IBM Support

Login to the CCRC WAN Server through CTE fails and URL not accessible through browser



Accessing the IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC) WAN Server URL using the IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) profile HTTP Transport Port number results in the error "Error 500: javax.servlet.ServletException: CRMSV6000E: Could not initialize server configuration parameters" or will result in the page not loading, depending on the web browser used.


The problem can be seen no matter which port is configured for the HTTP Transport Port. Common ports include 12080, 9080, 16080, but they can be configured to others. The file AboutThisProfile.txt in the profile logs will indicate which port it is.

Though the CCRC WAN Server will not be accessible from a browser or through the IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer (CTE), the IBM HTTP Server (IHS) URL (http://server_hostname/) as well as the WAS Administrative Console URL (http://server_hostname:<admin port>/ibm/console/) will be accessible.

Using IHS forwarding will also fail because this simply forwards from port 80 to the HTTP Transport Port.


Multiple Windows registry entries for the ClearCase install.

Diagnosing The Problem

Messages like the following will exist in the SystemOut.log for this WAS profile:

CCRCLogger    W getServerConfigParams CRMSV6000E: Could not initialize server configuration parameters

servlet       E init

This indicates that there may be a Microsoft Windows Registry entry in the 32-bit location on a 64-bit system. Windows Registry entries should be in the following locations:
32-bit system: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion
64-bit system: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion

Resolving The Problem


This solution contains information about modifying the system registry. Before making any modifications to the Microsoft Registry Editor, it is strongly recommended that you make a backup of the existing registry. For more information describing how to back up the registry, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article 256986

If the system is 64-bit, then the 32-bit Atria registry entry should be deleted. Before any registry edit is done, backup the Windows registry.

Once a valid backup of the registry is taken, right click on the 32-bit registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Atria and select Delete.

Also make sure that you do not remove the permission for domain users to login locally.

Restart the ClearCase services and attempt the URL through a browser again. This should result in a page that simply reads, "IBM Rational CCRC WAN Server".

An attempt to login to the server through CTE should now work as expected.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"CCRC WAN Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.0;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

