IBM Support

Loading Report Designs in IBM Maximo Asset Management and Maximo Asset Management Multitenancy Version

Release Notes


To improve performance and efficiency, a new process for loading reports was developed for version of Maximo Asset Management and Maximo Asset Management Multitenancy. This document describes the new process for loading reports. The document also explains how to disable the import feature if you do not want to implement it and what to do if the import process fails.


What changed

In earlier releases, when users installed or upgraded Maximo, new or missing report designs (that is, reports that were not included in the report design table) were imported when the administrative server was started.

Effective with Maximo Asset Management version, report additions are no longer imported when the administrative server is started. Additions are handled by a new ReportImport cron task.

The update process uses a report version parameter in the product XML to determine what version of reports is included in the product. If the report version for the pending update is greater than the version in the installed product, the updatedb process creates an instance of the ReportImport cron task, which imports the reports.

After reports are imported, the cron task instance is automatically removed.

Disabling the import feature

If an enterprise does not want to use the new report import feature, administrators can disable it.

To disable the feature, set the property to true.

Importing reports if failures occur

If a failure occurs and one or more report designs fail to load, users can import reports using one of the following options:

reportloader command utility option

Users can recreate the ReportImport cron task instance by running a new reportloader command utility, which is provided with version

The reportloader command utility is located in the maximo/tools directory.

The utility takes the following optional arguments:




In multitenant systems, when this argument is specified, files are loaded only for the Global Administrator and System Provider.


Filename for properties file.

If no property file is specified, is used.

See also: -k parameter for propfile directory.


Directory for properties file.

If no file is specified, the default loction for the file is used.

See also: -f parameter for propfile filename.


When this argument is specified, the .dbc file that inserts the cron task instance is saved to the log directory.

After the instance is created, perform one of the following actions:

  • Restart the administrative server.
  • In the Cron Task Setup application, select the ReportImport cron task and choose Reload Request from the More Actions menu.

importreports command line utility option

Users can manually run the importreports command line utility to resolve any issues.

Note: While the new reportloader utility only imports designs that are not present in the report design table, the existing importreports utility imports all report designs and overwrites existing report designs. In addition, the existing importreports utility requires manual configuration because it does not use

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 July 2020

