IBM Support

A limited way of cloning Maximo 7.6

Technical Blog Post


Cloning Maximo 7.6


Please keep in mind, IBM does not officially support cloning in Maximo 7.6. If you have any problems with this process, we recommend that you do a fresh install on a new administrative machine.


This has been tested on Windows Server only, not on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

The following cloning process is only for the Maximo Asset Management installation, not WebSphere Application Server or DB2 database.


  • The operating system on both machines must be identical. If one is 64 bit Windows Server 2012 R2, the second machine must be have the same OS. It cannot be, for example, from 32bit Windows Server 2008 SP2 to 64 bit Windows Server 2012 .
  • Prerequisites are fulfilled.
  • On each machine, Maximo (SMP) and Installation Manager (IBMIM or IM) must reside on the same drive and directory location .Installation Manager cannot already be installed .If Maximo and Installation Manager were installed on the E drive on machine 1, both need to be copied to the E drive on machine 2.


On the first machine, zip up

  1. The Maximo installation location. The default is C:\IBM\SMP.  Zip up all files.
  2. Installation Manager (IM) installation location. The default is C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager.  Zip up all files.
  3. IM application data location. The default (which is hidden) is C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager.  Zip up all files.
  4. IM Shared Location. The default is C:\IBM\IBMIMShared or C:\IBM\IMShared.  Zip up all files.
  5. Copy C:\Users\<user>\\maximo_install.location file

On the second machine

  1. Unzip SMP zip to same drive and location as of the first machine.
  2. Unzip IM install location zip to same drive and location as of the first machine.
  3. Unzip IM application data location zip to same drive and location as of the first machine.
  4. Unzip IM shared location zip to same drive and location as of the first machine.
  5. Paste \maximo_install.location file to system's home directory.

To validate the cloned environment

  1. Start Installation Manager by running IBMIM.exe file from IM's install location. The default location for Windows platform, C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse.
  2. Go to File -> View Installed Packages. Check if cloned environment has all the installed packages listed from the original environment.
  3. Start command prompt. Navigate to \maximo\application\maximo location and run version.bat. Compare output from original and cloned environment.
  4. Try to run logzipper.bat script from \ConfigTool\script location.
  5. If everything works, so far good. Try to update IBM Installation Manager. It will fix problem with file association.

Start ConfigUI application from \ConfigTool location and continue configuration.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

