IBM Support

QRadar: Troubleshooting connectivity to IMM or XCC on QRadar appliances

Question & Answer


What basic steps should be taken when unable to connect to the Integrated Management Module (IMM) or XClarity Controller (XCC) on a QRadar appliance?


QRadar appliances have dedicated serial and Ethernet connections for use when connecting to integrated management controllers for hardware management purposes.
  • The M4 and M5 appliances have an IMMv2. The Web UI is called, "Integrated Management Module II".
  • The M6 appliances have a BMC. The Web UI is called, "XClarity Controller" (XCC).
The following information covers basic troubleshooting steps that can be used if you find that you are unable to connect to IMM/XCC.

Verify IMM IP sddress settings

The ASU64 utility can be used to establish a command line interface (CLI) connection to IMM. You can find the utility in the /opt/lenovo/toolscenter/asu directory on M4 and M5 appliances. ASU64 doesn't work on M6 appliances, so OneCLI is used instead. You can use these utilities to verify the IMM IP address settings with the following instructions:
Note: Use the command that corresponds to your appliance type. For example, use ASU64 for M4 and M5 appliances. Use OneCLI for M6 appliances.
  1. Log in to the appliance with the root account via SSH connection.
  2. Enter the following command:
    M4 & M5:
    /opt/lenovo/toolscenter/asu/asu64 show all --kcs | grep IMM.HostIPAddress
    For M6:
    /opt/lenovo/lnvgy-utl-lxce-onecli/onecli config show | grep IMM.HostIPAddress
  3. The returned result (example IMM.HostIPAddress1= the IP address that is configured for the IMM/BMC management port.

Verify network interface speed and duplex settings

The IMM management interfaces support only 100 MB Full Duplex. The BMC in the M6 has a dedicated 1GbE management port. You can find that you are unable to connect if the other side of the connection is attempting to use different settings. Verify that proper network settings are being used on the device that is directly connected to the IMM interface.

Verify NIC mode setting

If you have connected a laptop directly to the IMM port but are still unable to access the IMM, verify that the NIC mode is set to Dedicated:
  1. Log in to the appliance with the root account via SSH connection.
  2. Enter the following command:
    M4 & M5
    /opt/lenovo/toolscenter/asu/asu64 set IMM.SharedNicMode Dedicated --kcs
    /opt/lenovo/lnvgy-utl-lxce-onecli/onecli config set IMM.SharedNicMode Dedicated
If the NIC mode is set to "Shared", IMM access is shared through system Ethernet port 1 (or eth0). Setting the mode to "Dedicated" mode restricts access to the IMM/BMC only through the management port itself.

Reset IMM configuration

If you continue to have issues after having verified that you are connecting using the proper IP address and that the IMM connection settings are correct, you may need to reset the IMM configuration to default values and then reconfigure IMM. You can find instructions for this task in Technote 1964070: Resetting IMM on QRadar appliances.


[{"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Hardware","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 May 2021

