IBM Support

New PowerLinux installation quick start guides and videos

Technical Blog Post


New PowerLinux installation quick start guides and videos


image  By: Kersten Richter.  In the PowerLinux world where the installation choices are seemingly endless, a clear path for installing Linux on a PowerLinux server can be somewhat difficult to find. In late January, Steve Champagne and I (Kersten Richter) traveled to Rochester, Minnesota for our own installation experience. We received an  IBM PowerLinux 7R2 (8246-L2C) still in the shipping box. We spent several days exploring various installation scenarios and, based on our experiences, have recently published several resources to use for installing Linux on a PowerLinux server.

The first of these publications are Quick start guides.  From start to finish, these guides provide a specific path for installing Linux on a PowerLinux server. One guide illustrates setting up and installing Linux through the use of a console. This method is perfect for a system that does not have a graphics card installed. Another method demonstrates setting up and installing Linux using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse: a path designed for a system that does have a graphics card.  Both of these guides are intended for a stand-alone system.

For those of you who would rather watch an installation than read about it, we also have Quick start videos  illustrating similar installation paths to the guides. The videos contain many tips for setting up your PowerLinux server, in a format that is easy to follow. Similar to the quick start guides, the videos highlight a path for a specific setup scenario.

Finally, you can find additional information about installing Linux on a PowerLinux server, including information about additional installation methods, an x86 and PowerLinux term comparison,  and a  PowerLinux installation FAQ.  Armed with this information, you can approach your PowerLinux installation projects with confidence and soon be on your way.
Take a look and let us know what pathways you found most helpful.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HW1W1","label":"Power ->PowerLinux"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

