IBM Support

Order processing for IBM MQ z/OS and VSE product or maintenance

Preventive Service Planning


You would like to order the IBM MQ product or maintenance. You want to know what options are available for ordering the product, individual PTFs and cumulative maintenance for IBM MQ.


Shopz support for maintenance includes ordering corrective service by PTFs or APARs and Recommended Service Upgrade (RSU) preventive service. In addition, service orders can be received on traditional media or the Internet. For an RSU order, you can upload your SMP/E CSI installed service inventory, which is used to customize your order and eliminate duplicate service.

Select from the following table to order maintenance for WebSphere MQ.
Order individual PTFs
Order an Expanded Service Option ESO
Order a ServerPac
Order a PUT tape
Use Internet Service Retrieval (SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER)


Order individual PTFs
  1. Sign in to Shopz
  2. Click on create new software orders for service or products.
  3. Verify your Customer number and Operating environment. From the drop-down box select a Package category of Service then click Continue
  4. Select the radio button for either:
    individual PTFs
    PTFs for individual APARs

    then click Continue
  5. Select the radio button for Do not use a report for this order and click Continue
  6. Enter the PTF numbers or APAR numbers in the box on the Specify order contents page and click Continue
  7. Select the media for this order from the drop-down box
  8. Enter your shipping information if it is not already populated and click Continue
  9. Review the order. At the bottom of the page is a printer icon with a Printable Version link next to it. If you wish to save a copy of this order for future reference, click the Printable Version link now. When your review is complete, click Submit

Order an ESO
The 800 number for ESO orders is 1-800-879-2755.

Order a ServerPac
Effective January 10, 2005, Shopz was enhanced providing Internet delivery of ServerPac (z/OS, DB2, CICS, IMS, WebSphere Application Server, NCP). A ServerPac order must be placed using Shopz for Internet delivery. The integration of Shopz with the ServerPac dialogs provides a seamless experience for ordering and installing your ServerPac orders, while leveraging the automation capabilities of Internet delivery with new SMP/E functions.
  1. Sign in to Shopz
  2. Click create new software orders for service or products
  3. Verify your Customer number and Operating environment. From the drop-down box select a Package category of Products and click Continue
  4. Select the radio button for system replacement (ServerPac)
  5. Check the box for your hardware on which you plan to run the software and click Continue
  6. Click on one of the buttons for Do not use a report for this order, or upload a new report and click Continue
  7. On the Shop for products page, select MVS - Internet/Networking from the Group pull down, choose a language and choose a filter and then click on the Show catalog link check the box for the appropriate version of WebSphere MQ and click Continue
  8. Click Continue on the Specify order contents page if you are happy with your product list. Note: You may need to select a required base.
  9. Check the appropriate boxes on the Select new licenses page and click Continue
  10. Select the media for this order and click Go
  11. Fill in Special instructions or Delivery schedule as needed click Continue
  12. Review the order. At the bottom of the page is a printer icon with a Printable Version link next to it. If you wish to save a copy of this order for future reference, click the Printable Version link now. When your review is complete, click Submit

Order a Recommended Service Upgrade
You can order a Recommended Service Upgrade (RSU) from the Shopz website.
  1. Sign in to Shopz
  2. Click on create new software orders for service or products
  3. Verify your Customer number and Operating environment. From the drop-down box select a Package category of Service and click Continue
  4. Select the radio button for service for all licensed products in one or more SRELs (new and improved) and click Continue
  5. On the Report Installed Software screen, click Continue
  6. Check the box for MVS, select the radio button for Recommended service and use the pull down list under Recommended service to select the starting level (RSUxxxx) then click Continue
  7. Select the media for this order from the drop-down box
  8. Validate your shipping information and click Continue
  9. Review the order. At the bottom of the page is a printer icon with a Printable Version link next to it. If you wish to save a copy of this order for future reference, click the Printable Version link now. When your review is complete, click Submit

Order a PUT tape
  1. Sign in to Shopz. If you do not have an IBM ID, you need to register for one. In addition, the IBM ID must be registered with Shopz to login.
  2. Click create new software orders for service or products
  3. Verify your Customer number and Operating environment. From the drop-down box select a Package category of Service and click Continue
  4. Select the radio button for service for all licensed products in one or more SRELs (new and improved) and click Continue
  5. On the Report Installed Software screen, click Continue
  6. Check the box for MVS and Select the radio button for All service from xxxxx through PUTxxx, plus all additional service, use the pull down list to select the level (PUTxxxx) and click Continue.
  7. Select the media for this order from the drop-down box
  8. Validate your shipping information click Continue
  9. Review the order. At the bottom of the page is a printer icon with a Printable Version link next to it. If you wish to save a copy of this order for future reference, click the Printable Version link now. When your review is complete, click Submit

Use Internet Service Retrieval (SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER)
You can use Internet Service Retrieval to submit requests for PTFs and HOLDDATA to a remote IBM server and automatically download the packages that result when those requests are fulfilled.

Use the RECEIVE ORDER command to submit an Internet Service Retrieval request to the IBM Automated Delivery Request server.

Refer to the SMP/E User's Guide (Chapter 4. Preparing to use Internet service retrieval) for more information.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008LTAAY","label":"Components and Features"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
16 October 2020

