IBM Support

Jobstream fails in different nodes: DM-DBM-0402 SQLSTATE=08001 SQLERRORCODE=258



An overnight jobstream sometimes fails and it can fail in different nodes of the jobstream.


Sample error in the jobstream logfile...

Run context:
JobStream 'js1'
JobStream 'js2'
JobStream 'js3'

[PROGRESS - 02:47:17] JobStream 'js3' - run id 1027, audit id 297438
[PROGRESS - 02:47:17] JobStream 'js3'; starting
[PROGRESS - 02:47:17] Build Node 19 'js3';executing (pid 3856)
[PROGRESS - 02:47:49] pid 3856 Build Node 19 'js3'; reported the following:
DM-DBM-0402 UDA driver reported the following:
UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the "DS_Datamart" database.
UDA-SQL-0532 Data Source is not accessible: "ds1".
UDA-SQL-0564 [Microsoft SQL Native Client]Login timeout expired (SQLSTATE=HYT00, SQLERRORCODE=0)

UDA-SQL-0564 [Microsoft SQL Native Client]Unable to complete login process due to delay in login response (SQLSTATE=08001, SQLERRORCODE=258)

UDA-SQL-0564 [Microsoft SQL Native Client]TCP Provider: Timeout error [258]. (SQLSTATE=08001, SQLERRORCODE=258)

DM-DBM-0306 UDA driver error connecting to 'DS_Datamart'.
(for details, see Build_1.log)
[PROGRESS - 02:47:49] Build Node 19 'js3'; failed but continuing
[PROGRESS - 02:47:49] Condition Node 9 'Rejections'; executing (inline)
[PROGRESS - 02:47:49] Condition Node 9 'Rejections'; succeeded (FALSE)
... etc.


Windows and MS SQL Server

Resolving The Problem

Reconfigure anti-virus software to prevent it doing real-time scans on the Cognos install folder and the relational database folders.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEP7J","label":"Cognos Business Intelligence"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud \u0026 Data Platform"},"Component":"Data Manager","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.4.1;8.4","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 November 2022

