IBM Support

How to set the Sybase agent in detailed tracing mode to collect additional debug data.

Technical Blog Post


How to set the Sybase agent in detailed tracing mode to collect additional debug data.


There may be times when you need to set the Sybase agent in detailed tracing mode to collect additional debug data in the agent instance logs.  Here are the steps to do this:

1. Go to $ITM_HOME/misc/koytrac.ctl, and make a backup of the file first.  Then open it, and remove the ;; from the beginning of the ";;trace_all" line as shown here:




Save file.


2.  Next, you will need to set the following environment variables to increase the number of lines collected in the collector log and the corresponding count:

Open the file $ITM_HOME/config/oy.config or <install_dir>/config/<host>_oy_<isnt>.cfg and add the following 2 lines:
export COLL_WRAPLINES=50000
3.  Restart your Sybase agent, and run a new pdcollect to collect the logs.  These logs are now in detailed tracing mode and will write additional data to the log files.
After you've collected the detailed pdcollect tracing, you can go back and modify the files and comment the trace_all back to what it was before, and restart the agent one more time to bring the normal amount of logging again.


Good luck. Smile

Noel Lewis

ITCAM / APM / ICAM L2 Support team


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