IBM Support

Network PCAP: How to run a Dynamic System Analysis (DSA) report on Lenovo Network PCAP Appliances



The DSA utility is not installed natively on Lenovo QRadar® Network PCAP appliances, so Administrators who experience hardware issues on their Lenovo Hardware appliances need to download and install the DSA utility in order to gather the DSA logs and submit a report with the hardware support request.


  • For QRadar M4 and M5 appliances, the Lenovo DSA 10.5 utility can be used to collect DSA logs.
  • For QRadar M6 and newer appliances the Lenovo OneCLI utility can be used to collect DSA logs.

Resolving The Problem

  1. Download the software based on your appliance version.
  2. Log in to the IMM or XCC and open remote control.
  3. When prompted, type the credentials to connect to the remote management interface.
    Note: The default credentials for QRadar Network Packet Capture appliances are root/napatech10.
  4. Run the command:
    mkdir -p /opt/qradar/support
  5. Using WinSCP & upload to console /tmp.
  6. From Network PCAP IMM command line, you can copy the files back to Network PCAP with scp console-ip:/tmp/filename .
    • The DSA bin you download must be uploaded to /opt/qradar/support.
    • The OneCLI rpm file can be uploaded to /tmp.
  7. For M4 or M5 appliances, to install and run the DSA utility:
    • To set permissions on the file, type:
      chmod 755 /opt/qradar/support/lnvgy_utl_dsa_dsala7k-10.5_portable_rhel7_x86-64.bin
    • To collect the DSA logs, type:
    • The utility creates a file in /var/log/Lenovo_Support with the machine type, example 7944AC1, Serial Number, and date.xml.gz. For example,  7944AC1_KQ6X8X8_20120927-163515.xml.gz
  8. Install and run the OneCLI utility on an M6 or newer:
    • To install OneCLI, type:
      yum -y install /tmp/lnvgy_utl_lxcer_onecli-<version>_rhel_x86-64.rpm  
      Where <version> is the version number of the OneCLI utility.
    • To collect the DSA logs, type:
    • The utility creates a file in /var/log/Lenovo_Support with the machine type, serial number, and a timestamp as an XML file.
      For example, OneCli-inventory-7X06-J1010000-RHEL7--20211104-170730.xml
  9. From QRadar console CLI, scp the files from the QRadar Network Packet Capture to the Console.
  10. Use WinSCP or equivalent to download the DSA files from console.
  11. Attach the hardware report to your QRadar Support case.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSMT8P","label":"IBM QRadar Network Packet Capture Appliance"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwtcAAA","label":"Hardware"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2023

