the database:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "remove -file typeahead_cfg.txt"

2. Run the command to delete the type-ahead index:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "delete_idx"

typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"


Use the “sync_idx” type-ahead argument command to sync your type-ahead index with your ClearQuest records configured for type-ahead.


The “sync_idx” type-ahead argument command is used to sync the type-ahead index with your ClearQuest records that you configured for type-ahead for which you made changes. For example, let's say you remove a field or added a field to an already enabled type-ahead record-type.

When you make changes to your type-ahead configuration, for the change to take effect, you will need to run the “import” type-ahead argument command. Once the “import” command completes, your type-ahead index will be out of sync with your ClearQuest database for those record-types and fields you have configured for type-ahead. For the index to be in-sync, you must run “sync_idx” after completing the “import” command.

Attention: If you remove a record-type from a type-ahead configuration, then you do not need to run “sync_idx”. This is the only exception for when you do not need to run “sync_idx”, for all other type-ahead configuration changes, after running the “import” type-ahead argument command, you must run “sync_idx”.

When you run “sync_idx” type-ahead argument command, the operation can take from few minutes to few days depending on the number of records of record-types in your ClearQuest database configured for type-ahead. While the index is being synced, there may be brief interruption to ClearQuest full-text search such that users will get an error that full-text search is not available. In addition, while the type-ahead index is being synced, full-text search for type-ahead may be inconclusive or inaccurate. Because of this, plan your type-ahead configuration changes over weekend or off peak hours. You should also notify your end users so they are aware of the impact.


Your type-ahead index is re-indexed and your ClearQuest database is read. Type-ahead result will be inconclusive or inaccurate for the duration of the operation.

Stateful state

This type-ahead argument command is stateful. If the command fails, it will report an error. Based on the error, you will need to take corrective action and the re-execute the command to complete the operation.


You made changes to your type-ahead configuration and you want those changes to take effect.

1. Run the command to apply your type-ahead change:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg.txt"

2. Run the command to sync your type-ahead index:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"

typeahead_cmd "optimize_idx"


Use the “optimize_idx” type-ahead argument command to optimize your type-ahead index to eliminate index fragmentation and reduce the index size.


The “optimize_idx” type-ahead argument command is used to optimize the type-ahead index. Optimization requires a minimum of 1.5 times as much free disk space as your current type-ahead index size for a successful operation. For example, if your type-ahead index is using 2 GB of disk space, you must have 3 GB of additional free disk space to run the command.

As you add or modify records in your ClearQuest database, the type-ahead index will become fragmented. Fragmented indexes tend to grow larger than unfragmented ones. There also might be a slight performance degradation. To reduce index size and restore performance, optimize your index at least once per year. Optimize it more frequently if your ClearQuest database experiences heavy activity with record modifications, additions, or deletions.

Before you issue this command, ensure that you have enough free disk space. Otherwise the optimization will fail, but your original index will remain intact. Free disk space is required because the original index is rewritten during optimization. The old index is kept until the new index is regenerated successfully.

The time required to optimize an index depends on the size of your index and the speed of your hard drive and I/O. Optimization can take a few hours on a 2 GB index. While the optimization is in progress, all full-text search services for type-ahead are available, including the update-mode indexer. However, there might be a slight performance degradation. Plan index optimization for off-peak hours.

Note: This index optimization command is for type-ahead index only. To optimize the normal full-text search index, use “--optimize_idx” full-text search command.


Your type-ahead search index is rewritten. If an I/O error occurs during optimization, it is most likely due to insufficient disk space. The original index remains intact. The overall index might now be larger but it will return to its smaller size after the optimization is compete.

Stateful status

This type-ahead argument command is not stateful. The command should never fail unless if there is an I/O error.


You have to optimize your index

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "optimize_idx"

typeahead_cmd "delete_idx"


Use the “delete_idx” type-ahead argument command to delete your type-ahead index and reclaim any disk space it is using.


The “delete_idx” type-ahead argument command is used to delete the type-ahead index. Use this command after successfully completing the “remove” type-ahead argument command. Doing so while type-ahead is still enabled will result in a user error and will cause type-ahead usage issues for your end users such as getting no results or incomplete hits.

Before you run this command, you must first modify your full-text search configuration file cqtsadmin-<dbset>-<userdb>.xml, and change the XML block <deleteIndex> so that it is set to “true”.

Note: This command does not impact your normal full-text search index.


Your type-ahead index is deleted and any disk space was in used by the type-ahead index is freed.

Stateful status

This type-ahead argument command is not stateful. The command should never fail unless if there is an I/O error.


You need to completely disable type-ahead and reclaim the disk space the type-ahead index was using.

1. Run the command to disable type-ahead:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "remove -file typeahead_cfg.txt"

2. Edit your full-text search configuration file, cqtsadmin-TypeAhead-SAMPL.xml, and for the XML block <deleteIndex> change:

<newValue required="no">false</newValue>


<newValue required="no">true</newValue>

3. Run the command to delete the type-ahead index:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "delete_idx"

4. Edit your full-text search configuration file and change setting for the XML block <enableTypeahead> from

<newValue required="no">true</newValue>


<newValue required="no">false</newValue>

5. Undo the change made in step #2

cqtsadmin-dbset-userdb.xml (

cqtsadmin-<dbset>-<userdb>.xml is the IBM Rational ClearQuest full-text search administrator configuration file that the Perl script generates and uses. The file contains data about your deployment, which you can further customize.

In addition to full-text search configuration data, this file also contains data about your type-ahead configuration.

Tag nameDescriptionNotes
<deleteIndex>This tag is set to TRUE to delete the type-ahead index. The value is the Boolean text of “true” or “false”.The default value of this tag is automatically generated by the tool. You will need to modify it to delete the type-ahead index.

This tag has two values: TRUE and anything else, or empty. When set to TRUE, the full-text search administrator argument of for typeahead_cmd for deleting an index, delete_idx can be executed.

Note: Once you complete executing delete_idx, make sure to revert the change to this XML tag to prevent accidental index deletion.

<enableTypeahead>This tag is set to TRUE to enable type-ahead. The value is the Boolean text of “true” or “false”.The default value of this tag is automatically generated by the tool. You will need to modify it to enable type-ahead.

This tag has two values: TRUE and anything else, or empty. When set to TRUE, it means type-ahead is enabled.

Before you can enable type-ahead and before you can use the full-text search command typeahead_cmd, you must set this tag to TRUE.

<typeAheadCacheFillTries>The number of attempts ClearQuest full-text search will take to fill the type-ahead cache with hits. The value is an integer between 1 and 1000. The default value is 10.The default value of this tag is automatically generated by the tool. You should not have to modify it.

When type-ahead is enabled, the cache for type-ahead is filled with results of up-to the size set for <typeAheadCacheSize>. Due to security context and schema hook code filtering, chances are the number of items you get back on the first attempt, may not fill the cache. The value set in <typeAheadCacheFillTries> is the number of times ClearQuest full-text search for type-ahead will attempt to retrieve additional <typeAheadCacheSize> items to fill the cache.

Increase this value if you see that you are getting fewer than <typeAheadPageSize> items and you know the cause is due to either security-context or hook code filter.

Attention: Increasing the value to a large number could have an impact on the performance of type-ahead.

The right balance is finding a value that works best when balanced with <typeAheadCacheSize>.

<typeAheadCacheSize>The type-ahead cache-size. The value is an integer between 1 and 1000. The default value is 100.The default value of this tag is automatically generated by the tool. You should not have to modify it.

When type-ahead is enabled, the cache for type-ahead is filled with results of up-to the cache-size. The cache-size defines how many items ClearQuest type-ahead will read from the database before those items are run through security-context and schema hook code for the choice-list.

Reducing the cache-size will save a bit on memory needs at the cost of increased missed hits, leading to possible performance impact due to repeated requests, of up to <typeAheadCacheFillTries> times.

The right balance is finding a value that works best when balanced with <typeAheadCacheFillTries >.

<typeAheadPageSize>The type-ahead page-size. This is the number of items ClearQuest Web users will see in the drop-down choice-list. The value is an integer between 1 and 1000. The default value is 10.The default value of this tag is automatically generated by the tool. You should not have to modify it.

The number of items a ClearQuest Web user sees in the drop-down choice-list of a type-ahead enabled field is set by the value of <typeAheadpageSize>.

Change the value of this element to specify more or less items to be visible at once, before end-user pagination.

Attention: It is an error to change the value to a number larger than the value set for <typeAheadCacheSize>.

Scenarios for setting up and configuring full-text search


The following sections provide scenarios on how to enable, configure and maintain type-ahead feature with the IBM Rational ClearQuest full-text search administrator tool.

Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on a new DefectTracking database that does not have full-text search enabled

Enable type-ahead on the out-of-the-box ClearQuest DefectTracking SAMPL database to learn about configuring the feature and its capabilities.

Before you begin

This scenario should take approximately 15 minutes to complete because the DefectTracking database has few records.

About this task

This scenario uses a schema repository with a connection named TypeAhead and a user database named SAMPL. The path specifications assume that you are running on the Windows operating system. Make the appropriate substitutions if you are running on the UNIX system or Linux.


1. Create an out-of-the-box DefectTracking database and call the connection TypeAhead.

2. Using ClearQuest designer, modify the DefectTracking schema by creating a new field on the Defect record-type. Call this new field "Customer_Ref" and set its type to REFERENCE and reference it to the Customer record-type.

3. In the Defect_Base_Submit form, on the "Customer" tab, add the field "Customer_Ref". Check-in the schema, and then upgrade the database.

4. Using an editor, create a text file, and call it "typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt". Edit this file so that it has the following text (case-sensitive):


NOTE #1:
Your unique key field "Name", if missing, will be inserted (as it is required).
NOTE #2:
There is nothing preventing you from repeating the same field two or more times.
NOTE #3:
If you leave the field list empty, then only the unique key field will be used for type-ahead.
NOTE #4:
For stateless record-types, if there are more than one unique key fields (a compound unique key), they will all be used.

5. Using ClearQuest full-text search administration tool, run the following command:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --init_cq_fts includeusersgroups --create_fts_was_profile automatic --fts_was_profile_home D:\CQFTS.WASprofiles

6. Edit your full-text search deployment file, D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\cqtsadmin-TextSearch_SAMPL.xml and in the XML block <enableTypeahead>, change the line:

<newValue required="no"></newValue>

<newValue required="no">true</newValue>

7. Using ClearQuest full-text search administration tool, run the following command:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt"

8. Finish off your type-ahead enablement by running the following command:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --setup_cq_fts

9. Login to ClearQuest Web and create a new Defect record. On the "Customer" tab, you will see the new field "Customer_Ref", click inside the field form control and type some text. Then select the item you want from the list.

Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance

Planning is critical to ensuring a successful type-ahead enablement deployment.

Before you begin

This scenario should take approximately 10 minutes to complete because the DefectTracking database has few records.

About this task

This scenario uses a schema repository with a connection named TypeAhead and a user database named SAMPL. The path specifications assume that you are running on the Windows operating system. Make the appropriate substitutions if you are running on the UNIX system or Linux.

Assumption #1: It is assumed that you have upgraded your ClearQuest full-text search deployment to or later per: "Upgrading or reinstalling ClearQuest in a full-text search deployment with multiple WebSphere profiles" of ClearQuest full-text search documentation.

Assumption #2: It is assumed that you have upgraded your ClearQuest full-text search deployment to Solr 3.6.1 per: "Upgrading Solr to the latest version supported by ClearQuest" of ClearQuest full-text search documentation.

Assumption #3: You already have full-text search deployed and enabled on an out-of-the-box DefectTracking schema.

Assumption #4: Your full-text search deployment on out-of-the-box DefectTracking schema has indexed the record-type “Customer” and all of its fields.


1. Using ClearQuest designer, modify the DefectTracking schema by creating a new field on the Defect record-type. Call this new field "Customer_Ref" and set its type to REFERENCE and reference it to Customer record-type.

2. In the Defect_Base_Submit form, on the "Customer" tab, add the field "Customer_Ref". Check-in and then upgrade the database.

3. Using an editor, create a text file, and call it "typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt". Edit this file so that it has the following text (case-sensitive):


4. Edit your full-text search deployment file, D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\cqtsadmin-TextSearch_SAMPL.xml and in the XML block <enableTypeahead>, change the line:

<newValue required="no"></newValue>


<newValue required="no">true</newValue>

5. Using ClearQuest full-text search administration tool, run the following commands (verify success prior to running each subsequent command):

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --update_fts_prop_files
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --enable_cqweb_fts
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt"
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"

6. Login to ClearQuest Web and create a new Defect record. On the "Customer" tab, you will see the new field "Customer_Ref", click inside the field form control and type some text. Then select the item you want from the list.

Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on production database that does not have full-text search enabled

Planning is critical to ensuring a successful type-ahead deployment.

Before you begin

The time it will take to complete this scenario depends on the complexity of your ClearQuest schema and the policies of your organization. After you issue the command with the setup_cq_fts option to complete the full-text search and type-ahead enablement, it can take a few hours to a few days for the command to complete, depending on the size and number of records in your user database for which you configured for full-text search and type-ahead. While the full-text search and type-ahead index is being built, full-text search and type-ahead will be available to ClearQuest Web client users. However, results will be partial until the indexing process completes. Please plan accordingly and set end-user expectations.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as the scenario, "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on a new DefectTracking database which does not have full-text search enabled", with the addition of pre-deployment planning and post-deployment tasks.


Planning your deployment

1. Ensure that you have enough free disk space on the drive where you plan to install the full-text search index, which you specify by using the --ftshome option to the command. While there is no formula for calculating exactly how much free disk space you will need, the following are some guidelines:

* Double the index size when estimating the free disk space required to ensure sufficient space for index optimization. Here are some examples:

>> If your database has about one million records excluding stateless history records, then the index size will be approximately 3.5 GB. Therefore, you should plan to have at least 7 GB of free disk space when type-ahead is not enabled. In an extreme case, if you enable-type ahead on all of your record-types, then plan to have an additional 10 GB of free disk space for the above data size example.

>> If your database has about eight million records excluding stateless history records, then the index size will be approximately 8 GB. Therefore, you should plan to have at least 16 GB of free disk space. If you enable-type ahead on all of your record-types, then plan to have an additional 30 GB of free disk space.

* As the number of records in your database increases, the full-text and type-ahead search index grows as well. However, the index grows at a slower rate because its size is based on the number of words, their frequency and uniqueness.

It is highly recommended that you use a high performance secondary disk drive for the full-text index, and never use networked drive.

2. Begin deploying the full-text search and type-ahead feature at off-peak hours, for example, on the weekend. The first time you index your database, all the record types that you configured for full-text search and type-ahead are read. This activity might temporarily affect ClearQuest performance because of the high CPU usage and constant database reads during batch indexing. As with estimating the index size, there is no formula for calculating exactly how long the initial batch indexing will take. The following are some examples:

* If your ClearQuest database has one million records excluding stateless history records, then expect the initial batch indexing to take from 1 – 1.5 days.

* If your ClearQuest database has eight million records excluding stateless history records, then expect the initial batch indexing to take from 2 – 4 days.

Deployment and post-deployment tasks

1. Working with your ClearQuest schema designer, plan out which choice-list fields in your schema you want to enable for type-ahead. Once you figure this out, create a text file and enter in the type-ahead data.

2. Follow the instructions for the scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on a new DefectTracking database which does not have full-text search enabled" to complete your full-text search deployment and type-ahead enablement.

3. Validate your type-ahead configuration by running the following two commands:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "validate"

4. As documented for full-text search secure your full-text search deployment per "Secure the Solr administrative console"

Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on production databases on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance where a choice-list’s record-type is not indexed by full-text search

Planning is critical to ensuring a successful type-ahead deployment.

Before you begin

The time it will take to complete this scenario depends on the complexity of your ClearQuest schema and the policies of your organization. After you issue the command with the add_record_type and typeahead_cmd "sync_idx" option to complete the type-ahead enablement, it can take a few hours to a few days for the command to complete, depending on the size and number of records in your user database for which you configured for type-ahead. While the type-ahead index is being built, type-ahead will be available to ClearQuest Web client users. However, results will be partial until the indexing process completes.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as the scenario "Adding record types to the search index", with the addition of pre-deployment planning and post-deployment tasks.


1. Follow the same steps as documented for scenario "Adding record types to the search index" to add the new record-type(s) to your existing full-text search deployment. The new record-types and their fields you will add are those you want to enable for type-ahead but are not currently indexed by full-text search.

2. Follow the same steps as documented for scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance" to enable type-ahead for the choice-list.

Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on production databases on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance where a choice-list’s record-type is already indexed by full-text search

Planning is critical to ensuring a successful type-ahead deployment.

Before you begin

The time it will take to complete this scenario depends on the complexity of your ClearQuest schema and the policies of your organization. After you issue the command with the typeahead_cmd "sync_idx" option to complete the type-ahead enablement, it can take a few hours to a few days for the command to complete, depending on the size and number of records in your user database for which you configured for type-ahead. While the type-ahead index is being built, type-ahead will be available to ClearQuest Web client users. However, results will be partial until the indexing process completes.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as the scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance", with the addition of pre-deployment planning and post-deployment tasks.


Planning your deployment

1. Follow the same steps as documented for scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on production databases which does not have full-text search enabled" to figure out which choice-list fields will have type-ahead enabled and the disk space requirement.

Since you already have full-text search enabled, you are already using disk space for your index. When you enable type-ahead, you will need additional disk space. Based on how many record-types you enable for type-ahead, the size of the index will vary. Your current index size is a good estimate for the type-ahead index size. If your current full-text search index is 3 GB and you decided to index the same record-types for type-ahead as you have indexed for full-text search, then expect the type-ahead index to be 2x the as large as your full-text search index. With that in mind, and the free disk space requirement for optimizing the index, you can now determine the free disk space you need for your type-ahead enablement.

Deployment and post-deployment tasks

2. Follow the same steps as documented for scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance" and run the following commands:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --update_fts_prop_files
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --enable_cqweb_fts
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt"
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"

3. Validate your type-ahead configuration by running the following command:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "validate"

4. As documented for full-text search secure your full-text search deployment per "Secure the Solr administrative console"

Making changes to an already enabled type-ahead configuration: adding or removing field(s)

Lets you add or remove field(s) from existing type-ahead configuration.

Before you begin

The time it will take to complete this scenario depends on the complexity of your ClearQuest schema and the policies of your organization. After you issue the command with the typeahead_cmd "sync_idx" option to complete the type-ahead changes, it can take a few hours to a few days for the command to complete, depending on the size and number of records in your user database for which you configured for type-ahead. While the type-ahead index is being updated, type-ahead will be available to ClearQuest Web client users. However, results will be incomplete or partial until the indexing process completes.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as the scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance".


1. Work with your ClearQuest schema designer and determine how you need to change an existing type-ahead configuration. For example, you may need to add new field(s) or remove field(s).

2. Using an editor, edit your existing type-ahead configuration file, "typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt" and remove some field(s) from it (or add field(s)), case-sensitive:


: The required unique key field(s) will be added automatically.

3. Using ClearQuest full-text search administration tool, run the following commands:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "validate -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt"
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt"
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"

Making changes to an already enabled type-ahead configuration: enabling type-ahead on additional non-enabled type-ahead choice-list field

Lets you enable type-ahead on a choice-list which is currently not enabled for type-ahead but you type-ahead enabled on other choice-list fields.

Before you begin

The time it will take to complete this scenario depends on the complexity of your ClearQuest schema and the policies of your organization. After you issue the command with the typeahead_cmd "sync_idx" option to complete the type-ahead changes, it can take a few hours to a few days for the command to complete, depending on the size and number of records in your user database for which you configured for type-ahead. While the type-ahead index is being updated, type-ahead will be available to ClearQuest Web client users. However, results will be incomplete or partial until the indexing process completes.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as the scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance". This scenario assumes some choice-list have type-ahead already enabled on them but you want to enable type-ahead on additional choice-list items.


1. Work with your ClearQuest schema designer and determine what changes you need to do for an existing type-ahead configuration. For example, you may need to enable type-ahead on a choice-list field which currently is not configured for type-ahead.

2. Using an editor, edit your existing type-ahead configuration file, "typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt" and add some record-type(s) and their field(s) from it. Here we assume you will add the record-type “Customer”:


3. Using ClearQuest full-text search administration tool, run the following commands:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt"
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"

Making changes to an already enabled type-ahead configuration: disabling type-ahead on an enabled type-ahead choice-list field

Lets you disable type-ahead on a choice-list which is currently enabled for type-ahead.

Before you begin

The time it will take to complete this scenario depends on the complexity of your ClearQuest schema and the policies of your organization. After you issue the command with the typeahead_cmd "sync_idx" option to complete the type-ahead changes, it can take a few minutes to a few hours for the command to complete, depending on the size and number of records in your user database for which you configured for type-ahead. After the operation completes, users must log-off and back on again to use ClearQuest Web, otherwise the field or which type-ahead was disabled may report errors.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as the scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance".


1. Work with your ClearQuest schema designer and determine what changes you need to do for an existing type-ahead configuration. For example, you may need to disable type-ahead on a choice-list field which currently is configured for type-ahead.

2. Using an editor, edit your existing type-ahead configuration file, "typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt" and remove the record-type you no longer want type-ahead enabled for (the entire line).

3. Using ClearQuest full-text search administration tool, run the following commands:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "import -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL.txt"
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "sync_idx"

Making changes to an already enabled type-ahead configuration: completely disabling type-ahead

Lets you disable type-ahead completely and optionally free-up disk space used by the type-ahead full-text search index.

Before you begin

The time it will take to complete this scenario depends on the complexity of your ClearQuest schema and the policies of your organization. After you issue the command with the typeahead_cmd "delete_idx" option to complete the type-ahead changes, it can take a few minutes to few hours for the command to complete, depending on the size and number of records in your user database for which you configured for type-ahead. While the type-ahead configuration is being removed, users will need to re-login to ClearQuest Web, otherwise choice-lists that had type-ahead enabled will report errors if a user tries to use it as type-ahead capable.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as the scenario "Enabling ClearQuest type-ahead on an already deployed ClearQuest full-text search instance".


1. Edit your full-text search deployment file, D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\cqtsadmin-TextSearch_SAMPL.xml and in the XML block <deleteIndex>, change the line:

<newValue required="no"></newValue>


<newValue required="no">true</newValue>

2. Using ClearQuest full-text search administration tool, run the following commands:

cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "remove -file typeahead_cfg_TextSearch-SAMPL_backup.txt"
cqperl --username admin --password secret --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --typeahead_cmd "delete_idx"

3. Revert the change you made to D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\cqtsadmin-TextSearch_SAMPL.xml in step #1

Full-text searching on users and groups record-types

Lets you use full-text search to search on users and groups record-types.

Before you begin

For a successful usage of this scenario, you must make sure you have upgraded all of your clients to ClearQuest version or later. Either use “Client Version Control” capability of ClearQuest to enforce this, or devise a custom schema based solution to block out users who are still on older version of ClearQuest.

Note: If your ClearQuest environment is MultiSite enabled, then the requiremen of all clients be at version or later is not required.

About this task

This scenario can be used to index users and groups record-types for when you are deploying a new instance of full-text search or on an already deployed instance.


1. If you already have full-text search deployed, and now want to be able to search on users and groups record-types, follow the scenario on how to add new record-types:

Adding record types to the search index

2. If you are deploying full-text search for the first time, as part of the --init_cq_fts command-line option, add the includeusersgroups argument:

cqperl --username admin --password "" --dbset TypeAhead --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --init_cq_fts includeusersgroups --create_fts_was_profile Automatic --fts_was_profile_home D:\FTS.Profiles

Upgrading to ClearQuest or later to take advantage of ClearQuest Web type-ahead when full-text search is deployed

Lets you upgrade ClearQuest from earlier versions to take advantage of ClearQuest Web type-ahead.

Before you begin

This scenario requires planning and will result with down-time for your ClearQuest full-text search usage. Plan this work over the weekend or during off peak hours. You should also notify your end-users of the plan.

About this task

This scenario is the same as the existing two scenarios documented in the ClearQuest InformationCenter per “Upgrading or reinstalling ClearQuest in a full-text search deployment with multiple WebSphere profiles” and “Upgrading Solr to the latest version supported by ClearQuest”. You will be referencing them as part of upgrading to ClearQuest or later, to take advantage of ClearQuest Web type-ahead.


1. If you are on a version of ClearQuest Web prior to, follow the upgrade guidelines for ClearQuest or later. Make sure to utilize the following instructions on how to upgrade your full-text search deployment:

Upgrading or reinstalling ClearQuest in a full-text search deployment with multiple WebSphere profiles

2. If your current ClearQuest full-text deployed is based on Solr 1.2.0, follow the instructions on how to upgrade to latest Solr version:
Upgrading Solr to the latest version supported by ClearQuest

3. Learn about ClearQuest type-ahead by reading this documentation so you can successfully enable type-ahead.

Upgrading to ClearQuest or later to take advantage of ClearQuest Web type-ahead when full-text search is not deployed

Lets you upgrade ClearQuest from an earlier version to take advantage of ClearQuest Web type-ahead.

Before you begin

This scenario requires planning and will result with down-time for your ClearQuest Web. Plan this work to be done over the weekend or during off peak hours. You should also notify your end-users of the plan.

About this task

This scenario is the same as upgrading ClearQuest from an earlier version to current. After completing the upgrade, you can follow one of the scenarios related to your needs, to enable full-text search and type-ahead.


1. Refer to the upgrade instructions.

2. Learn about ClearQuest full-text search by reading the following links:

"Configuring and maintaining full-text search"

"Scenarios for setting up and configuring full-text search"

3. Learn about ClearQuest type-ahead by reading this documentation so you can successfully enable type-ahead.

Using type-ahead
Using IBM Rational ClearQuest Web, you can pick an item from a choice-list by either clicking on the down-arrow then navigating through the list or by typing in the choice-list text-field. When typing, you must know the exact name of the item you are looking for because it uses a prefix match. If you type anything other than the starting letters of the item, you will not get any match.
Using IBM Rational ClearQuest Web type-ahead feature, you can now use the choice-list text-field as a free-text search box to find the item you are looking for; simply type few words related to the item you are looking for and you will get relevant items in the choice-list drop-down list.

Original Publication Date

24 June 2014

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH5A","label":"Rational ClearQuest"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Type-ahead","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 August 2018

