How To
ioinfo has now been deprecated in the new Power9 firmware. It's now been included in the SMS menus.
This menu item is only available on systems that are on 820_xxx or later firmware level on IBM POWER8 machines, and all POWER9 machines. The legacy ioinfo feature is completely deprecated on systems that are on firmware levels FW930.02 or later on POWER9 machines.
2. Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
3. I/O Device Information
4. Select Console
5. Select Boot Options
Navigation Keys:
X = eXit System Management Services
Type menu item number and press Enter or select Navigation key:3
2- Choose the type of storage that you have on your AIX server:
2. SAS
3. NVMe
4. vSCSI
5. Firmware device driver Secure Boot validation failures
6. Network ports
Navigation keys:
M = return to Main Menu
ESC key = return to previous screen X = eXit System Management Services
Type menu item number and press Enter or select Navigation key:4
3- Choose the adapter:
2. U9009.42A.213E12V-V16-C16-T1 /vdevice/v-scsi@30000010
Navigation keys:
M = return to Main Menu
ESC key = return to previous screen X = eXit System Management Services
Type menu item number and press Enter or select Navigation key:1
1. 8300000000000000 - 25 GB Disk drive
2. 8100000000000000 - 50 GB Disk drive (bootable)
3. 8200000000000000 - 50 GB Disk drive
4. 8400000000000000 - 25 GB Disk drive
5. 0 - No device information available
Navigation keys:
M = return to Main Menu
ESC key = return to previous screen X = eXit System Management Services
Type menu item number and press Enter or select Navigation key:2
Pathname : /vdevice/v-scsi@30000003/disk@8400000000000000
Location code : U9009.42A.213E12V-V16-C3-T1-L8400000000000000
Device : 25 GB Disk drive
2. Log Boot Status Informational SRC
Navigation keys:
M = return to Main Menu
ESC key = return to previous screen X = eXit System Management Services
Type menu item number and press Enter or select Navigation key:
When you select the Display Inquiry Data option, the selected drive gathers the standard inquiry data and displays it in a raw data format.
When you select the Log Boot Status Informational SRC option, the system attempts to determine whether the drive is bootable, and then will log an informational SRC.
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Document Information
Modified date:
13 September 2019