IBM Support

Restrictions for online fix pack updates in db2 pureScale environment

Technical Blog Post


Restrictions for online fix pack updates in db2 pureScale environment


1. DB2 pureScale instance must be at the required minimum committed code level when performing an online update .

Starting with Version 10.5, a DB2 release has an architecture level and a code level. When you apply an online update, your DB2 pureScale instance must be at the required minimum committed code level. A new fix pack level has a different code level than an earlier fix pack release. However, the architecture level can be the same or different from an earlier fix pack release. Figure 1 shows the architecture level and code level for a fix pack release.

Each fix pack release or special build has a required minimum committed code level. Online updates to a specific fix pack release are supported from a required minimum committed code level. You can run the installFixPack -show_level_info command under instance user or “db2ALmanager_install -getCodeLevelInformation -installpath -instance ” command under root account to know the minimum committed code level information for online updates. The sample output of the command is provided below:

installFixPack -show_level_info :

/devinst/db2_kepler/aix64/s130528/server> ./installFixPack -show_level_info

Code level = Version:10 Release:5 Modification:0 Fixpack:0
Architecture level = Version:10 Release:5 Modification:0 Fixpack:0
Section level = Version:10 Release:5 Modification:0 Fixpack:0

Supports online update = Yes

Minimum committed code level required for online install =
Version:10 Release:5 Modification:0 Fixpack:0

The execution completed successfully.

For more information see the DB2 installation log at "/tmp/installFixPack.log.$PID".
DBI1070I Program installFixPack completed successfully.

You may also find the official documentation on link :

2. We do not support online update from DB2 V11.1 GA to modification 1 fix pack image , remind the existing customers who are using older releases(v97,v101,v105) to move to v11 mod pack 1 (not GA) , as upgrade from v11 mod pack 1 to v11 mod pack 2 is rolling upgrade-able.


  • For all DB2 V11.1 GA environments, the modification 1 fix pack image can only be applied offline.
  • DB2 V11.1 Modification 1 fix packs can be applied only to DB2 Version 11.1 general availability (GA) or DB2 V11.1 Modification 1 fix pack copies.
  • In all DB2 V11.1 GA environments, including DB2 pureScale, all DB2 instances, DAS, and applications that are related to the DB2 copy that is being updated must be stopped before you install a fix pack.
  • In a pureScale environment, before you install the fix pack, you must stop the database manager on all database members. You must install the fix pack on all database members as all of the computers that are participating in the pureScale cluster must be updated to the same fix pack level.
  • ........

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

