IBM Support

Message 'Cannot lock project' while doing a reconfigure or reconcile in IBM Rational Synergy

Question & Answer


I am getting the message 'Cannot lock project' while doing a reconfigure or reconcile in IBM Rational Synergy. How can I resolve this?


When you initiate an operation which modifies the project members, such as reconfigure, the project is locked. If the operation terminates abnormally, the lock may not be cleaned up and subsequent actions may fail and result in a 'Cannot lock project' message. For example, if a user terminated their client during a large reconfigure, rather than waiting for the operation to finish.


If all actions took place using the same client, restart the client and this will usually resolve the issue. This is normally the case for a working project.


If however multiple clients are accessing the project it may be more difficult to resolve the issue. This may be the case for prep and shared projects.

The solution for this should be to run:

    ccm monitor -showlocks

    ccm monitor -removelock XXX

...where XXX is the full line returned from showlocks.

The output will show a number that is followed by the characters ‘db+’, which is the CVId (Component Version Identifier) of project.

With the CVId of the project(s) you need to remove the lock with the removelocks command.

For example: If you are looking at running the removelocks for project ABCD, use the following command to find the cvid of the project ABCD:

>ccm query -t project -n ABCD -v <version of the project> -f “%objectname %cvid”
1) ABCD~1:project:1#1 15008

If you are unsure which project is causing the locks, then re-run the showlocks command over several minutes, as the other locks with transitory. Alternatively, identify the owners of the projects and discuss with them if they've been experiencing problems.

If this still does not resolve the situation, then you will need to shutdown the entire database with the 'ccmdb shutdown' command, to ensure all connections are terminated.

 Should the problem persist even after a 'ccmdb shutdown' then you should run:

    onstat -k > locks.txt

and contact IBM Rational Client Support for further assistance and specific steps for your environment.

Once the onstat command has been performed then you can also restart Informix, as this should release the locks effecting the operation.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1a;;7.1;7.0;6.5;6.4;6.3;6.5a;6.6a","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
22 December 2020

