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ITM Nuggets: SPUFI Use Case 3: Pull LIVE information on which agents are assigned to all of your MSLs in one query

Technical Blog Post


ITM Nuggets: SPUFI Use Case 3: Pull LIVE information on which agents are assigned to all of your MSLs in one query








On the forth installment of the SPUFI series, we look at our third "use case". This blog will show you how to extract key information via the command line from your TEMS relating to which agents are assigned to which MSL (Managed system list).  This is a very powerful way to obtain great information from your TEMS


If you missed part one on how to use the tool here is a quick link: -----> Link to blog one in the SPUFI series


Overall Goal

The goal is to be able to pull information on which agents are assigned to which MSL, quickly. There are many reasons why you would use this method, here are a few:


·       You can ensure your critical agents are allocated to your default MSLs. This check ensures each agent of that type can be distributed all situations associated to that MSL. If the agent is not present in the list, its not associated to the MSL.

·       You can quickly see if agents are missing, or allocated to MSLs they should not be. Having agents added to MSL that are not needed, could mean they are being distributed situations they do not need to have. This adds unneeded stress on resources at the agents host machine. Being able to quickly see the agent assignments, allows faster and better management for the infrastructure.


Understanding the process

Today we will be using the KDSTSNS tool with some SQL to query the situation status table on the HUB TEMS, specifically the NODELIST table. As in the first blog of the series explained how to query the TEMS, the below information explains how to interpret the output of the SQL, so you can utilise the information for you own means. I will start by breaking down what each column means in the table we are querying. This will give you the basics to go away and try it for yourself!


Each of the rows in the below table represents is a column in the NODELIST table on the TEMS and its meaning. You will need to query this table on the TEMS using SQL provided to retrieve the required data.






Name of Column

Information held in that column


This column will display the name of the MSL (managed system list)


This column will display the name of the agent/endpoint associated with the MSL name in column 1 (NODELIST column)


This will always be ‘M’ as that i a criteria we have added to our SQL. The 'M' stands for "MSL member"



How to retrieve the key information

For the method of how to retrieve the data and where to put the files. This was covered in post one in the series:   Link - Blog 1


You will need to execute this SQL:







Example scenario:

In the below output you can see which agents are associated with which MSL.

For example at the bottom of the output, I have created an MSL named "Mark_MSL_1" and I have assigned one agent to that MSL named " Primary:PINKY:NT". As there is only one agent assigned to that MSL there is only one row.





If I then add a further two agents to that same MSL I created. You can see, each agent has its own row to display the association. We now have 3 rows, one for each agent listed against the same MSL




What next?

You now have the methodology and the SQL to get the data you need. You could perform health check, test events, etc.  You could also open up the resulting file in a spreadsheet editor. A quick text to columns and you can filter away on a single agent or MSL, to refine potential masses of information down to concise quality checks.


Hope this has been of use to you. If you have any questions or you would like me to build a test case to find a specific piece of information, please post below and I will respond to you.















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