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Latest Fault Analyzer for z/OS Service Information

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What is the latest PTF level for Fault Analyzer and how do I determine my current Fault Analyzer PTF service level?


To determine your current Fault Analyzer PTF service level, click here.

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For Version 16 PTFs click here
For Version 15 PTFs click here

All available Version 16 Fault Analyzer PTFs and associated APARs (most recent first):

Availability date
Prerequisite PTFs
Supercedes these PTFs
APAR(s) this PTF fixes
31 Oct 2024

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APAR PH63790 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
FA 16.1 not enabled for ADFz 5.0 (5755-AB1). FA 16.1 was registering as ADFz 4.0 (5755-A01) instead of ADFz 5.0 (5755-AB1). FA 16.1 now registers as ADFz 5.0 (5755-AB1). PH63790
Fault Analyzer and CICS hung during analysis if recall of DBRM data set delayed with HSM. HSM recall of DBRM data set was delaying fault analysis and also potentially causing a CICS hang. If DBRM data set is migrated, then processing of DBRM data is skipped if real-time analysis is running under CICS. PH63833

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All available Version 15 Fault Analyzer PTFs and associated APARs (most recent first):

Availability date
Prerequisite PTFs
Supercedes these PTFs
APAR(s) this PTF fixes
22 Nov 2024
3 Jul 2024
12 Jun 2024
14 Mar 2024
8 Dec 2023
24 Nov 2023
24 Oct 2023
20 Jun 2023
19 Apr 2023
21 Mar 2023

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APAR PH61815 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
JCLCAPTURE fails for large jobs. If the maximum size of the JCLCAPTURE fault entry segment size is exceeded, the JCL is not saved. Support for splitting the JCL for large jobs into multiple segments has been provided. PH61523
ABEND0C4 in IDIXCM72 IDIXCM72 switches to AMODE64 with bad data in bits 0-31 of the base register. IDIXCMXX exits now clear bits 0-31 before AMODE64 use. PH62105
ABEND0C4 attempting RFR dump using TDUMP. Bad parameters passed to subroutine. Parameters to subroutine have been corrected. PH63033
MSGICH408I INSUFFICIENT AUTHORITY TO SPAWNUSERID The subsystem attempts to spawn a task to cleanup tightly coupled associated dump data sets. In doing so it provides a region size in excess of the address space limits. Spawn is modified to remove the region size override. PH63100
Fault Analyzer and CICS hung during analysis if recall of DBRM data set delayed with HSM HSM recall of DBRM data set was delaying Fault Analusis and also potentially causing a CICS hang If DBRM data set is migrated then processing of DBRM data is skipped if running under CICS PH64138
Fault Analyzer 0C4 in BldLX() when processing a PL/I abend using a SYSDEBUG side file. Incorrect alignment when multiple file names in PPA4. Processing corrected. PH63398

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APAR PH58652 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Updates to translated panels and strings for FA 15.1.5. Base product panels and strings have been modified. Panels and strings have been translated. PH58652

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APAR PH60313 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Loop in function BL5populate during fault entry reanalysis. Incorrect checking for available storage. The available storage checking has been corrected. PH60676
ABEND0C4 COPTIONS_MAIN Message buffer pointer is not initialized correctly. Message buffer pointer is initialized. PH60957
CFA transaction reports SDUMP exit as not Fault Analyzer. CFA transaction is used to uninstall and then reinstall the SDUMP screening exit. SDUMP exit is not activated. This does not occur when the screening exit is activated for the first time via the CFA transaction or IDIPLTS. SDUMP screening exit is successfully acivated in all cases. PH61194

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APAR PH57736 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Usermod IDISOPT2 is deprecated. Packaging changes have resulted in IDISOPT2 being removed. Usermod IDISOPT2 is replaced by new support in IDIOPTLM. PH57682
Fault Analyzer abend U4038 due to Language Environment heap storage corruption. Data was copied to a buffer that exceeded the allocated buffer length. The data copying has been corrected. PH58410
SMS connection held by Fault Analyzer IDIS subsystem for SDSNLOAD data set. BLDL was being used to check for DSNAOCLI. However, the NOCONNECT option was not specified, which lead to the connection being maintained in the FA subsystem. NOCONNECT has been added to the BLDL call. PH60099
When the Compiler Listing Read user exit is called to provide source info based on Assembler load module name, LST.PROGRAM_NAME is still incorrectly set to CSECT name. LST.PROGRAM_NAME is always set to the CSECT name for Assembler programs. LST.PROGRAM_NAME is set to either CSECT name or load module name for Assembler programs. PH60097
Fault Analyzer does not format the complete IMS version and release levels. New IMS support was not utilized. When available, IMS version and release is formatted. PH60100
Incorrect source code reported for optimized COBOL/6 program. Source parsing inadequate. Source parsing improved. PH60096
Fault Analyzer is misinterpreting a SNAP as a system abend in NFY.SYNOPSIS when the fault is a duplicate. Incorrect test for IDISNAP invocation. The test has been corrected. PH60098
Abend S0C4 in PrtCsectInfo offset X'10B2' during reanalysis of CICS fault entry. Incorrect test for storage availability. The test for storage availability has been fixed. PH59620
Abend S0C4 in IDIPDDIR. Pointer is being used prior to being set. Pointer is initialized. PH59709
Abend S23E under CICS after console install of Fault Analyzer exits. The program name on the ENABLE command was being corrupted and hence the ENABLE command failed. This led to incomplete offset information which led to the S23E. The overlay has been fixed. PH59993
Message "No report or dump" received when attempting to view or reanalyze fault entry. No minidump or XDUMP was created for the fault entry due to DeferredReport option in effect and MaxMinidumpPages exceeded determined too late for message IDI0133W processing. If DeferredReport, and MaxMinidumpPages exceeded determined too late for message IDI0133W processing, write the minidump anyway. PH61634

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APAR PH58323 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Updates to translated panels and strings for FA 15.1.3. Base product panels and strings have been modified. Panels and strings have been translated. PH58323

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APAR PH58207 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Abend S0C4 in PrtCobStgAreas offset X'ABC'. A pointer was not tested for validity before being used. The pointer is now tested for validity before being used. PH57890
With LA(JPN) in effect, short ISPF message "CHARS 'whatever' found" garbled. Truncation to 24 characters caused the ending SHIFT IN character to be dropped. If the short ISPF message string exceeds 24 characters, then only "Found!" will be displayed. PH58317
Message CSV002I REQUESTS FOR MODULE IDICSV14 EXCEED MAXIMUM USE COUNT. Fault Analyzer SVC load module IDICSV14 was not being deleted after each load. Fault Analyzer SVC load module IDICSV14 is now being deleted after each load. PH57465
Only one CICS library being shown in CICS SVC dump analysis. Incorrect discovery of library definitions. discovery code corrected. PH57892
SVC dump analysis results in message IDI0095W Unexpected condition found in IDIDODSN:1092: Process error. Unexpected contiguous 2GB of storage at address 80000000 causing signed integer to go negative. Contiguous storage areas of 2GB or more now handled correctly. PH58814

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APAR PH55151 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Message IDI0092S time-out during processing of COBOL event. Poor performance during processing of COBOL storage area containing unreferenced pages. The performance issue has been addressed. PH57540
When a COBOL/4 (or earlier) program compiled with TEST(NOSEP) is optimized with ABO the optimized LANGX file is not used. Although ABO has set off the TEST option bit in the optimized program object, Fault Analyzer is using the TGT test info pointer to determine if TEST is in effect (this is not reset by ABO). Fault Analyzer now checks the TEST option INFO BYTE bit to determine if TEST is in effect. PH55485
CEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged. From entry point generateDBRMKeyData. Incorrect length check was causing an overlay Length check fixed PH57541
MSGIDI0005S during CICS analysis. Work area storage allocation is too large. Work area storage allocation is reduced. PH57542
Fault Analyzer 0C4 when processing PL/I xref info related to an historical event. FA does not handle Xref info for historical events. Xref info for historical events is now ignored. PH57543
FA 0C4 in BldLX() when analyzing a PL/I program compiled with GONUMBER(SEP). FA does not properly handle multi-section statement number tables from a side file. FA now handles multi-section statement number tables from a side file. PH57545
FA uses excessive CPU analyzing very large COBOL programs compiled with the TEST (DWARF) option. User program is huge (425k source lines). Accelerators implemented to improve source code processing. PH56633
ABEND0C4 during analysis. A very large SQL statement is processed which exceeds the size of a print buffer. Print buffer is no longer exceeded. PH57544

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APAR PH53394 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
SVC screening is still active during CICS shutdown. The screening table entry for SVC51 was not changed. The screening table entry for SVC51 is updated so that the screening code is not invoked. PH55087
PL/I source support unavailable for large program bound using NOPRIME binder option. PL/I CSECT has unreferenced pages that contain PPA3 address used to locate the PL/I Statement Number Table (SNT). Without the SNT source support is not available. When PPA3 is in an unreferenced page, attempting to locate the entire SNT is abandoned and only the PPA3 for the current entry point is accessed. PH55086
IDI0047S when extracting DB/2 information from DBRM, when using CCSID(277). The use of CCSID 277 was causing a # character to be incorrectly converted which led to substitution errors. The correct CCSID is now used. PH55085
FA does not format COBOL/6 DLEIs (Dynamic Length Elementary Items). DLEI declaration PIC X has lower case X (x). FA didn't like that. FA now allows lower case U and X picture characters in DWARF DW_AT_picture_string. PH55080
ABEND0C4 in Fault Analyzer CICS exit. Exit is not processing zero elements returned by INQUIRE_TASK_STORAGE correctly. Fault Analyzer CICS exit is corrected. PH55084
CICS Asid is not selected for analysis. Default ASID is incorrectly selected for analysis. CICS Asid is correctly selected. PH55083
Abend S913 when performing initial interactive reanalysis of RFR fault entry. No READ access to a data set in the original STEPLIB concatenation. READ access of STEPLIB data sets has been added. PH55082
ECSA storage in subpool 231 is not freed by Fault Analyzer. When MASTER trace records are not returned by IEEMB879 workarea storage is not freed. Storage in Subpool 231 freed. PH55081

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APAR PH53397 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Updates to translated panels and strings for FA 15.1.1. Base product panels and strings have been modified. Panels and strings have been translated. PH53397

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APAR PH50826 Fixes and Enhancements
# Problem Description Fix Complete APAR information
Extremely large minidump and report causing major performance issue and eventually Fault Analyzer running out of storage. A COBOL TGT was all X'40' (blanks), causing its length to be assumed being X'40404040' (1GB+). This resulted in hex-dumped storage attempted being formatted for this length with millions of lines of report generated. Validation of the TGT eyecatcher has been improved. PH51072
MSGCEE0802C Heap storage control information was damaged is issued processing a dump data set. A pointer array is not allocated propery. The pointer is allocated correctly. PH51073
FA abends with S0C4 in IncCobSym when processing fault entry containing captured LANGX. LangxCapture has incorrectly processed multi-record xrefs or structs from originating LANGX file. LangxCapture processing of multi-record xrefs and structs corrected. PH51074
Fault Analyzer issues IDI0092S while processing PL/I controlled array. Array has a bad descriptor. Controlled storage address now checked before processing descriptor. PH51075
Fault Analyzer 0C4 in FmtPliData() when reporting PL/I LOB. LOB length overwritten with blanks. LOB storage checked before formatting. PH52670
In the interactive reanalysis report, a character was overlaid on the last line of a text paragraph that wrapped over multiple lines. The wrong indentation was used for an ending attribute character. The indentation has been corrected. PH52689
Analysis of a CICS loops. SIOT chain in fault entry is corrupted. SIOT chain loop is detected and analysis proceeds. PH52671
IMS online region retains history file allocation. Insulated DDNAME not closed. Insulated DDNAME is tracked and closed permitting free to operate correctly. PH52672
An exclude mask containing an asterisk may exclude everything. In some cases a mask string containing an asterisk may be interpreted as only being an asterisk. Thus, all abends will be excluded from analysis. The problem is corrected. PH52673
Excessive CPU usage when FA processes a COBOL/6 abend using DWARF debugging info. Retrieval of xref modified flag from srcattr section is inefficient. New DWARF API dwarf_die_xref_flags() locates xref modified flag in variable DIE alongside xref coordinates. This can result in performance improvements. PH52695
Formatting of COBOL PIC X(73728) item causes 0C4 when using DWARF source support. PIC X(73728) causes DWARF to use a 4byte integer to return variable's byte length, DWARF FORM data4 and data8 types now supported when fetching variable's byte size. PH52694
IDI0020W messages under CICS and the abending task hangs. CICS 730 only. An incorrect ATTACH call was being made and hence the ECB and parm list pointers were invalid. The ATTACH call has been corrected PH52674
Abend0c4 in CICSTraceLinkAnalysis during FA plugin analysis. Abend0c4 due to invalid pointer reference. The pointer is not referenced. PH53255

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How to determine your current Fault Analyzer service level

To check your current Fault Analyzer service level, select About Fault Analyzer from the Help menu. Information similar to the following is displayed, indicating the current PTF level:


Copyright and General Usage Information

IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS V15R1M02 (PH53394 2023/06/08)

Licensed materials - Property of IBM and/or HCL. 5755-A02

Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2017. All rights reserved.
Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017, 2023. All rights reserved.

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Related Information

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSXJAJ","label":"Fault Analyzer for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000001f1hAAA","label":"Fault Analyzer"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 December 2024

