IBM Support

Deploying IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager in a containerized environment (Beta release)

Product Documentation


IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager centralizes, simplifies, and automates the encryption key management process to help minimize risk and reduce operational costs of encryption key management.


The containerized IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager application provides a simpler deployment experience that can be easily scaled and upgraded. The deployment consists of two containers:
  1. Database
  2. Application
The following Beta versions of the containerized IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager application are available.
Beta version Release date Components
Version 4.1 Beta 4 16 October 2020
  • WebSphere Application Server: Liberty base
  • Database:
    • PostgreSQL Version 12.2 
    • IBM Db2 Version 11.5
    • IBM Db2 for z/OS Version 12.0
Version 4.1 Beta 3 08 September 2020
  • WebSphere Application Server: Liberty base
  • Database:
    • PostgreSQL Version 12.2 
    • IBM Db2 Version 11.5
    • IBM Db2 for z/OS Version 12.0
Version 4.1 Beta 2
10 July 2020
  • WebSphere Application Server: Liberty base
  • Database:
    • PostgreSQL Version 12.2 
    • IBM Db2 Version 11.5
    • IBM Db2 for z/OS Version 12.0
Version 4.1 Beta 1
27 April 2020
  • WebSphere Application Server: Liberty base
  • Database: IBM Db2 Version 11.5 or PostgreSQL Version 12.2 
For more information, click a tab.

Version 4.1 Beta 4

What's new
  • Install IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager on the OpenShift platform.
  • You can now configure user authentication (File, LDAP) by using the graphical user interface or REST services. Configuring authentication while running a container will not be available.
  • You can configure the security standards (For example, FIPS, Suite_B) by using REST services. Configuring security standards while running a container will not be available.
  • When adding a user, you need not remember and provide the exact user name. You can now search for a user who is configured in your authentication system and then select it to assign roles and groups.
  • You can now group clients to enable seamless sharing and serving of cryptographic objects among them.
  • Support for IBM Java JCEPlusFIPS on the OpenShift and Kubernetes platforms.
  • Defect fixes
Note: Renaming of the product from IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager is in progress. You will find references of both the product names in the document and in the linked resources.
Available tags
  • latest
Beta 4 content
For instructions to install IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager container and for Beta specific content, see the attached PDF.
To get started with using the product and for more information about the features, see IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager 4.0.0 - IBM Documentation.
License (Terms and Conditions)
By using the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager container image, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions given here: Software License Agreement

Feedback and support
For more information, any questions or feedback, send us an email at:

Version 4.1 Beta 3

What's new
  • Support for full and incremental replication. For more information, see Configuring replication.
  • Support for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) providers for user authentication. You can configure the relevant parameters while running a container to configure LDAP.
  • Support for Hardware Security Module (HSM). You can now configure an HSM to work with the application container.
  • The Groups section in the User Management page is now fully functional. For more information, see the User Management section of the Beta PDF.
  • Support for security standards: FIPS, Suite B, SP800-131a, SSL/TLS Cipher suites, and CA-signed Certificate for Liberty. You can configure the relevant parameters while running a container to configure them.
  • Defect fixes
Note: Renaming of the product from IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager is in progress. You will find references of both the product names in the document and in the linked resources.
Available tags
  • latest
Beta 3 content
For Beta specific content, see the attached PDF.
To get started with using the product and for more information about the features, see IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager 4.0.0 - IBM Documentation.
License (Terms and Conditions)
By using the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager container image, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions given here: Software License Agreement

Feedback and support
For more information, any questions or feedback, send us an email at:

Version 4.1 Beta 2

What's new
  • User interface enhancements
    • New User Management section.
      User Management option
    • New User Profile option. The User Profile page that opens provides a quick view of the user roles and groups that are associated with the logged-in user.
      User Profile option
    • New Change User Password option that enables you to change the user password of the logged-in user.
      change password
  • Support for readiness and liveness probes for Kubernetes
  • Support for deploying IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager on IBM zCX environment with Db2 for z/OS
  • Defect fixes
Note: Renaming of the product from IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager to IBM Security Guardium Key Lifecycle Manager is in progress. You will find references of both the product names in the document and in the linked resources.
Available tags
  • latest
Beta 2 content
For Beta 2 specific content, see the attached PDF.
To get started with using the product and for more information about the features, see IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager 4.0.0 - IBM Documentation.
License (Terms and Conditions)
By using the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager container image, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions given here: Software License Agreement

Feedback and support
For more information, any questions or feedback, send us an email at:

Version 4.1 Beta 1

What's new
  • Replaced WebSphere Application Server traditional with Liberty base
  • Added support for additional database: PostgreSQL
  • Provided Helm charts (sample) for deployment on Kubernetes cluster
Available tags
  • latest
Beta 1 content
For Beta 1 specific content, see the attached PDF.
To get started with using the product and for more information about the features, see IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager 4.0.0 - IBM Documentation.
License (Terms and Conditions)
By using the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager container image, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions given here: Software License Agreement

Feedback and support
For more information, any questions or feedback, send us an email at:

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSWPVP","label":"IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cvdLAAQ","label":"SKLM"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"4.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 October 2021

