IBM Support

Message CPF3C83 and/or CPF3CE5 During QUSRSYS or Other LPP Installation



This document provides information about a problem installing QUSRSYS or another licensed program during a migration or upgrade. Message CPF3CE5 - "Exit point &1 with format &2 will not allow exit program &3 library &4 to be added" is received

Resolving The Problem

When performing a migration or upgrade, the installation of QUSRSYS or another licensed program gives message CPF3C83, CPF2869, and/or CPF3CE5:

Message CPF2869
Message . . . . :   Empty member &3 in file &1 in library &2 is not copied.  
Cause . . . . . :   An empty from-file member is never copied to a tape or diskette file, or to a physical file member if the *REPLACE value is specified on the MBROPT parameter.                                        
Recovery  . . . :   If the from-file member is empty, do not attempt to copy the from-file member.  If the copy operation is to a physical member, specify the *ADD value on the MBROPT parameter.      

This messages may be listed for several different members such as QA1POCS, QA1POUS, QA1PRMS, Q1APSONE, and so on.

Message CPF3C83
Message . . . . :   Key 11 not allowed with value specified for key 10.    
Cause . . . . . :   Key 11 cannot be used when the value given for key 10 is specified
for API &3.
Recovery  . . . :   Do one of the following and try the request again:      
    -- Do not specify key 11.                                              
    -- Change the value specified for key 10.

Message CPF3CE5
Message . . . . :   Exit point &1 with format &2 will not allow exit program &3 library &4 to be added.
Cause . . . . . :   The Preprocessing Exit Program for Add for the exit point denied the request to be added.
Recovery  . . . :   Refer to the exit point provider's documentation for further information.

A common example is as follows:
Message . . . . :   Exit point QIBM_QSY_CERT_APPS with format CERT0100 will not allow exit program QCSTDCMEX library QSYS to be added.
Cause . . . . . :   The Preprocessing Exit Program for Add for the exit point denied the request to be added.
Recovery  . . . :   Refer to the exit point provider's documentation for further information.

The exit program must be authenticated before it can be changed or added. If the message CPF3CE5 is received, then most likely it is because the exit program listed in the message has been changed. This is usually a result of restoring unsupported previous release data to a current release system (such as restoring V4R4M0 data to a V5R3M0 system).

Important Note: Many exit programs are created during the installation of a licensed program. If the licensed program is not on the system, the exit program will not exist, nor is it needed. If the licensed program(s) were never previously installed, the QUSRGFIN has nothing to re-create. Therefore, new licensed programs or new system installations will not have the exit programs until they are installed.

You can compare the customer's exit program to ours. If there are discrepancies, the exit program probably needs to be re-created. Consider contacting a senior team member or development for assistance.

Step 1: Compare the exit program to a good exit program by doing the following:
1.On the operating system command line, type WRKREGINF and press the Enter key.
2.Select Option 8 on the exit point.
3.Select Option 5 on the exit program listed in the error message.
4.Compare the questionable exit program to a good copy on another system. Pay close attention to the Exit program data. You can also press the PF10 key on the exit program data to view the hex data.

Step 2: If the data does not match the good copy, then the exit program can be re-created by doing the following:

1.Rename the object in QSYS.


2.Remove the exit program by selecting Option 4, Remove, next to the exit program and pressing the Enter key.
3.Rename the exit program back to the original name.

Note: There are two blanks after QUSRSYS. 12345678 are just fillers (can be numbers or spaces) to ensure the right amount of characters before the QUS. may need to sign off/on and retry the call command again before it is successful.

Step 3: Try the installation again.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"6.1.0"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
18 December 2019

