IBM Support

Showing Status Description based on a users language.

Technical Blog Post


Showing Status Description based on a users language.


The Domains are not Multi-Language enabled and will always be in the Maximo base language. For example, if Spanish is your Base Language and you have added English as a secondary language, the "Draft" status would always show up as "BORRADOR" on the Jobplan application. To get the English value, you would have to add the description of the domain to the page as well.

In order to show the Description of the domain, you will first have to double check if there is a Maximo relationship to the domain, if not add, add a new relationship. First you need to know the Object and Attribute for the relationship, so open up the Jobplan Application, put the cursor in the Status field and hit F11. You should see something like this,










Make a note of the Object and Attribute name. Then go to Database Configuration, bring up the Jobplan Object and filter for the Status attribute,



Here you can see that the domain is JOBPLANSTATUS, this is the domain we need to create a relationship for. Click on the Relationship tab and see if there is a relationship to SYNONYMDOMAIN. If there already is a relationship defined, check to see if it reference to the JOBPLANSTATUS domain in the where clause. If not add a new relationship like this,image


The name should be something like STATUSDESC and the where clause should include the name of the Domain and the Attribute, in our case "domainid='JOBPLANSTATUS' and value=:status" since we have the JOBPLANSTATUS domain associated with the STATUS Attribute. We can now add the description field to the Jobplan application. Note that I used the base language to do the configuration, this is highly recommended unless you are aware of the ML functionality and it's pitfalls.

Go to the Application designer, make sure you are logged in with a user that uses the base language and bring up the Jobplan Application. Open up the list page and copy/Paste the Status field. Then open up the properties and edit the field to use the new relationship. STATUSDESC.DESCRIPTION means that we are using the new relationship to look up the Description from the Synonymdomain. At the same time, give it an appropriate description and set it as read-only. Save the changes.




Log out and log in as a user with the secondary language, go to Application Designer and bring up the Jobplan application once again. This time you should only have to change the Description of the attribute, save the changes and log out again.



Log in as a Spanish user and check the new description field, it should be Spanish,image


And when logged in as the English user, the description will become English even if the actual status is in Spanish.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

