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Error description

  • 5740xyr00 R410 DB2 V4
    This APAR documents changes to the DB2 Data Sharing: Planning
    & Admin. SC26326901 which did not make Version 4.1 GA pubs.
    continuation of II09146, II09512 and II10881.
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning andAdmin.
    Pages:  53
    Change Description:
      Modify the text under 'Storage for Coupling Facilities'
      as follows:
    It is difficult to give precise estimates for coupling
    facility structure sizes used in DB2, partly because every
    environment is different, and partly because storage
    allocation is affected by the processor model and level of
    coupling facility control code you have.  Use the
    information given here for your initial estimates.  If you
    are running on MVS Version 5 Release 2 or subsequent
    releases, you can use these initial estimates as your
    initial size values (INITSIZE) and, depending on how much
    your work load varies, give a larger value for SIZE.  You
    can use an MVS SETXCF START,ALTER command to alter the
    structure from INITSIZE to SIZE and back again.  See
    "Changing Structure Sizes" on page 23 for more information.
    For the cache structures (group buffer pools) we give both
    "rule of thumb" estimates and input you can use for the
    storage formulas given in an appendix of Enterprise
    System/9000 and Enterprise System/3090 Processor
    Resource/System Manager Planning Guide.  Consult this guide
    if you are looking for detailed information about planning
    for storage in the coupling facility.
    When you decide what your structure sizes are, you must
    include those values in the CFRM policy definition.  See
    MVS/ESA Setting Up a Sysplex for more information about
    creating CFRM policies.
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages: 58
    Change Description:
     This change supersedes the change in II09146. This is a
     more detailed way of estimating EXTRA IRLM storage for
     data sharing.
    The requirements for IRLM storage are described in
    Section 2 of Installation Guide. The recommendation is to
    use PC=NO on the IRLM startup procedure and to set the
    MAXCSA value at the high end of your estimates.
    IRLM does not take the storage unless it needs it.
    If you increase MAXCSA, you might need to increase the CSA
    value in SYS1.PARMLIB, too.
    For data sharing, plan for additional storage because of
    additional data sharing locks called P-locks.  These locks
    are held on open page sets and on database descriptors
    (DBDs), skeleton cursor tables (SKCTs), and skeleton
    package tables (SKPTs).  Unlike transaction locks, storage
    for P-locks is held even when there is no transaction
    activity, and therefore they consume storage even with no
    transaction activity.  Plan also for extra storage that
    IRLM needs to build retained locks in case other members
    fail and in case you have to run IRLM diagnostic traces.
    The variables you need to account for are shown in the
    following table.
    Table 1. Variables used to Estimate Additional IRLM Storage
    X           P-locks          N = (MAX_OPEN_DATA_SETS * 500)
                                 X = N + (N * .20)
    NOTE:  The formula assumes that more than one P-lock might
    be held on a page set occasionally (such as for castout
    activity) and estimates about 20 percent for P-locks on
    the EDM pool objects and for short-lived page P-locks. If
    you know that your EDM pool has relatively few objects in
    it, you could use a lower percentage for that value.
    See Section 5 (Volume 2) of Administration Guide for more
    information about estimating the maximum number of open
    data sets, or use the value specified for the DSMAX
    subsystem parameter.
    Y       Ability to hold update       Dependent on how
            retained locks for a failed  update-intensive
            member                       the workload is.
                                         Start with the
                                            Y= .25X
    A      Storage for default diag-    .75MB
           nostic traces
    B      Storage for extra diagnostic 1.75MB
           traces that you might run
    For example, suppose that your non-data-sharing IRLM storage
    estimate is 5MB.  If you estimate that this DB2 member could
    have as many as 8000 open data sets, you could calculate the
    IRLM storage as follows:
      (8000 * 500) + 800KB = 4.58MB
      1 MB (approximate for retained locks)
      .75MB (default trace storage)
      1.75MB (extra trace storage)
      5MB (non-data-sharing estimate)
      Total IRLM storage = 13.08MB
    Be sure to follow the guidelines documented in Section 5
    (Volume 2) of Administration Guide for setting the
    dispatching priority of IRLM when using workload manager.
    If IRLM dispatching priority is too low, storage might not
    be freed as quickly, and IRLM might run out of storage.
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages: 58
    Change Description:
    Add the following paragraph to the section on estimating
    EDM pool storage:
    Storage for Reusing Threads
    One of the general recommendations for data sharing is to
    reuse threads whenever possible and to bind with the option
    RELEASE(DEALLOCATE). Depending on how much your threads get
    reused, this bind option can mean more EDM pool storage is
    necessary for storing objects used by the plan.  Plan for more
    EDM pool storage if you use RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) and thread
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages: 74, 75, 76
    Change Description:
      For each procedure (new group, enable, and new member),
      clarify that the installation job DSNTIJMV
      edits the startup procedure with the
      group and member name that is specified
      on the panel.
    P. 74 - Add the following sentence at the end of step 2:
    Installation job DSNTIJMV edits the ssnmMSTR
    startup procedure with the group name and
    member name you specify here.
    P. 75 - Add the following sentence at the end of step 2:
    Installation job DSNTIJMV edits the ssnmMSTR
    startup procedure with the group name and
    member name you specify here.
    P. 76 - Add the following sentence at the end of step 2:
    Installation job DSNTIJMV edits the ssnmMSTR
    startup procedure with the new member name
    you specify here.
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages:  87
    Change Description:
       Add the following section to the information about
       Removing Members from the Data Sharing Group
    When you quiesce a member, you must keep the log data sets
    until such time as they are no longer needed for recovery
    (other members might need updates that are recorded on that
    member's log).  You must keep the BSDS, too, because it
    contains information that points to those log data sets.
    The BSDS is also needed for group restart. However, if you are
    confident that logs for the quiesced member are no longer
    necessary, because that member has been quiesced for a long
    time or is permanently quiesced, it is possible to delete
    the BSDS data sets.  However, during group restart, you must
    expect the following message:
    DSNR020I -DB2G csect-name START MEMBER DB1G, OR REPLY 'NO'
               OR 'QUIESCED'
    When you respond with QUIESCED, then DB2 issues
    the following message:
               MEMBER'S LOG, REPLY 'YES' OR 'NO'
    In summary, you must do one of the following things to
    ensure that you have group restart capability:
    o   Keep the quiesced member's BSDS data sets
        (thus avoiding the WTOR messages above)
    o   Update your group restart procedure to ensure that
        operators know how to respond to the DSNR020I and
        DSNR030I messages.
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages: 113
    Change Description:
      The syntax for the MVS D XCF command is incorrect for
      the sample output shown. The correct syntax for
      displaying all structures that results in the output
      shown in figure 25 is
        D XCF,STR
    Version 4 Book Title:  Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
     Pages:  164
     Change Description:
      Under the first bullet for calculating global contention
      percentages, the calculated denominator is incorrect.
      Instead of 780232, the value should be 780732. This does
      not change the calculated percentage, which is rounded
      up anyway.
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages: 169
    Change Description:
       Add a list of caveats in the topic "How to Keep Data from
       Being Shared"
      How to Keep Data from Being Shared
      It is possible, although not necessarily recommended,
      to restrict access to data to a single member.
      If you choose to do this, there are operational
      issues to consider:
      o   You cannot do workload balancing for that data,
          because the other DB2s in the group are not aware
          of that data.  Thus, it is possible for the
          member that has access to the data to become
          overloaded if access to that data increases over
      o   Availability is compromised, because if the member
          that owns the data goes down, no other member can
          access that data.
      o   You might have to set up special affinities to allow
          the application access to that data.
          Work cannot be automatically routed around the
          group to find the data.
      DEFINING PRIVATE DATA:  If you want access to table
      space named NOSHARE limited only to DB2C, you could
      assign NOSHARE to a previously unused buffer
      pool, such as BP25, using the ALTER TABLESPACE statement.
      Do not define a group buffer pool that corresponds to
      BP25, and assign BP25 a size of zero on any other
      DB2 in the group.  This prevents the other members of
      the group from attempting to use this buffer pool and
      therefore from accessing table space NOSHARE.
    Version 4 Book Title: Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages: 179
    Change Description:
       Delete the section under the heading 'Effect of
       Data Sharing on Virtual Buffer Pool Data Set
       Thresholds'. These thresholds are treated the same for
       data sharing and non-data-sharing systems.
    Version 4 Book Title:  Data Sharing: Planning and Admin.
    Pages:  191
    Change Description:
      The SETXCF START,ALTER command for changing the size of
      the group buffer pool is incorrect. It should be:
    This APAR is continued in II10881.

Local fix

Problem summary

Problem conclusion

Temporary fix



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Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPEK","label":"Db2 for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 June 1999