IBM Support

ITCAM for Microsoft (R) App : SQL Server



This fix resolves the APARs and defects listed in the "Problems Fixed"
section below

Download Description

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2015.
All rights reserved.

Component: IBM(R) Tivoli(R) Composite Application Manager for Microsoft(R) Applications:
Microsoft(R) SQL Server Agent, Version

Component ID: 5724B96MO

Interim Fix 0002, (

Date: May 20, 2015


1.0 General description
2.0 Problems fixed
3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
4.0 Image directory contents
5.0 Installation instructions
6.0 Additional installation information
7.0 Known problems and workarounds
8.0 Additional product information
9.0 Notices

1.0 General description
This fix resolves the APARs and defects listed in the "Problems Fixed"
section below.

2.0 Problems fixed


2.2 Defects
Defect : 122998
Abstract: Issues while executing multiline customized SQL query.
Additional Information: Execution of multiline customized SQL query failed when there was no
space at end of each line or if query had line comments.

2.3 Enhancements
RFE: 59520
Abstract: Support database of size more than 2.1 TB
Additional Information: MSSQL Agents did not support large databases,
i.e. databases over 2.1 TB. The database space metrics were inaccurate
which led to inconsistent numbers on TEP.

2.4 Superseded fixes

2.5 APARs and defects included from superseded fixes
APAR: IV70417
Abstract: Select query from 'Log Shipping Job Detail' attribute group
is causing severe delay on SQL Agent jobs

Additional Information : The problematic query was used to find job name
from msdb.Sysjobhistory table by searching for the agent ID
in the message column of Sysjobhistory. It was taking more time
because msdb..sysjobhistory table was having millions of rows.

APAR: IV69383
Abstract: Unable to trigger situation on attribute ‘Long Running Transactions
Time (sec)’ of Database detail attribute group.

Additional Information : Data type of this attribute in dockoq file was float.
And every time the actual value of this attribute was getting divided by 100
while sending to portal, that is why situation was not getting triggered.

3.0 Architecture and prerequisites
This fix is supported on all operating systems listed in the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Microsoft SQL Server agent prerequisites Document,
version 6.3.1 or from the following link:

The following link is for the Tivoli operating system and application
support matrix. Please refer to this matrix for the latest
certification information.

3.1 Prerequisites for this fix
The prerequisite level for this fix is as follows:

Local Agent Upgrade:
- ITCAMMA: Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, Version

Remote Agent Upgrade:
- IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version V6.23 Fix Pack 3 with OS Support
- ITCAMMA: Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, Version
- Monitoring Agent for Windows OS, Version V6.23 Fix Pack 3

As this fix is cumulative, it can be installed on any fix level
for this version, release and mod level above the prerequisite.

4.0 Image directory contents
This fix image contains the following files:

- - This is the README file
- - Fix archive .tar format
- - Fix archive .zip format

Note: The .tar and .zip files are identical in content. Use the .tar
file if you are working in a UNIX(R) environment; use the .zip file
if you are working in a Windows(R) environment.

The fix archive file contains the following files:

5.0 Installation instructions
This fix can only be installed over an existing installation.
Use the following steps to install this fix.

5.1 Before installing the fix
- The prerequisites listed under section 3.1 entitled 'Prerequisites
for this fix' must be installed before this fix can be installed.

- With reference to this README, the symbol <CANDLEHOME> is the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory. The default value
for CANDLEHOME is '/opt/IBM/ITM' on UNIX systems and 'C:\IBM\ITM'
on Windows systems.

Before installing this fix on UNIX systems, set the environment
variable CANDLEHOME to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation

For example:

- Refer to section 7.0 entitled "Known problems and workarounds"
before installation.

- Because there is no uninstall utility for this fix, make sure to
perform a backup of your environment before installing this fix.

5.2 Local agent update
1. Transfer the appropriate archive file
( or .zip) to a temporary directory
on the system that contains the agent code to be updated. For
the purpose of this README, the symbol <TEMP> represents the
fully qualified path to this directory.
Note: On Windows systems, this path includes the drive letter.

2. Expand the archive file using the "tar" command on UNIX systems
or an extract utility on Windows systems. This step creates a
directory structure that contains fixes for all of the
supported platforms.

3. Use the "itmpatch" command to install the fix for that agent
platform. For more information on the "itmpatch" command, see
section 6.2.

On Windows systems, if the fix was expanded to
<TEMP>\, the install command is:

For 32 bit Agent:
> <TEMP>\\itmpatch -h <CANDLEHOME>
-i <TEMP>\\

For 64 bit Agent:
> <TEMP>\\itmpatch -h <CANDLEHOME>
-i <TEMP>\\

Note : Use "itmpatch" command from <TEMP>\\
temporary directory.

5.3 Remote agent update
1. Transfer the appropriate archive file
( or .zip) to a temporary directory
on the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server system. For the
purpose of this README, the symbol <TEMP> represents the fully
qualified path to this directory.
Note: On Windows systems, this path includes the drive letter.

2. Expand the archive file using the "tar" command on UNIX systems
or an extract utility on Windows systems. This step creates a
directory structure that contains fixes for all of the
supported platforms.

3. To add the agent fix bundles into the remote deploy depot, use
the "tacmd addBundles" command found in $CANDLEHOME/bin on UNIX
systems or in %CANDLE_HOME%\bin on Windows systems. For more
information on the "tacmd addBundles" command, see the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Administrator's Guide.

On UNIX systems,
if the fix was expanded to <TEMP>/
> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd addBundles -n -i <TEMP>/

On Windows systems,
if the fix was expanded to <TEMP>\
> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd addBundles -n -i <TEMP>\

-n indicates that prerequisite bundles are not automatically
added. The -n parameter must be used because the fix
directory does not contain any prerequisites that the fix
might require. Please see Section 3.1 for the prerequisites
for this fix.
-i is the directory that contains the deployment bundles to
be added to the depot.

4. To log in to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring server, and deploy
the fix to the appropriate nodes where the agent is running, use
the following "tacmd" commands. For more information on the
"tacmd login" and "tacmd updateAgent" commands, see "IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Command Reference".

On UNIX systems:
> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>

> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems

The output shows the Managed System Name for the OS agent on the
remote system to be updated. Use this value as the target of the
"tacmd updateAgent" command.

> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd updateAgent -t OQ -n <Managed system name> -v 063102002

On Windows systems:
> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>

> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems

The output shows the Managed System Name for the OS agent on the
remote system to be updated. Use this value as the target of the
"tacmd updateAgent" command.

> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd updateAgent -t OQ -n <Managed system name> -v 063102002

- The component (-t) for the "tacmd updateAgent" command is
specified as two characters (oq), not three characters (koq).
- The node (-n) for the "tacmd updateAgent" command is the
managed system name of the operating system (OS) agent to be
The target node for the "tacmd updateAgent" command is always
an OS agent.

5. To check if Remote Agent Update is SUCCESS/INPROGRESS/FAILED use the command
>tacmd getDeployStatus <transaction id>

where transaction id is the id provided after updateAgent command.

5.4 Agent support update
Use the following steps to update the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, or Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Desktop.

1. Transfer the appropriate archive file or .zip) to the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Servers, Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Servers, or Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktops.

2. Expand the archive file using the "tar" command on UNIX systems
or an extract utility on Windows systems. This step creates a
directory structure that contains fixes for all of the supported

3. Expand the archive file (koq_tems_teps_tepd_if0002.tar or .zip)
that contains the updates for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, and Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Desktop using the "tar" command on UNIX systems or an
extract utility on Windows systems. This step creates a
directory structure that includes a subdirectory called CD-ROM,
with the necessary updates.

4. Use the Application Support Installer(ASI) script to launch either
GUI installation or silent installation of the application
support files.

Note: For IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 or above, one
of the following additional steps must be performed.

1. Acquire a platform-specific pre-packaged JRE version
of the Application Support Installer (ASI). See IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Application Support Installer,
6.2-TIV-ITM_ASI-IF0002 at
for download and installation instructions.

2. Specify the '-j javahome' parameter with the path to
a java(r) 1.5 or java 1.6 installation when running
the or itmasi.bat script described below.

GUI installation option
The GUI can be started by using one of the following commands
from within the CD-ROM directory where setup.jar is located.

On UNIX systems:
> ./ [-h <CANDLEHOME>] [-j <JAVAHOME>]

On Windows systems:
> itmasi [-h <CANDLEHOME>] [-j <JAVAHOME>]

-h <CANDLEHOME> - Required. The path to the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring installation directory.

-j <JAVAHOME> - Optional. The fully-qualified path to the
"bin" directory where Java(R) is installed.
The location of Java on your system might

When prompted by the Application Support Installer for the
installable media directory, select the CD-ROM directory, not
the component directory. The installer can install updates for
multiple components at the same time.

Silent installation option
To use the silent installation option, use one of the following
commands from within the CD-ROM directory where setup.jar is

Note: Agent support upgrade for IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3
or above on Linux, zLinux, Solaris and windows operating systems
requires the following files contained in interim fix
- Linux: setupLinux.bin
- zLinux: setupLinux390.bin
- Solaris: setupSolaris.bin
- Windows: setupwin32.exe

Follow the installation instructions contained in the

On UNIX systems:
> ./ -h <CANDLEHOME>[-silent]
[-r <response file>]

On Windows systems:
> itmasi -h <CANDLEHOME> [-silent]
[-r <response file>]

-h <CANDLEHOME> - Required. The path to the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring installation directory.

-r <response file> - Required. Customized response file name.
The default response file "response.txt" in
the CD-ROM directory can be copied and
modified as per your environment.

-j <JAVAHOME> - Optional. The fully-qualified path to the
"bin" directory where Java(R) is installed.
The location of Java on your system might

5. The next panel presented by the Application Support Installer
asks for the selection of which Tivoli Monitoring components
you want to add application support to.
For this fix, the check boxes should be set as follows:

Checked - Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server(TEMS)
Checked - Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server(TEPS)
Checked - Tivoli Enterprise Desktop Client(TEPD)

Continue through the remaining GUI panels selecting the
Microsoft SQL Server support to complete the

Note: When support is installed using CLI or GUI for any of the
above Tivoli Monitoring components, they are restarted.

6. If the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop or Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Browser was running when the update was installed, it
must be restarted.

6.0 Additional installation information
Any existing Microsoft SQL Server Agent instances should be restarted
after the installation of this fix.

6.1 Installation instructions for agent baroc file
Fix ( includes changes to the agent
baroc files which need to be reinstalled. If you have already
installed these baroc files, there are no additional installation
steps. If not, refer to IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Installation
and Setup Guide under "Installing monitoring agent baroc files
on the event server" in "Installing the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console Event Synchronization" section for more information.

6.2 Additional information on using "itmpatch" command
The "itmpatch" command has the following syntax.

Usage: itmpatch -h <installation home> [OPTIONS]

itmpatch -h <installation home>
-t { <patch_file_directory> | <patch_file> }

itmpatch -h <installation home>
-i { <patch_file_directory> | <patch_file> }

-h Specifies the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory
-i Specifies the path to the directory or patch file to be
-t Generates a report of the actions to be taken by the patch

For example, on UNIX systems:
- To preview the fix installation, use the "-t" option:
> <CANDLEHOME>/bin/itmpatch -h <CANDLEHOME> -t <TEMP>

- To install the fix, use the "-i" option:
> <CANDLEHOME>/bin/itmpatch -h <CANDLEHOME> -i <TEMP>

<CANDLEHOME> is the fully qualified IBM Tivoli Monitoring
installation directory. On Windows systems, this path must include
the drive letter.
<TEMP> represents the fully qualified directory specification where
the fix is located. On Windows systems, this must include the drive

6.3 Verifying the update
1. To verify the agent was updated correctly, use the "tacmd" command
to view the agent's current version after the agent is restarted.
You are required to log in to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server prior to viewing the agent version.

For example:
On UNIX systems, where $CANDLEHOME is the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring installation directory, the default location
is '/opt/IBM/ITM'.

> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>
> $CANDLEHOME/bin/tacmd listSystems -t OQ

On Windows systems, where %CANDLE_HOME% is the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring installation directory, the default location
is 'C:\IBM\ITM'.

> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd login -s <server>
-u <itmuser>
-p <password>

> %CANDLE_HOME%\bin\tacmd listSystems -t OQ

- The component (-t) for the tacmd "listSystems" command is
specified as two characters (OQ), not three characters (KOQ).

When the agent update is successful, the agent version is:

After the agent is restarted, you can also use the GUI to verify
the agent was successfully updated.
For the agent on Windows systems, the version number is

2. To verify the agent support files were updated correctly, use
the "kincinfo" command on Windows systems or the "cinfo" command
on Linux or UNIX systems. The sample output below shows the
versions of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server, or Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Desktop systems after this fix has been successfully applied.

Note: The displayed date of the build might not be accurate.
This is a known problem.

On UNIX or Linux systems:
To validate that all components have been installed, run the
following command:

./cinfo -i

On Windows systems:
To validate that all components have been installed, run the
following command:

For example:
> %CANDLE_HOME%\InstallITM\kincinfo -i

>kincinfo -i
************ Monday, May 11, 2015 1:03:40 PM *************
User : Administrator Group : NA
Host Name : ESX1-SQL-T-9 Installer : Ver: 063002000
CandleHome : C:\IBM\ITM
Installitm : C:\IBM\ITM\InstallITM
...Product Inventory

OQ TEMS App Support/Microsoft SQL Server Support
WINNT Version: Build: 51252

OQ TEPS App Support/Microsoft SQL Server Support
WINNT Version: Build: 51252

OQ TEPB App Support/Microsoft SQL Server Support
WINNT Version: Build: 41711

OQ TEPD App Support/Microsoft SQL Server Support
WINNT Version: Build: 51252

7.0 Known problems and workarounds
Abstract: itmpatch command fails during upgrade
Problem: When itmpatch command is executed, it fails while upgrading
agent fix pack. The following error message is

Version 06.31.02.XX of product koq is currently installed.
The patch requires that you must have at least version
06.31.02.XX of product installed to apply this patch.
Workaround: Use the itmpatch.exe provided in patch file or file.

Abstract: English characters are getting displayed in Agent support
installer having Non-English language operating system.
Problem: In Non-English language operating system, when agent
support installer is executed it shows English characters.
Workaround: None

Abstract: Installing support for patch fails on ITM 6.3.0
Problem: When you try to install the support for this patch on ITM
6.3.0, the installation fails with following error:
The wizard cannot continue because of the following error:
could not load wizard specified in /wizard.inf (104)
Workaround: Use the pre-packaged binaries for itmasi available at:

Abstract: Crash encountered in event viewer for koqagent.exe
Problem: Sometimes while stopping the koqagent process, the collection
process is not getting completed. When koqagent.exe stops, the
thread spawned by it gets terminated forcefully. Hence it's
causing a crash.
Workaround: None

Abstract: Application support installation fails on Non Windows OS.
Problem: While installing the application support on the machines
having Operating system other than windows, the support
installation using ASI fails if the temporary directory
where the patch files are extracted has spaces.
Workaround: Use the temporary directory without space.

Abstract: MSSQL Agent collector crashes.
Problem: Sometimes the job 'syspolicy_purge_history' fails and
the collector crashes.
Workaround: 1. Disable scheduling of system job 'syspolicy_purge_history'.
2. Disable detail trace logging.

8.0 Additional product information

9.0 Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in
the United States. IBM may not offer the products, services, or
features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your
local IBM representative for information on the products and services
currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product,
program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that
IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally
equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any
IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is
the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any
non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject
matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document
does not grant you any license to these patents. You can send license
inquiries, in writing, to:

IBM Director of Licensing
IBM Corporation
North Castle Drive
Armonk, NY 10504-1785

The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom
or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent
with local law:


Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties
in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply
to you.

Trademarks and service marks
IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks
of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many
jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be
trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks
is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or

Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States
and other countries.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States,
other countries, or both.

Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service
marks of others.


- IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version V6.23 Fix Pack 3.
- ITCAMMA: Microsoft SQL Server Agent, Version

Installation Instructions

Please refer to the README contained in the Description section above for general installation instructions.

[{"DNLabel":"","DNDate":"20-May-15","DNLang":"English","DNSize":"33292407","DNPlat":{"label":"Windows","code":"PF033"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":" ","DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSDKXQ","label":"Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Microsoft Applications"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Microsoft SQL Server Agent - 5724B96MO","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

