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Fixing CTJSD201E error showed by the Server Dashboard

Technical Blog Post


Fixing CTJSD201E error showed by the Server Dashboard


One of the most common errors received when using the Server Dashboard in the JazzSM environment, is the message:


CTJSD201E - Unable to establish communications with the data provider server


It is a generic message issued when the  connector fails reaching the data provider, in our case TEPS, but 
it may have indeed several root causes.

1) ITM Data provider not available

Most common cause is that the data provider on TEPS side is really not available.

In order to verify this option, you can run a quick test directly pointing the TEPS machine as follow:    
It looks like:





















Clicking the Get button you will then obtain some information that may be useful in the next steps of the problem determination.

For example, it shows the value for  "label","type" and "id" , where label is HUB TEMS name, type is usually "IBMTivoliMonitoringServices"

and id is the result of a merge of the string "itm" and the ITM HUB TEMS name.

For example, if HUB Tems name is HUB_SERVER1, the id will show "itm.HUB_SERVER1"


If the test.html page does open, it means that data provider is available.

If instead the above link fails, it means there is an issue with ITM Dashboard data provider, and in this case you need to 
investigate on that side.

Generally speaking, you need to be sure you have carefully verified all the three actions suggested in this link:


2) Possible problems with connection definition

If the ITM Dashboard data provider is enabled and working fine, you need to check if something is instead wrong on JazzSM/DASH side.


a) Check the status for the ITMSD Provider ID.

You can do it from :  "Console Settings--->Connection". The status must be "Working".

Any value different from "Working" indicates a possible problem with Connection definition.In that case you need to edit the Connection and double check you are pointing to the expected TEPS using the proper credentials.


b) Select "Dashboard Health Check" from "System Status and Health"   

For ITMSD component, check if the status is green.Then expand the ITMSD entry; it will show the status for each verification it performed on    
each area.    
Be sure a green status is returned for all of them.

If one of them shows a status different from green, you may need to perform an action accordingly to the impacting issue; for example if the TEPS ping is failing, you need to look for possible network issues.


3) Hot Standby and domain override

The error message CTJSD201E may also be issued  if ITM is configured with Hot Standby feature.
In this case the value of the connection domain would keep changing every time a failover occurs between HTEMS.    

The only way to avoid it, is to define a domain override in TEPS configuration, as specified in the link below, bullet 3: 


If you are not using Hot Standby, it can be anyway useful to check the TEMS domain defined for the ITMSD Provider ID.    
In Connection pane, select the ITMSD row and click Edit icon.    
Look if the field "Name" under Connection Information section matches the "label" value returned by the GET output, from



If all the above verification are OK, there is still a chance that something is wrong with internal definition of the ITMSD connector.

Before involving DASH support to further troubleshoot what's wrong with it, it worth to delete and redefine the connection.

In this way, if something is broken between connection and internal dash definitions, we would correct it by defining a new one from scratch.

It can be done by :    
A) Delete the existing connection 
1) Select the connection you want to remove (ITMSD one) and click the delete button.    
B) Recreate the connection:    
1) Click "Create new remote provider" button  
2) Keep HTTP protocol and type the TEPS fully qualified hostname in the hostname field.Put 15200 in the Port field.    
3) Provide user name and password used to connect TEPS    
4) Click Search button, it will retry the existing providers available on TEPS.    
5) Select the radio button for the provider retrieved on TEPS and then change the Provider ID field from current value to ITMSD.    
6) click OK and it's done.


Most of the time, the aforementioned steps are enough to identify the root cause of CTJSD201E error message and fix it.


Thanks for your time.



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