IBM Support

QRadar: Performing a manual deploy of an individual managed host

How To


Sometimes it is necessary to perform a manual deploy of a malfunctioning managed host when it cannot download replication and processes are failing to start. How can you force the managed host to deploy its Configurationset to address such a problem?


In some instances configuration fails to replicate fully. The configuration files on QRadar can become corrupted or unavailable.
A partially missing, entirely missing, or corrupt Configurationset on a managed host can cause a wide range of issues, including communication problems. Examples of files that fall into this category:
  • nva.conf
  • nva.hostcontext.conf
In most cases, running a full deploy will resolve these problems by rewriting the Configurationset. However, when performing a full deploy from the Console UI or Command-Line, there are not possible or is not practical. In such cases, forcing a local Configurationset transform can be a viable option.


The script /opt/qradar/bin/ makes it possible to force a managed host to transform the Configurationset for its local use, effectively performing a full deploy on the managed host only.

Before You Begin

The script requires the following preconditions to function:

  • The Console is running the Tomcat service.
  • The managed host is running Hostcontext.
  • No current deploy, add or remove managed host actions are in progress.

Administrators run the following steps to deploy the newest configuration on a managed host locally:  
  1. SSH  to the QRadar Console as the root user. 
  2. Move to the /store/configservices/configurationsets directory:
    cd /store/configservices/configurationsets/
  3. Use SCP to copy the deployment configuration files to the managed host:
    scp globalset_list.xml <managedhost_ip>:/store/configservices/configurationsets
  4. Use SSH to log in to the managed host:
    ssh <managedhost_ip>
  5. Replicate the PostgreSQL Database on the managed host by running the replication .pl script:
    Note: The following command is not to be run on the Console or it will corrupt the Console. 
    /opt/qradar/bin/ -download
  6. In the managed host, run the script to force a local full deploy:
    Note: The following command is not to be run on the Console or it will corrupt the Console. 
    /opt/qradar/bin/ -l -f
    Expected output: 
    Starting up...
    Deployment status set to 'Initiating Deployment'
    Deployment status set to 'In Progress'
    Deployment status set to 'Success'
    Deploy Global Set: Done.
    local_transformation: End.
    The changes were locally deployed. If the issue persists, contact QRadar Support for assistance.

Additional Information

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwtNAAQ","label":"Deployment"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"7.3.3;7.4.1"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
25 April 2024

