IBM Support

Installing Virtual Data Pipeline for Cloud Pak for Data

How To


After you review the system requirements and other planning information, you can use the following information to install IBM® InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline. Ensure that you complete the steps in the order listed.

The IBM® InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline (VDP) solution includes two components that are delivered as software appliances. The first component is the Virtual Data Pipeline appliance, which provides virtual clones of databases. The second component is the InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline - Global Manager appliance, which is a management console for one or more VDP appliances.

You can install the software on a VMware or on Hyper-V environment. The following sections explain how to install the software on each platform.

For the best experience, it is strongly recommended that you consult your IBM Lab Services representative before you deploy the the IBM® InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline solution. In addition, review the VDP Glossary to familiarize yourself with terminology used in this document and related documentation.


Pre-installation Tasks
Review system requirements and other planning information contained in IBM InfoSphere VDP Support Matrix
Deploying VDP for CPD on VMware
The IBM® InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline (VDP) solution is deployed outside of a Cloud Pak for Data cluster to capture point in time copies of production databases and provide virtual clones for CP4D and Data Virtualization. 
  1. Install and configure Virtual Data Pipeline Appliance following the instructions in the document VDPInstallVMware.pdf. To connect host servers to IBM InfoSphere VDP Appliances follow the instructions in Hosts.pdf.
  2. Install and configure InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline - Global Manager following the instructions in the document IVGM_VMware_Install_Upgrade_Gd_907.pdf which can be found int he 'Attachment' section of this How To document.
  3. Additional configuration documentation is included in VDP8.1.1.3 Additional and DBA Guides to (see 'Additional product documentation' section of this How To document). The complete documentation package can also be downloaded from the IBM Passport Advantage site (eAssembly part: CC6MPEN).
Deploying VDP for CPD on Hyper-V
The IBM® InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline (VDP) solution is deployed outside of a Cloud Pak for Data cluster to capture point in time copies of production databases and provide virtual clones for CDP and Data Virtualization.
  1. Install and configure Virtual Data Pipeline Appliance following the instructions in the document VDPInstallHyperV.pdf, which can be found int he 'Attachment' section of this How To document. To connect host servers to IBM InfoSphere VDP Appliances follow the instructions in Hosts.pdf.
  2. Install and configure InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline - Global Manager following the instructions in the document IVGM_HyperV_Install_Upgrade_Gd_907.pdf which can be found int he 'Attachment' section of this How To document.
  3. Additional configuration documentation is included in VDP8.1.1.3 Additional and DBA Guides to (see 'Additional product documentation' section of this How To document). The complete documentation package can also be downloaded from the IBM Passport Advantage site (eAssembly part: CC6MPEN).
Post-installation Tasks
Once you have successfully deployed IBM InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline, you will need to update the 'Deploy' url to point to the IVGM web interface and the 'Documentation' url to point the VDP online help.
Update the 'Deploy' url to point to the IVGM web interface
1. Replace <ivgm-ip-address> with the url of the IVGM web interface in the code snippet below and save the code to a file e.g. vdp-addons.json to any desired location on your cluster.
  {     "vdp":{        "versions":{           "":{              "state":"enabled",              "details":{                 "openURL":"https://<ivgm-ip-address>",                 "external_open_url_target":"vdp"              }           }        }     }  }  
2. Generate Platform token. Replace <cpd-url> in the command snippet below with the url of Cloud Pak for Data user interface.
  curl -kiv -X POST \    https://<cpd-url>/icp4d-api/v1/authorize \    -d '{   "username":<username>,   "password":<password>  }'
Example Response:
    "_messageCode_": "200",
    "message": "Success",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwic3ViIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpc3MiOiJLTk9YU1NPIiwiYXVkIjoiRFNYIiwicm9sZSI6IkFkbWluIiwicGVybWlzc2lvbnMiOlsiYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvciIsImNhbl9wcm92aXNpb24iXSwidWlkIjoiMTAwMDMzMDk5OSIsImF1dGhlbnRpY2F0b3IiOiJkZWZhdWx0IiwiZGlzcGxheV9uYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpYXQiOjE1NzQzMTcyNTIsImV4cCI6MTU3NDM2MDQ1Mn0.ggJotn2ktiWErtoy1Jm_Nv6yWYJH4ebRmXKiMtYIhLJ9nHjMeJqKu4bTl8ZL0feOZpCzuee6nbFe0Y3rL2PdS2BZODBuQCNcsQRCE5ab38q9d0KTbcYZMBRkGbMNlWna2OecBqlGE7KoC4V_XHzdQX2EJaP4I6gMC1R0kjDmYIGAqBMRrps4w87HtIQJttMZpa13stAr2Qdq3m0aS3y-1g4Nl3oW3g0ubI52SAm8AMm5ioXs0ZFtWmjcxq64cYPptK4bnnn5cnm2HsP_LD6v8oFbU6XKRdECJPrk4yZMbyt6-_ipsAqWzJAAL80Bid_59RAEZ-Fdn7TDn6ve3EVaYw"

3. Import add-on to your cluster. Replace <cpd-url> in the command snippet with the url of Cloud Pak for Data user interface. Replace <PLARFORM TOKEN> with the token returned in Step 1. Replace /path/to/vdp-addons.json with the add-ons.json for vdp.
  curl -k -X POST \    https://<cpd-url>/zen-data/v1/addons/sources/file/vdp-config \    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <PLATFORM TOKEN>' \    -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \    -F add_ons_json=@/path/to/vdp-addons.json
Example response:
    "_messageCode_": "Success",
    "message": "Successfully initiated import of add-on"

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSHGYS","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Data"},"Component":"Virtual Data Pipeline","Platform":[{"code":"PF032","label":"VM"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
19 June 2020

