IBM Support

MustGather: Persistent Naming Server and ORB related problems in WebSphere InterChange Server V4.3.0.2 and later environments



Collecting data for problems related to Persistent Naming Server (PSN) and ORB in WebSphere InterChange Server version and later releases. By gathering specific information before calling IBM Support, you can facilitate communicating the problem and save time analyzing the data.

Resolving The Problem

Collecting data for problems related to Persistent Naming Server (PSN) and ORB in WebSphere InterChange Server version and later releases. By gathering specific information before calling IBM Support, you can facilitate communicating the problem and save time analyzing the data.

If you have already contacted IBM Support, continue reading to begin collecting WebSphere InterChange Server MustGather data. Otherwise, refer to the following document: WebSphere InterChange Server MustGather: read first.

To improve the accuracy of complete data collection, IBM recommends you use the automated data collectors within IBM Support Assistant. Not only will the automated collector gather the equivalent of the manual process, it will also provide a secure file transfer of the collection to IBM.

IBM Support Assistant Lite IBM Support Assistant Lite (ISA Lite)
A special offering that contains just the data collector component of the IBM Support Assistant Workbench
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IBM Support Assistant Workbench IBM Support Assistant Workbench (ISA Workbench)
For a full range of problem solving features, the workbench contains all the data collection capability of ISA Lite plus much more!
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Collecting data using IBM Support Assistant

ISA Lite

  1. Download ISA Lite and extract it to your WICS_HOME directory.

  2. Start ISA Lite by running runISALite.[sh|bat].

  3. Select the following collector:
    WebSphere InterChange Server > Runtime > ORB Problem

  4. Follow the prompts to automatically submit the collected data to IBM Support.

ISA Workbench

  1. Download and install the ISA Workbench.

  2. Install the product add-on for your release of WebSphere InterChange Server.

  3. Open the Workbench and navigate to the Collect and Send Data page.

  4. Select the following collector:
    WebSphere InterChange Server > Runtime > ORB Problem

  5. Follow the prompts to automatically submit the collected data to IBM Support.

Collecting data manually

The following list of items are required in order to proceed with problem analysis of PNS or ORB related problems in WebSphere InterChange Server version or later releases.

  • Versions of the ORB client and ORB server
  • ORB Debug Traces and ORB Comm Traces
  • PNS trace

As a first step in isolating the problem, try switching from PNS to Transient Naming Server (TNS) and see if the issue persists. Use the instructions in the "How to switch from PNS to TNS" section that follows.
If after the switch, the issue still persists, follow the instructions in the section "Generating ORB specific MustGather information."

How to switch from PNS to TNS
  • Windows
    In the PersistentNameServer_start.bat file, replace the following line

    call orbd.bat -ORBInitialPort %ORB_PORT% -port %ORBD_PORT%


    call tnameserv.exe -ORBInitialPort %ORB_PORT%

  • UNIX
    In the file, replace the following line

    exec $CROSSWORLDS/jre/bin/orbd -ORBInitialPort ${ORB_PORT} -port ${ORBD_PORT} &


    exec $CROSSWORLDS/bin/jre/tnameserv -ORBInitialPort ${ORB_PORT}

Generating ORB specific MustGather information
  1. Getting ORB client and ORB server versions
    • Windows:

      From %WICS%\jre\bin, run:


    • UNIX:
      From $WICS/jre/bin, run:


  2. Getting ORB debug and comm traces
    You will need to separate ORB client and ORB server logs as instructed in this technote. Samples discussed in this technote are for WebSphere InterChange Server running on AIX and Toolset and Adapters on Windows 2000 systems.

    Gather the ORB trace for the client (Toolset and/or Adapters) and server (WebSphere InterChange Server) in separate files by following these instructions:

    In the WebSphere Business Integration toolset environment, back up the current startcsm.bat file and add the ORB tracing parameters:<full path>\orbtools.trc

    Your startcsm.bat file should look like this after the change:
    set WSWB_EXECUTABLE=C:\IBM\WICS43\Tools\WSWB212\eclipse.exe
    set WSWB_PATH=C:\IBM\WICS43\Tools\WSWB212

    call "%CROSSWORLDS%"\bin\CWSharedEnv.bat

    set ORB_PROPERTY=-DORBNamingProvider=CosNaming -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort=%ORB_PORT% -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=%ORB_HOST%<full path>\orbtools.trc

    "%WSWB_EXECUTABLE%" -data "%WSWB_PATH%\Workspace" -vm %JRE_BIN%\javaw.exe -vmargs %ORB_PROPERTY% -DCWTools.home="%CROSSWORLDS%\bin"

    When you start the CSM and connect to WebSphere InterChange Server, you should see the trace information in the orbtools.trc file.

    To generate ORB tracing for a specific adapter ( in this case hosted on the Windows box), you will need to modify the adapter start up file start_<adaptername>.bat and add the ORB_PROPRTY variable as indicated below:

    set ORB_PROPERTY=-DORBNamingProvider=CosNaming -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort=%ORB_PORT% -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=%ORB_HOST%<full path>\orb_adapterName.trc

    When you start individual adapters , you should see the trace information in the orb_adapterName.trc file(s).

    To generate ORB tracing on the WebSphere InterChange Server side (in this case on AIX), modify the file (after backing it up) on your AIX system (the same three ORB trace parameters should be added to the ORB_PROPERTY variable as well.

    After including the debug parameters, this is how the partial file should look:

    if [ -n "$ORB_OAHOST" ]; then

    # BufferSize Setting
    # increase the buffer size may improve performance

    ORB_PROPERTY="-DORBNamingProvider=CosNaming -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort=$ORB_PORT -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=$ORB_HOST ${ORB_LOCAL_HOST_PROP}"


    Once you appended the parameters mentioned previously, you should find the debug information logged to the orbserver.trc file.

  3. Generating Persistent Naming Server trace
    • Windows:
      In the PersistentNameServer.bat file, make the following change:

      call orbd.bat -ORBInitialPort %ORB_PORT% -port %ORBD_PORT% -J-Dcom.sun.CORBA.ORBDebug=transport,POA,naming,giop,subcontract,serviceContext >C:\PNS.trc &

      The resulting output will be sent to C:\PNS.trc file.

    • UNIX
      In the script, make the following change:

      exec $WICS/jre/bin/orbd -ORBInitialPort ${ORB_PORT} -port ${ORBD_PORT} -J-Dcom.sun.CORBA.ORBDebug=transport,POA,naming,giop,subcontract,serviceContext >output_file &

      The resulting output will be sent to the output file as specified by you.

Exchanging data with IBM Support

To diagnose or identify a problem, it is sometimes necessary to provide Technical Support with data and information from your system. In addition, Technical Support might also need to provide you with tools or utilities to be used in problem determination. You can submit files using one of following methods to help speed problem diagnosis:

Read first and related MustGathers

[{"Product":{"code":"SSBTEG","label":"WebSphere InterChange Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"ICS","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"4.3","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

