IBM Support

Step by step example of how to upgrade to JazzSM 1.1.3 Fix Pack 3

Technical Blog Post


Step by step example of how to upgrade to JazzSM 1.1.3 Fix Pack 3


As the latest fix pack for JazzSM/DASH has been released, this guide has the purpose to illustrate a complete step by step example of how to upgrade your current installation to Fix Pack 3 in GUI mode or in silent mode by using a response file.

Download link:


Performing the upgrade in GUI mode:

  • download and extract FP3 package
  • add the repository within Installation Manager -> preferences section: <extracted_path_JazzFP3>/JazzSMFPRepository/disk1/diskTag.inf
  • select the Update option from the Installation Manager main menu and choose JazzSM from the list



  • continue with the installation steps by following the wizard instructions:


  • enter smadmin user details and click on the “Validate” option:


  • click on “Update” and make sure everything completed successfully:




Performing the upgrade in silent mode:

  • download and extract FP3 package
  • update the response file that you'll use to run the upgrade


A: As a sample you can use the following and update with your location path and encrypted password for the user.WAS_PASSWORD property:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>



    <variable name='sharedLocation' value='/opt/IBM/IMShared'/>



    <repository location='/Miha/JazzSMFPRepository/disk1'/>


  <profile id='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' installLocation='/opt/IBM/JazzSM'>

    <data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86_64'/>

    <data key='user.BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS' value='16312'/>

    <data key='user.CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16322'/>

    <data key='user.SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS' value='16313'/>

    <data key='user.CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16323'/>

    <data key='user.DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS' value='16318'/>

    <data key='user.IPC_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS' value='16314'/>

    <data key='user.ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16320'/>

    <data key='user.WC_defaulthost_secure' value='16311'/>

    <data key='user.REST_NOTIFICATION_PORT' value='16324'/>

    <data key='user.WC_defaulthost' value='16310'/>

    <data key='user.WC_adminhost_secure' value='16316'/>

    <data key='user.SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16321'/>

    <data key='user.WC_adminhost' value='16315'/>

    <data key='user.TIP_CONTEXT_ROOT' value='/ibm/console'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_HOME' value='/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'/>

    <data key='user.CREATE_NEW_WAS_PROFILE' value='false'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_PROFILE_PATH' value='/opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_PROFILE_NAME' value='JazzSMProfile'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_HOST_NAME' value=''/>

    <data key='user.WAS_SERVER_NAME' value='server1'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_NODE' value='JazzSMNode01'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_USER_NAME' value='smadmin'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_CELL' value='JazzSMNode01Cell'/>

    <data key='user.WAS_PASSWORD' value='MKzgom+ucqpj8e5dVuK8Dw=='/>



    <!-- IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub -->

<offering profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' id='' version='3.1.3100.20190329-0559' features=','/>


  <preference name='' value='${sharedLocation}'/>

  <preference name='offering.service.repositories.areUsed' value='false'/>



B: You can navigate to the <extracted_path_JazzFP3> / responsefiles/platform_name directory, make a backup of the update response file, for example, update_jazzsm_fullprofile_response.xml and edit this file to use it for the upgrade.

Open the response file, edit it for the following parameters, and save the file.

Edit the path to the software package repository:

<repository location='/tmp/jsmfp112/JazzSMFPRepository/disk1' temporary="true"/>

Edit the home location for the existing Jazz for Service Management installation:


Edit the temp space path location to extract the files from repository location:



For the administrator password you have to specify the encrypted password that will be generated by running:

  ./imutilsc encryptString password_to_encrypt    from Installation_Manager_Home/eclipse/tools directory.            For the Software packages to apply section only keep the offering elements for the installed integration services components on the machine and delete those   offering elements if the integration services are not installed on the machine.   

Also for DASH add the version parameter within the specification list: version='3.1.3100.20190329-0559'

For example, for DASH only, without Reporting or other features:


Save the response file and run the following command from Installation_Manager_Home/eclipse/tools

./imcl input path_response_file -log path_log_file -acceptLicense



./imcl input /Miha/responsefiles/unix/update_jazzsm_fullprofile_response.xml -log /Miha/dash.log -acceptLicense

[root@fruits1 tools]# ./imcl input /Miha/responsefiles/unix/update_jazzsm_fullprofile_response.xml -log /Miha/dash1.log -acceptLicense
Updated to in the /opt/IBM/JazzSM directory.




    [{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"","label":""},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

