IBM Support

IBM® Spectrum Protect™ HSM for Windows® Version 8.1 Fix Pack 4 Known Problems and Limitations

Question & Answer


This document describes the known problems and limitations for the IBM Spectrum Protect™ HSM for Windows V8.1 Fix Pack 4 product.



  • Compressed files are uncompressed after recall.
  • Encrypted stubs are decrypted after restore.
  • Subfile backup and stub file backup are not supported together.
  • The HSM for Windows client uses a regular archive pool on the IBM Spectrum Protect server and uses the standard management class. The default retention period for files in the archive copy group is 365 days. With the default value, migrated files are deleted from IBM Spectrum Protect storage after 365 days and stub files cannot be recalled after that. If you want to keep migrated files in IBM Spectrum Protect storage for more than one year, configure your migration to use a management class with the appropriate retention settings.
  • Due to a restriction of the NTFS file system, extended attributes and reparse points are mutually exclusive. Because the HSM for Windows client uses reparse points, files with extended attributes cannot be migrated.
  • Hardware volume mapping can only be applied for volumes with a drive letter. For more details see the HSM for Windows Administration Guide (
  • Installation in a path with national language characters:
    The HSM for Windows client cannot be installed in a path that contains national language characters. Only installation paths with English characters are supported.
  • Restoring previous stub file versions from within Windows Shadow Copies is not supported. The Windows operating system stores Shadow Copy snapshot data in a format different from the NTFS format. Some of the NTFS features are not supported by Windows inside snapshot data. Thus stub files cannot be restored in current HSM for Windows versions from snapshot data.
  • Copying HSM for Windows migrated files (stub files) using the Microsoft Robocopy tool is not working as expected. Some attributes might not be copied correctly. For example the copied file appears to be offline although the file is resident.
  • Stub files on a shared file system cannot be recalled using a MAC OS X 10.6.7, 10.6.8 or 10.7 connecting to the shared file system over SMB.
  • If cluster services are not running when you install the HSM for Windows client, you might not be able to configure reconciliation and threshold migration. To resolve the problem, run the installation again with the 'Repair' option on all cluster nodes where you cannot configure reconciliation and threshold migration.
  • Since Windows Server 2012: Files that are processed by the Windows Data Deduplication feature cannot be migrated by HSM for Windows. The Windows Data Deduplication process replaces the file with a reparse point. Only files that are not deduplicated by Windows can be migrated. The Windows data deduplication feature is distinct from the IBM Spectrum Protect data deduplication feature.
  • On Windows Server and Resilient File System (ReFS) an executable file (.exe) cannot be recalled by double clicking on the file in the Windows Explorer. The console command dsmclc recall/recalllist can be used instead. The limitation does not exist on a Windows client and ReFS.
  • On Windows Server 2012R2 and Resilient File System (ReFS) the 'size on disk' property of a stub file (sparse file) is not displayed correctly. The size on disk of a stub file should be the actual used space of 64KB (cluster size), but instead the logical file size is displayed.
  • Stub file with extension .exe: If such a stub file is accessed locally on the HSM managed Windows server, it must be retrieved from archive before the execution of the file. The file can be retrieved using CLI commands dsmclc retrieve, dsmclc recall or using the search&retrieve panel in the GUI. The stub file can also be copied before the execution. If a stub file with extension .exe is recalled using double click in the explorer or opened in a shell the application is hanging. This limitation does not apply if such a stub file is accessed from a remote client system using the SMB protocol to access a shared folder. The limitation does not apply to interim fix version and later versions.
  • Properties of a stub file with no extension: The Windows explorer is hanging, if the 'right click -> Properties' menu of such a stub file is opened locally on the HSM managed Windows server. In this case the file should be recalled before the properties can be displayed. This limitation does not apply if a stub file with no extension is accessed from a remote client system using the SMB protocol to access a shared folder. The limitation does not apply to interim fix version and later versions.
  • HSM for Windows client version 8.1.2 and higher: If a file is recalled from a remote client system using the SMB protocol to access a shared folder and the recall duration is longer than 4 minutes, then the OS cancels the recall request. In this case the file must be recalled from the local file system on the Windows server.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSERFH","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.4","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 July 2018

