IBM Support

From the Maximo Support Desk - Introduction To Using Crews On Work Orders

Technical Blog Post


From the Maximo Support Desk - Introduction To Using Crews On Work Orders


"How do you set up a Crew?", "You can't just go to Crews and insert a new record!"

The good news is that it's easy to assign a crew to a Work Order...

In, the Crew functionality from the Maximo for Utilities product was integrated with the base Maximo product.  This allows Work Orders to have a Crew assigned to perform the tasks. When you assign a Crew, the appropriate Crew needs to be matched to the requirements of the Work Order. For example, a Work Order needs 36 hours of electrical overhead line work performed.  The assigned crew, OHLINE, has 24 hours of availability each day. The first 24 hours are assigned to the first day and a new assignment is created for the remaining 12 hours of required labor on the following day.



    -In the Assignment Manager (T&D) application, filter the work list to display the work orders to which you want to assign a crew.
    -From the work list, select the check boxes for one or more requirements to which you want to assign a crew.
    -From the crew list, select the crew to which you want to assign the work.
    -From the Select Action menu, click Assign Crew.
    -Click OK.

The work order is assigned to the crew. The value of % Alloc is calculated, and the crew row uses the correct color code.


How To Get There:

To get into the enviable scenario of being able to easily assign a crew takes some setup work, though.  There are prerequisite components that need to be in place before you can create the crew.  Specifically, you will need crew types, crafts, a Calendar, and labor records.  Here is a straightforward series of tasks and steps to get a crew up and running. The data values used in this example are from the Maximo demo database (maxdemo instance)

1. Set up a Crew:

Prerequisite: Crew Type must be created
    Prerequisite: Craft must be created

      -Go To Administration | Resources | Crew Types
      -Click the New Crew Type button on the toolbar
      -In the Crew Type field enter "ABC"
      -In the Required Crafts section click the New Row button
      -In the Position field | Select Value | click LEADER
      -In the Craft field | Detail Menu | Select Value | click CRAFT01
      -Repeat the steps for HELPER

-Go To Administration | Resources | Crews
    Prerequisite: Calendar must be created
        -Administration | Calendars
        -Click the New Calendar button on the toolbar
        -In the Calendar field enter "ABC"
        -In the Description field enter "Day Shift for ABC Crew
        -In the Start Date and End Date fields use the Select Date buttons to click on a date range
        -Select Action | Define/Apply Shifts
        -Click DAY (07:00:00 - 15:00:00 = 8.00 Hours)
        -Click Apply Shifts
        -Click OK
        -Save the record

-Click the New Crew button on the toolbar
-In the Crew field enter "ABC"
-In the Crew Type field | Detail Menu | Select Value | click ABC
-In the Calendar field | Detail Menu | Select Value | click ABC
-On the Labor Assignments tab | Assigned Labor section | click the New Row button
-In the Position field | Select Value | click LEADER
-In the Labor field | Detail Menu | Go To Labor
-In the Calendar field | Select Value | click DAY and press Enter
-Click on any record, such as ALLEN
-Click Yes at the System Message (craft mismatch)
-Correct the Craft on the Labor
    -In the Labor field | Detail Menu | Go To Labor
    -In the Crafts section click the New Row button
    -In the Craft field | Select Value | click CRAFT01
    -Save the record
    -Click Return With Value
-Click the New Row button
-Repeat steps to add Labor for HELPER in Position field and add CRAFT02 to this Labor

2. Verify that neither Labor record has any current assignments:
-Go To Work Orders | Assignment Manager
-Click the Advanced Search button
-In the Plan Details section | Labor field | Detail Menu | Select Value
-In the Labor field enter "ALLEN" and press Enter
-Click the checkbox to select ALLEN and click OK
-Click the Find button
-Verify that the System Message appears that indicates that no matching records were found
-Click OK and repeat steps for the second Labor

3. Create a Work Order and assign this Crew

-In Assignment Manager, filter for a Work Order, or view the rows in the Work List section that are unassigned

-When the Work Order appears in the Work List section at the top, Click on the Crew List tab

-In the Work List section, click the checkbox to the left of the Work Order or task

-In the Crew List tab, click the checkbox for the Crew to be assigned

-With both the work and the labor selected now, use the Common Actions/Assign Crew action in the left pane menu


Tom Richardson is an IBM Maximo Support Engineer and frequent contributor to the Asset Management Blog community.  For a complete index of links to his articles, visit
Index of articles by Tom Richardson, Support Engineer


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

