IBM Support

Location Visibility

Question & Answer


Location Visibility


Location Visibility

Use the Visibility to Location fieldto allow another organization to access the location in Sterling TMS. For exampleyou might select a customer so that organization can view shipmentsto this location in Execution.

Your organization always hasvisibility to the locations you define. For example your users canselect the location as the origin or destination for a shipment.

Dependingon what you select for Location Ownershipyou will see different organizations listed in the Visibility to Locationlist:

  • If Location Ownership is set to Owned or Third-Partythe Visibility to Location field only listsyour company.
  • If Location Ownership is set to Customer/Supplierthe Visibility to Location field lists thecustomers and suppliers you defined in the Network Relationships stepof Shipper Configuration. Your company is also listed.
  • After you select an organization you can click the Visibilityto Location link to view details about that organization.
  • Your organization can also specify the customer in the G61 segmentof an EDI 204 transaction or XML file. If a data exchange shipmentspecifies a customer this value overrides the value you specifiedin the Visibility to Location field.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Product":{"code":"SS73G6","label":"Sterling Total Payments for Financial Services"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 December 2018

