IBM Support

IBM Watson Explorer oneWEX, Version 12.0.0 Fix Pack 1 Readme

Fix Readme


IBM Watson Explorer oneWEX, Version includes programs for upgrading Watson Explorer oneWEX Version 12.0.0 to the latest Fix Pack level.


IBM Watson Explorer oneWEX Version includes fixes of oneWEX for IBM Cloud Private (ICP) only.

List of fixes
Version 12.0.0 Fix Pack 1 provides fixes for the following problems:
  • Problem: Binary contents, such as jpg or png files in a zip file, were unintentionally indexed.
    Fix: Binary contents in a zip file are no longer indexed.
  • Problem: Machine learning (classifier/ranker) model creation fails when selecting "Update training set" option.
    Fix: Machine learning model creation functions as expected with the "Update training set" option.
  • Perfomance of the training process in machine learning (classifier/ranker) is improved.

For more information about enhancements in Version 12.0.0 Fix Pack 1, and for information about known issues and workarounds, see Release Notes - IBM Watson Explorer oneWEX, Version 12.0.0.

Installation instructions

See Release Notes - IBM Watson Explorer oneWEX, Version 12.0.0 also before you install the fix pack.

Installing Version 12.0.0 Fix Pack 1:

Planning - Before you deploy Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version

You must set up the Persistent Volumes (PVs) for oneWEX. To deploy Watson Explorer oneWEX on ICP, the Persistent Volumes listed in the Prerequisites section in the Watson Explorer oneWEX Helm Chart README are required.

Note: Watson Explorer oneWEX Helm Chart README is found after you install Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private. In IBM Cloud Private, go to Catalog > Helm Charts, select ibm-wex-prod.

See Installing Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private before you install the fix pack. Also, make sure to select the proper storage type (NFS, Glusterfs, etc.) that supports the listed access mode based on the Watson Explorer oneWEX Helm Chart README.

Performing a fresh installation of Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version on ICP

You can install Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version directly without installing Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version 12.0.0 GA. To perform a fresh installation of Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version, follow the steps as described in Installing Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private.

Upgrading to Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version

In this section, we cover the following scenario:
  • Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version 12.0.0 GA is installed on ICP
  • Upgrade ICP to ICP first, then upgrade to Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version
  • After successfully upgrading ICP, run Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version on ICP

To perform the upgrade of Watson Explorer oneWEX for ICP Version
  1. To upgrade ICP to ICP, see Updating from IBM Cloud Private Version to
  2. Update ICP command line tools. See Accessing your IBM Cloud Private cluster by using the kubectl CLI.
  3. Perform kubectl exec command to delete the definition. For example,

    kubectl exec -it RM_POD -- hdfs dfs -rm -f -r global/fileResource/*00007

    kubectl exec -it MGMT_POD -- -server ZK_HOST_PORT rmr /wex/global/fileResource/701db916-fc83-57ab-0000-000000000007

    Note: To determine RM_POD, MGMT_POD and ZK_HOST_PORT for the kubectl command in your environment, do as follows:

    a. Type "kubectl get pod | grep management" command to check management pod's name. In this example, the management pod's name is MGMT_POD.

    b. Type "kubectl get pod | grep hdp-rm" command to check hdp's resource manager pod's name. In this example, hdp's resource manager pod's name is RM_POD.

    c. Type "kubectl exec -it MGMT_POD -- env | grep ZK_HOST | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'" command to get the value of ZK_HOST_PORT in this example.

  4. Delete the deployed oneWEX on ICP from ICP management console. Login to ICP management console, select Workload > Helm Releases, and delete the deployed oneWEX.
  5. After you delete the deployed oneWEX, delete PVs and PVCs with kubectl command.

    * Do not delete the actual files on the PVs. You must keep your data on PVs as is if you need to keep the data created on oneWEX for ICP Version 12.0.0 GA.
    * In this example, wex-pv.yaml is the PV definition when you create the PVs on your system, typically done at Set up Storage section in Installing Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private.

    kubectl delete -f wex-pv.yaml
    kubectl delete pvc --all

  6. Follow steps 2-8 in Installing Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private.
  7. After you deploy oneWEX for ICP Version, login to Watson Explorer administrative console or content miner and check if the existing collections are working as expected.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS8NLW","label":"IBM Watson Explorer"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

