IBM Support

Configuring IIDR in a Microsoft® SQL Server® AlwaysOn environment

Question & Answer


How do I configure IIDR with a database that is participating in a Microsoft® SQL Server® AlwaysOn Availability Group?


If you are replicating from Microsoft SQL Server, follow the steps in IBM IIDR in AlwaysOn environment - Source

If you are replicating to Microsoft SQL Server, follow the steps in IBM IIDR in AlwaysOn environment - Target.

To summarize, in order to be able to deploy IIDR in a Microsoft SQL Server AlwaysOn environment, you need to:

  1. Prepare the AlwaysOn availability group environment for replication.

  2. Add symmetrical shared storage for IIDR deployment reachable from all AlwaysOn nodes.

  3. Define a Microsoft Windows domain user that can be used to run the IIDR service.

  4. Identify shared storage to which the transaction logs can be backed up. The storage must be symmetrically accessible from all AlwaysOn nodes.

  5. Define maintenance plans to back up the transaction logs to the backup storage on any number of nodes.

  6. Create the IIDR user that can connect to the database on all nodes where it can fail over.

  7. Deploy IIDR on the shared symmetrical storage.

  8. Create the IIDR service on all nodes to which IIDR can fail during planned or unplanned failover. 

  9. Add the IIDR service as a dependent resource to the AlwaysOn availability group role that was created in the Windows Server Failover Cluster.

  10. Configure the new datastore in IBM Management Console.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSTRGZ","label":"InfoSphere Data Replication"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001gSjAAI","label":"CDC"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Product Synonym

CDC;Change Data Capture;CDD;Change Data Delivery;IIDR;IBM InfoSphere Data Replication;IDR;IBM Data Replication

Document Information

Modified date:
10 June 2020

