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This APAR documents changes to the DB2 Administration Guide Volume 1 SC26488800 which did not make Version 3 GA pubs. This information is continued from II07478, II07866, II08170 and II08225. 5740xyr00 R310 DB2 ================================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-53 & 2-54 Change Description: Under the heading Accessing the Correct DB2 Program Library, change this sentence: You might need to provide STEPLIB or JOBLIB statements for the following types of programs and procedures. To this: Provide STEPLIB or JOBLIB statements for the following types of programs and procedures if you do not place DSN310.SDSNLOAD in the LNKLSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. Change the first sentence of the paragraph beginning "TSO or batch jobs" to: TSO or batch jobs that access DB2 services require JOBLIB or STEPLIB statements for DSN310.SDSNLOAD. Change the first sentence of the paragraph beginning "IMS control, message, and batch processing jobs" to: IMS control, message, and batch processing jobs also require JOBLIB or STEPLIB statements for DSN310.SDSNLOAD. Change the first sentence of the paragraph beginning "CICS procedures" to: CICS procedures, including the CICS initialization JCL, also need to include DB2 libraries. ============================================================= Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-58 Change Description: Add this sentence at the end of SMP/E Step 2: Job DSNTIJAE is written for SMP/E 1.5. If you use a different level of SMP/E, you can modify the DCB information for datasets in this job to match newer SMP/E standards. ============================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-66 and 2-74 Change Description: Add the following text to page 2-66, below the first paragraph of General Instructions: The DSNTINST CLIST does not save any of the panel input into your DSNTIDxx member until the CLIST gives this message: DSNT4781 BEGINNING EDITED DATA SET OUTPUT. Add the following text to page 2-74, below the first paragraph: You must specify an output member name in field 7 for your panel input to be saved. The DSNTINST CLIST does not save any of the panel input into your DSNTIDxx member until the CLIST gives this message: DSNT4781 BEGINNING EDITED DATA SET OUTPUT. ================================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-96 Change Description: Replace the comment text for 1. COMMON LINK EDIT with: Specify the data set name for the IBM C/370 common library stubs. Do not enter a value in this field if you are using the IBM SAA AD/Cycle C/370 compiler. Replace the comment text for 2. COMMON DYNAMIC with: Specify the data set name for the IBM C/370 common runtime library. Do not enter a value in this field if you are using the IBM AD/Cycle C/370 compiler. ================================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-101 Change Description: Add 'or COBOL/370' to the sentence below 3. CICS COBOL II LIBRARY. The sentence now is: Specify the data set name for the CICS library shipped with COBOL II or COBOL/370. ============================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-104 through 2-105 Change Description: Add the following sentence to the descriptions for fields 1 and 6 - 11: Use K (as in 32K) for multiples of 1024. ============================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-142, 2-143 Change Description: These fields on panel DSNTIPL (Active Log Data Set Parameters) cannot be updated: 1. NUMBER OF LOGS 5. ARCHIVE LOG FREQ 6. UPDATE RATE Change the update information for these fields to: Update: cannot change during update ============================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-167 Change Description: Add this warning to step 1 under Updating Parameters through the Update Selection Menu Panel: WARNING: If you use the same data set prefix or data set names, the current data sets will be deleted and reallocated when you run the DSNTINST CLIST. See page 2-87 for more information about the output data sets. ============================================================== Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Volume I Page: 2-199 Change Description: Add the following paragraph as a third bullet under the heading For Utilities: If you want DB2 to use query I/O parallel processing for plans bound with DB2 Version 2 Release 3 RUNSTATS statistics, it is not sufficient to rebind the plans with the DEGREE(ANY) option. Before rebinding the plans, you must execute the RUNSTATS utility against the table spaces accessed in the plans' queries. For more information on the RUNSTATS utility, see Command and Utility Reference. ================================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-199 Change Description: Add a new subheading under Migration Considerations called For the Catalog and Directory. Add the following text under the new subheading: Starting with DB2 Version 3, a new directory table space, DSNDB01.SYSUTILX, is used. DB2 does not delete the underlying VSAM data set for DSNDB01.SYSUTIL table space. You should not delete the underlying VSAM data set for table space DSNDB01.SYSUTIL until you are certain fallback to DB2 Version 2 Release 3 is not necessary. ============================================================= Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-200 Change Description: Add this text to the end of the third paragraph: You might receive SQL code +100, indicating you have an empty table as a result of the SELECT. This SQL code is normal. ============================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Adminstration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-200 Change Description: Change the last sentence before the queries to: Contact your IBM service representative if the first query returns a count > 0. Add this paragraph before the queries: The second query checks to see if you have UNIQUERULE=D. If a row is returned on this query, follow INFO APAR II07611 to change the UNIQUERULE from D to U. ============================================================== Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-207 Change Description: Under '3. Make sure all work is complete.' change the command: -DISPLAY DATABASE(DSNDB01,DSNDB06) RESTRICT to: -DISPLAY DATABASE(DSNDB01) SPACENAM(*) RESTRICT -DISPLAY DATABASE(DSNDB06) SPACENAM(*) RESTRICT This change will allow you to see restricted objects within these databases. =============================================================== Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-215 Change Description: Delete this incorrect paragraph from Migration Step 20. If you have temporary table spaces, include them in the DSNTIJTM job or alter the job manually. When this is done, the DSNTIJTM job restarts the DSNDB07 database. ============================================================== Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-234 Change Description: Replace Note 4 in Table 54, "COB2 and COBOL/370 Options" with: Refers to jobs DSNTEJ2C (if CICS is installed) and DSNTEJ5C. ============================================================== Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-237 Change Description: Replace the the third bullet under "Special Considerations for C Programs" with: Delete the common linkage editor library name from the compiler, prelink edit, and link edit steps of DSNHC. This library is not used by IBM SAA AD/Cycle C/370. ============================================================== Version 3 Book Title: Adminstration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-255 Change Description: Under the heading "Using CICS Storage-Handling Facilities," change DSNCIAR to DSNTIAC. Make the same change in the example text. After the example, add this sentence: You must also define DSNTIAC and DSNTIA1 in the CSD. ============================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 2-311 Change Description: Replace the first sentence of the last paragraph with: To create more space for the LSQA, you may need to decrease the region size. ============================================================ Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 3-29 Change Description: In the paragraph beginning "SQL Processing Conversations", change IBMDB2LM to IBMRDB in the third sentence. ============================================================== Version 3 Book Title: Administration Guide, Vol. I Pages: 3-55 Change Description: Before the section 'Tune GRS for DB2', add the following text: If you drop a shared object in the reader, the object identifier (OBID) is unavailable until you run the MODIFY utility. You must make the OBID available before recreating the object. ============================================================== This APAR info. in continued in II08789.
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[{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF054","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"001"}]
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09 September 2020