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You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Customers are running into the problem where a single Situation
    can not accommodate all the required predicates necessary to
    detect some circumstance.  The assumption customers make is that
    the different criteria can be split across multiple Situations
    which are then combined within a containing Situation and that
    the events opened by this containing Situation will satisfy all
    of the criteria defined within the contained Situations.
    However, this is not the case:  The containing Situation opens
    events that satisfy only a subset of the contained predicates.
    The customer writes a Situation with the formula :
    SitA = IF processName = 'abc' AND CPU% > 20 AND memoryUtil > 5
    As expected, this Situation will only open an event when process
    'abc' consumes more than 20% and is using more than 5MB.
    Now the customer splits these 3 predicates into 2 other
    Situations and combines both within a third Situation.
    [Of course, this isn't necessary in this simple example because
    the formula easily fits within a single Situation definition but
    it is sufficient to illustrate the problem].
    SitX = IF processName = 'abc'
    SitY = IF CPU% > 20
    SitZ = IF memoryUtil > 5 AND SitX AND SitY
    Although SitX is looking for process 'abc' and SitY is looking
    for a CPU utilisation of > 20% and both of these are contained
    within SitZ which is checking for memory utilisation of more
    than 5MB, SitZ will open an event if *any* process is using more
    than 5MB as long as process 'abc' is running, (regardless of its
    CPU and memory utilisation), and at least one process is using >
    20% (regardless of its name and memory utilisation).
    In other words, each part of SitZ is evaluated independently.
    Why is there a limit on the number of predicates that can be
    stored in a Situation?
    The formula of a Situation is stored in the PDT column of the
    TSITDESC table.  This column can hold up to 1020 characters and
    TEP prevents a formula from being constructed that would exceed
    this limit.
    Why does SitZ operate differently to SitA?
    The reason for SitZ's behaviour is that Sitmon, (the TEMS
    component that oversees the operation of Situations), converts
    SitZ's formula into 3 rules: one looking at the processName,
    another at the CPU% and the third at the memory.
    These 3 rules result is 3 independent requests running at the
    agent each of which returns data when its single predicate is
    satisfied: name, CPU% or memory.
    As long as each request returns at least one row of data the
    formula for SitZ is satisfied and events will be opened.
    e.g. SitZ would fire if each of the 3 requests returned the
    following results:
      Name  CPU%  Memory
    SitX : abc  1  1
    SitY :xyz  50  1
    SitZ : def  1  6
    SitA, of course, would not have opened an event for process
    'abc' and in this particular case, the current operation of SitZ
    doesn't seem very useful.

Local fix

  • There is no work-around.   An enhancement to support combining
    predicates from embedded situations into a single, combined
    predicate will be delivered per this internal, Dev APAR.

Problem summary

  • Situation with embedded situation(s) may incorrectly be
    raised/opened. The assumption users make is that different
    criteria can be split across multiple situations which are then
    combined within a containing situation and that events opened by
     this containing situation will have satisfied all of the
    criteria defined within the contained (embedded) situations.
    However, this is not the case ...  the containing situation may
    open events that satisfy only a subset of the contained
    The user writes a situation with the formula :   SitA = IF
    processName = 'abc' AND CPU% > 20 AND memoryUtil > 5
    As expected, this situation will only open an event when process
    'abc' consumes more than 20% CPU and is using more than 5MB
    Now the user splits these 3 predicates into 2 other situations
    and combines both within a third situation. [Of course, this is
    not necessary in this simple example because the formula easily
    fits within a single situation definition but it is sufficient
    to illustrate the problem].
    SitX = IF processName = 'abc'
    SitY = IF CPU% > 20
    SitZ = IF memoryUtil > 5 AND SitX AND SitY
    Although SitX is looking for process 'abc' and SitY is looking
    for a CPU utilization of > 20% and both of these are contained
    within SitZ which is checking for memory utilization of more
    than 5MB,
    SitZ will open an event if *any* process is using more than 5MB
    as long as process 'abc' is running, (regardless of its CPU and
    memory utilization), and at least one process is using > 20%
    (regardless of its name and memory utilization).
    In other words, each part of SitZ predicate is evaluated
    independently, which is not behavior expected by user.
    In order for this APAR to be properly implemented in your
    environment, a new environment variable has been added.  See the
    "Install Actions" section of the APAR conclusion for more

Problem conclusion

  • Update was made to process predicate of each embedded situation
    and combined them into a single predicate for the containing
    Install Actions:
    This corrected behavior is only in effect if the Tivoli
    Enterprise Monitoring server environment variable
    KMS_EXPAND_EMBEDDED_SIT is declared as
    KMS_EXPAND_EMBEDDED_SIT=Y.  The environment variable must be set
    for HUB monitoring server and remote monitoring servers and
    existing embedded situations must be reprocessed.  The default
    value for KMS_EXPAND_EMBEDDED_SIT is N, thus the new behavior of
    this APAR would be disabled.
    A set of scripts, *.sh for UNIX/Linux and *.cmd for Windows,
    have been added to standardize the procedure to enable embedded
    situation expansion.
    To enable expansion of existing embedded situations, perform the
    following steps:
    1) Run the or setEmbeddedSitsFlag.cmd
    script with the "enable" option on each HUB and Remote
    Monitoring Server.
    2) Wait until all of the setEmbeddedSitsFlag.* executions have
    completed successfully.
    3) Run the or modifyEmbedded.cmd script ONLY
    ONE TIME.  You may run the script on any distributed HUB or
    Remote Monitoring Server.
    NOTE: You need to use "tacmd login" to log in to the HUB
    Monitoring Server before running the or
    modifyEmbedded.cmd script.
    4) After these steps are completed, existing embedded situations
    will now be re-expanded when they are started.  If they are
    already running, you do not need to manually re-start them
    The fix for this APAR is contained in the following maintenance
       | fix pack | 6.3.0-TIV-ITM-FP0006
    The fix for this APAR is contained in the following maintenance
      | fix pack | 6.3.0-TIV-ITM-FP0006

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:


Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R630 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSCTLMP","label":"ITM Tivoli Enterprise Mgmt Server V6"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"630","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 December 2015