IBM Support




This technote assumes there is a "zWS server" task up and running (PGM=EQQSERVR) in the z/os system where the engine are defined.
To connect the DWC 9.5 or 10.1 to the zWS server, these are the instructions:
1- Search for the message EQQPH50I in the zWS server MLOG, 
     the message shows the IP address and port used by the zWS server for the TCP/IP communication.
2- On DWC installation directory, search for the connectionFactory.xml file
     under Inst_dir\DWC\usr\servers\dwcServer\configDropins\templates\zconnectors 
     and copy the connectionFactory.xml file under this other directory     Inst_dir\DWC\usr\servers\dwcServer\configDropins\overrides
This is an example on how can be defined the engines on the z-connector side.
Below are defined 2 engines TW3X and TW5X: 
 <server description="zonnector_configuration">
    <!-- replace all variables with the proper connection property values -->
    <connectionFactory id="TW3X "       => this is the engine name
      jndiName="eis/tws/zconn/TW3X ">   => this the engine name
     <properties.ZOSConnectorAdapter hostName=""  => zWS server ip by EQQPH50I
                                     portNumber="xxxx"                                       => zWS server port by EQQPH50I
   <connectionFactory id="TW5X"
        <properties.ZOSConnectorAdapter hostName="YY.YYY.YYY.YYY" => zWS server ip by EQQPH50I
                                        portNumber="YYYY"                                            => zWS server port by EQQPH50I

3- The engine has to be defined also in the DWC, go in the Manage Engine panel, click NEW  
*ENGINE NAME specify a name for the DWC engine;
*ENGINE TYPE choose z/OS;            
*HOSTNAME leave localhost;               
*PORT NUMBER specify 19402 (the default port number)
   Note: if during the DWC installation has been used a different port, check the value 
         in variable name="host.bootstrap.port.sec" value="  that is in the file 
         under the directory Inst_dir\DWC\usr\servers\dwcServer\configDropins\overrides  
*REMOTE SERVER NAME specify the connectionFactory id (like for the above example TW3X);         
*USER and PASSWORD  specify user and password
4- Check in zWS server MLOG the SERVOPTS statement and verify if the USERMAP is defined 
and update the USERS member with the following information USER 'user@hostname*'  RACFUSER(USER)
   Note: If the USERMAP is not specified the TMEADMIN or EQQADMIN class must be active,
             refer to the customization and tuning manual in the paragraph: 
             Mapping a Dynamic Workload Console user ID to a RACF user ID

 Additional info: 
 DWC must be at the SAME RELEASE or GREATER compared to zWS controller.
 For zWS 10.1, DWC must be release 10.1
 For zWS  9.5,  DWC must be 9.5 or 10.1
 For IWSz 9.3,  DWC must be 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 or 10.1

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSWL3F","label":"IBM Z Workload Scheduler"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001gqHAAQ","label":"ZOS-\u003EDWC-\u003Ezliberty technote needed"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS000000000","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
18 October 2023

