- For the case feature In-basket widget, the All Assigned Work in-basket does not show Business Automation Workflow process work items.
- Apply a filter on a property against an in-basket that displays Business Automation Workflow process work items (for example, a role in-basket or My Work in-basket). The filter does not affect Business Automation Workflow process work items.
- Activity properties are not displayed in the in-basket for Business Automation Workflow process work items
- Removing Step Name or Time Created from the In-basket property columns, results in undefined Subject and Receive Date columns displayed at run time.
- The personal My Work in-basket displays work items that belong to a role or team. It also shows work items that are claimed by the current user.
- Sorting of user defined property columns for Business Automation Workflow process work items do not work correctly.
Known functional gaps in Business Automation Workflow
- The All Assigned Work in-basket displays work items associated with Content Platform Engine workflow and does not display Business Automation Workflow process work items.
- In-basket filtering is only applied to work items associated with Content Platform Engine workflows and are not applied to Business Automation Workflow process work items.
- The in-basket is unable to display the activity properties for Business Automation Workflow process work items.
- When the columns are removed on the in-basket at design time, the in-basket displays undefined columns 'Subject' for 'Step Name' and 'Received date' for 'Time Created' at run time.
- The view for how work items are displayed is different from P8 work items and Business Automation Workflow process work items. Case has the concept of roles and personal in-baskets when P8 work items are displayed, while Process Portal does not.
- In Process Portal, when a user views their work, they can see
a) The work assigned to a team, unclaimed
b) The work assigned to a team, claimed
c) There are customizable filters and searches on the view, which can determine whether a user can see the claimed items or not. By default, a user that belongs to the same team can also see the claimed work items.The in-basket view in Case, models the existing in-basket view with the experience of Process Portal.For the same role or team, the Personal(Role) in-basket displays all tasks that are claimed.
The Personal(Role) or team in-basket displays all the Business Automation Workflow process work items claimed by the user regardless of roles.
The behavior of the Personal(Role) and Personal(Common) in-baskets is the same as regards to displaying Business Automation Workflow process work items. The role or team in-basket shows the Business Automation Workflow process work items that are associated directly with that team.
For a different role or team, when the user accesses the personal in-basket, they see unclaimed work items for the teams that the user belongs to.
For example:
Role or Team - RoleA
Members - UserA, UserB
Role or Team - RoleB
Members - UserB, UserC
Simple workflow (Step 1 [RoleA] > Step 2 [RoleB])
To show how Process Portal displays work items.
At Step 1, when UserB accesses the in-baskets, and looks at the RoleB role or team in-basket, they do not see any work items.
When UserB switches to the personal in-basket, they see the work item for simple workflow at Step 1. This behavior is because UserB belongs to the RoleA team. - Click the header column to sort Business Automation Workflow process work items, if a user defined property column on an in-basket can be sorted. When there are more work items than page size (default 50), the rows are not sorted. You can sort system columns, but rows are not sorted for user defined property columns. This is a limitation of what can be sorted with Business Automation Workflow processes. The same behavior exists with Process Portal, where user defined property columns cannot be selected to be displayed.
Resolving The Problem
Use the Work Dashboard to display the list of BPM work items: Working with processes
The functional gaps are addressed in upcoming releases of IBM Business Automation Workflow.
Items addressed in IBM Business Automation Workflow v20.0.0.1 and later:
- The All Assigned Work in-basket displays work items associated with Content Platform Engine workflow and does not display Business Automation Workflow process work items.
- The in-basket is unable to display the activity properties for Business Automation Workflow process work items.
Items addressed in IBM Business Automation Workflow v20.0.0.2 and later:
- In-basket dynamic filtering is only applied to work items associated with Content Platform Engine workflows and are not applied to Business Automation Workflow process work items.
- The in-basket displays undefined columns 'Subject' for 'Step Name' and 'Received date' for 'Time Created' at run time when the columns are removed in the in-basket at design time. This problem is addressed with APAR JR62462.
- A workaround for the sorting is to apply a filter on the in-basket rows so that the number of rows are less than the page size (default 50). Sorting of user defined property columns when there are fewer work items than the page size works, as the sorting is done on the client side. It is possible to configure to a larger page size (max 200), but the tradeoff is an impact to performance since more work items are requested.
Document Location
[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SS8JB4","label":"IBM Business Automation Workflow"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwEvAAI","label":"Case Management"},{"code":"a8m0z000000cwFFAAY","label":"Case Management-\u003ECase Client\/App Usage"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]
Product Synonym
IBM BAW, Business Automation Workflow
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Document Information
Modified date:
04 April 2024