White Papers
The new COBOL compiler offers many features for programmers and applications managers, but it also takes some work to get to use it. This session will tell you everything you need to know to get up and running with Enterprise COBOL V5 and V6.
The presentation will discuss what has changed, what is better, and what you will have to change to use the new compiler. This presentation also includes new migration recommendations from IBM that were created as a result of feedback from customers migrating to COBOL V5 and COBOL V6.
There are a few small source code changes, but many of the changes will be outside your COBOL source code.
In addition, the different generated code may reveal invalid COBOL in your applications that for some reason has not been failing for years but might now fail with COBOL V5 and COBOL V6.
Compiler options have changed; some behaviors have changed; some new restrictions have been added; and performance has improved!
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Modified date:
01 July 2018