IBM Support

Upgrading from GH Tester, GH Performance and GH VIE

Question & Answer


What do you need to be aware of when migrating from Green Hat Software products to IBM Rational Test Workbench (RTW)?


You need to give special consideration when upgrading existing installations of GH Tester, GH Performance, GH VIE, GH Server and the GH Agent to RTW.
Specific steps are required when upgrading from the Green Hat products to their IBM replacements.


General Notes

  • This is the second release of Rational Integration Tester since IBM® acquired Green Hat. Product naming and branding changed after the Green Hat Tester 5.4 release. For customers familiar with the Green Hat range of components the following may help orientate yourselves:

    GH Tester is now Rational Integration Tester (RIT)
    GH Server is now Rational Test Control Panel (RTCP)
    GH Agent is now Rational Integration Tester Agent (RIT-A)

    General configuration and usage of the product has not changed and existing customers should find it a very easy transition.
    • Installation of all products is now performed using IBM’s Installation Manager Technology.
    • Licensing of all products is now performed using Rational Common Licensing Technology. Licenses are managed using Installation Manager. Three license types are supported - floating, node (fixed to a host machine) and token.
    • Rational Integration Tester, Rational Test Virtualization Server and Rational Performance Test Server now ship and run with the IBM JRE (Java 7) as opposed to the Oracle JRE (Java 6).

  • Due to the change in licensing model it is not possible to ‘mix and match’ components from GH Tester 5.4.0 or earlier with components from 8.0.x and such a configuration will not be supported. You must upgrade all of the components you have installed. Note also that GH Tester floating (SafeNet Sentinel) and fixed keys will not work in Rational Integration Tester. Customers can obtain replacement license keys from the IBM License Key Center.

  • With the exception of the results database schema, which can be upgraded in-place, there is no support for upgrading an existing installation of any of the Green Hat products to the Rational product set. You must uninstall the existing Green Hat version before attempting to install the Rational version. This is consistent with Green Hat upgrades.

  • The Rational products install into different locations on disk. For example, on Windows the default path for Rational Integration Tester is c:\Program Files\IBM\RationalIntegrationTester.

  • An installation of Rational Integration Tester no longer includes an Agent. Agents are installed from a Rational Performance Test Server or Rational Test Virtualization Server installation which is separately licensed. These Agents are installed into a separate directory structure from Rational Integration Tester and the Library Manager tool must be run separately for the Agent even if they are installed on the same machine.

  • Only Rational Integration Tester requires the entry of a license key. Rational Test Control Panel and the Agents (installed from RPTS or RVTS) do not require the entry of a license key. Agents are now licensed by the PVU mechanism. You must understand how PVU licensing works before attempting to install an agent.

  • GH Tester stored schema and user data in a user workspace directory called .ghTester5. The change to use of IBM’s Installation Manager technology means that existing cached files within the .ghTester5 directory could lead to problems. Rational Integration Tester therefore creates and uses a new directory called ].rit8[ for this information.

    The migration works as follows:
    • Configured libraries and application options will be migrated into Rational Integration Tester when Library Manager is run for the first time. This will normally happen at the end of the installation process.
    • User preferences (including the list of recently opened projects) will be migrated when a user runs Rational Integration Tester for the first time.
    • Synchronized schemas are not migrated and must be rebuilt on first use. This is consistent with previous GH Tester upgrades.
    • Once migration is complete you may safely remove the remaining content from the <user home>/.ghTester5 directory.

      If you do not wish for Rational Integration Tester to migrate these settings then remove the .ghTester5 directory before installing it. There is no project data held in this directory.

      If multiple users have used GH Tester on a machine then there will be a .ghTester5 directory in each of their home directories. Step 2 (user preferences) will happen for each user when they run Rational Integration Tester for the first time.

  • You are advised to ensure that you have a back-up copy of a GH Tester project before you attempt to load it into Rational Integration Tester.

  • The Results Server functionality of previous releases has been incorporated into the Rational Test Control Panel. Users are encouraged to convert as soon as possible by removing the Results Server URL from project settings. Rational Integration Tester will then generate a new-style of URL that uses Rational Test Control Panel links. In the meantime existing Results Server instances will continue to work against the 8.0.0 results database but this will not be maintained in future releases.

  • The ability to generate PDF versions of test results within Results Publishers has been removed. Instead, Rational Integration Tester will generate an email with HTML page attachments representing the report.

  • The Help > Create support info menu option has been removed.

  • A number of open source libraries used by Rational Integration Tester have been changed or upgraded from the versions used by GH Tester. This should not affect the general use of the product.

Upgrading From…

This section provides advice on how to upgrade to Rational Integration Tester v8 from specific versions of the Green Hat range of products.

Note that v8.0 requires results database schema version 1.9.24.d, and v8.5 requires results database schema version 1.9.24.e.


  • It is not possible to upgrade an installation of GH Server to Rational Test Control Panel. Before installing Rational Test Control Panel on a machine you must uninstall GH Server. The workspace (containing the domains, environments and stubs) can be optionally preserved during the uninstallation. If you chose this option then the installation of Rational Test Control Panel will automatically pick up this workspace meaning that stubs will not have to be republished.

  • The URL for a default installation of GH Server was of the form http: //machinename:7819/GHServer/. The URL for a default installation of Rational Test Control Panel is http: //machinename:7819/RTCP/. You will need to change this setting in the Project Settings dialog of each project that was using GH Server to point to the new installation.

  • You will need to upgrade the results database schema to 1.9.24.e. See the database update section below.
    GH Tester 5.4 will operate against schema 1.9.24.e so you can update the database schema and then upgrade the clients.

5.2.11 (any version) or earlier

  • You will need to update the results database schema (also known as the project database). See the database update section below.

  • If you are using MySQL as the results database then note that a Rational Integration Tester installation does not include the MySQL JDBC database driver. You must download this separately and use the Library Manager tool to tell Rational Integration Tester or the Agent where the jar is installed. or earlier

  • If you are upgrading to Rational Integration Tester from GH Tester versions or earlier then all webMethods IS users MUST follow the new installation instructions in the Rational Integration Tester and Software AG webMethods book in the Integrating section of the Rational Test Workbench information center. This will require new JAR files to be deployed and configuration changes to be made on the webMethods IS servers before Rational Integration Tester can be used.

5.2.10 or earlier

  • You will need to update the results database schema (also known as the project database). See the database update section below.

  • For users of the HP Quality Center integration, the server distribution package will need to be upgraded. The server files should be redeployed into your Quality Center environment from the Rational Integration Tester installation according to the instructions in the Rational Integration Tester and HP Quality Center book in the Integrating section of the Rational Test Workbench information center.

Database Update

Rational Integration Tester v8.5 uses database schema version 1.9.24.e for the results database (also known as the project database). GH Tester 5.4.0 and Rational Integration Tester v8.0.0 and v8.0.1 use database schema version 1.9.24.d.

If you are upgrading to v8.5 of Rational Integration Tester from GH Tester 5.4 or earlier then you must apply the appropriate update script(s) that can be found in the scripts directory of your Rational Integration Tester installation (for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalIntegrationTester\scripts). See the Upgrading and migrating section of the Rational Test Workbench information center for more information.

Here is an example for upgrading from GH Tester 5.2.11 which is using an Oracle database schema 1.9.24.c. Run the following scripts in this order:
  • patch-1_9_24_c-1_9_24_d_oracle.sql
  • patch-1_9_24_d-1_9_24_e_oracle.sql

[{"Product":{"code":"SSBLQQ","label":"IBM Rational Test Workbench"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.0;8.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

