Product Readmes
This document provides instructions for installing Version 8.5.7 Cumulative Fix 2017.06 (V8.5.7 CF2017.06) for IBM Process Federation Server
Tab navigation
Table of Contents
- Problems addressed in this cumulative fix
- Installation instructions
- Cumulative fix prerequisites
- Installing the cumulative fix
- Downloading repositories to the local system
- Upgrading an installation interactively
- Upgrading an installation silently using the command line (imcl)
- Rolling back the cumulative fix
- Rolling back the cumulative fix installation interactively
- Rolling back the cumulative fix installation silently using the command line (imcl)
- Trademarks and service marks
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2017. All rights reserved.
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Problems addressed in this cumulative fix
By installing the cumulative fix, you raise the fix level of your Process Federation Server to Version 8.5.7 CF2017.06.
The fixes addressed in this cumulative fix are explained in the Fix list for IBM Business Process Manager - Process Federation Server V8.5.7 Cumulative Fix 2017.06.
Installation instructions
Cumulative fix prerequisites
You can install this cumulative fix on top of IBM Business Process Manager - Process Federation Server V8.5.7, V8.5.7 CF2016.04, V8.5.7 CF2016.06, V8.5.7 CF2016.07, V8.5.7 CF2016.09, V8.5.7 CF2016.12 or V8.5.7 CF2017.03.
- Installing the cumulative fix requires having IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Network Deployment V8.5.5 Fix Pack installed with IBM Installation Manager.
- To avoid problems such as certificate issues, ensure you have IBM Installation Manager V1.8.6 (the minimum level required is V1.8.5). You can obtain links to the latest versions from Installation Manager and Packaging Utility download documents.
- If you are federating a BPM 2017.03 CF server or later and you want to use the quick start path, you must re-enable HTTP access by switching Process Federation Server to secure production mode (see Roadmap for configuring Process Federation Server and federated environments). If this is not possible, you must re-enable insecure HTTP access to the REST APIs of the IBM BPM 2017.03 CF server by following these steps:
- Shut down all the servers.
- Go to the <install_root>/bin directory, run "wsadmin -conntype none -lang jython -profileName <dmgrProfile>". For IBM BPM Express, use the stand-alone server's profile.
- Enter the following commands on the wsadmin prompt (where 'De1' is the name of your BPM deployment environment):
wsadmin> print AdminTask.configureBPMTransportSecurity( [ '-de', 'De1', '-apps', 'productREST', '-transportSecurity', 'allowhttp'] )
wsadmin> exit
- Restart all the servers.
Installing the cumulative fix
To install the cumulative fix, follow these instructions to download the cumulative fix repository and then choose your installation path.
- Download the cumulative fix repository to a local directory.
- Choose one of the installation paths based on your environment.
- Upgrading an installation interactively
- Upgrading an installation silently using the command line (imcl)
Downloading the repositories to the local system
Download the cumulative fix repository to a local directory so that the files can be used with IBM Installation Manager during the upgrade process.
1. Download to a disk location of your choice. Note the location where you have downloaded the file.
Upgrading an installation interactively
These steps upgrade one installation of Process Federation Server.
1. Start the Installation Manager. For more information about where Installation Manager is installed and the type of installation, see Installation directories for the product and profile.
Note: Before you start the Process Federation Server cumulative fix installation, the IBM Installation Manager must be at a minimum level of Version 1.8.5.
On Windows, right-click IM_INSTALL_LOCATION\IBMIM.exe and select Run as administrator.
On Linux or UNIX, start IBM Installation Manager by using the IM_INSTALL_LOCATION/IBMIM command.
2. Add the repository to the IBM Installation Manager preferences by clicking File > Preferences and, under Repositories, adding the location of the local repository that you downloaded.
- a. Click Add Repository.
b. Type or browse to the file for the Process Federation Server repository that you downloaded and click OK.
c. Click OK to save the new repository settings.
3. Click Update.
4. Select the package group where you installed Process Federation Server and click Next. After Installation Manager checks the service repositories, the Update Packages window opens and the Process Federation Server cumulative fix is shown.
5. Ensure that the cumulative fix is selected.
6. Read and accept the terms of the license agreements by selecting the appropriate button and click Next. The Features window opens. All the installed features are selected.
7. Click Next. All the features that need to be updated are shown in the Summary window. The disk space that is required to perform the update is shown at the bottom.
8. Click Update to start the update. The cumulative fix is downloaded from your local repository and installed. When the installation is complete, you receive a confirmation.
9. To upgrade additional Process Federation Server installations, repeat the steps, or return to step 4 to install the cumulative fix by using the same Installation Manager.
10. Before you restart the server the first time, run the server start pfsserver --clean command for each installation that you upgraded.
Upgrading an installation silently using the command line (imcl)
You can use the command-line interface in Installation Manager to update your product installation silently. These steps upgrade one installation of Process Federation Server.
1. Gather the following information about your environment and the cumulative fix you want to apply.
The location where Installation Manager is installed. See table 7 in Installation directories for the product and profiles for more information about Installation Manager default installation directories.
The full path to the installation directory of the product you are upgrading.
The full path to the cumulative fix that you are applying.
A full path and name for a log file to capture the logging output of the command.
2. Using the information gathered in the previous step, run the imcl command from the tools directory under the Installation Manager installation location. For more information, see Installing packages by using imcl commands.
IM_INSTALL_LOCATION/eclipse/tools/imcl install FIX_PACKAGE -acceptLicense -installationDirectory INSTALL_DIR -repositories REPOSITORY -log LOG_FILE
By including the -acceptLicense parameter, you agree to the terms and licenses of this product.
The following command is an example of upgrading Process Federation Server on Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools\imcl install -acceptLicense -installationDirectory C:\IBM\PFS\v8.5 -repositories C:\ -log silent_update.txt
3. When the silent installation completes, check the log files to ensure that the installation completed successfully. A success message that is similar to the following message displays on the command line for each package that was installed:
Updated to in the C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5 directory
4. Repeat the process for each installation in the environment.
5. Before you restart the server the first time, run the server start pfsserver --clean command for each installation that you upgraded.
Rolling back the cumulative fix
You can roll back the cumulative fix by using one of the following options:
Rolling back the cumulative fix installation interactively
Rolling back the cumulative fix installation silently using the command line (imcl)
Note: The following procedure rolls back only the Process Federation Server installation.
Rolling back the cumulative fix installation interactively
1. Close all programs that were installed by using Installation Manager.
2. Start Installation Manager. For information about where Installation Manager is installed, see Installation directories for the product and profile,
3. From the Start page of the Installation Manager, click Roll back.
4. On the Roll Back Packages page, from the Package Group Name list, select the package group that contains the packages that you want to roll back and click Next.
5. Select the version of the package that you want to roll back to and click Next.
6. Read the summary information and click Roll Back to roll back the package.
When the rollback process completes, a message that confirms the success of the process is displayed near the top of the page.
7. Optional: Click View log file to open the log file for the current session in a new window.
8. Click Finish to close the wizard.
9. Close Installation Manager.
10. Repeat the process for each installation in the environment.
11. Before you restart the server the first time, run the server start pfsserver --clean command for each installation that you rolled back.
Rolling back the cumulative fix installation silently using the command line (imcl)
Installation Manager offers a command-line interface to silently roll back your product installation to the previous version.
1. Gather the following information about your environment and the target version you want to roll back to.
The location where Installation Manager is installed. See table 7 in Installation directories for the product and profile for more information about Installation Manager default installation directories.
The full path to the installation directory of the product that you upgraded.
A full path and name for a log file to capture the logging output of the command.
The package and version IDs for the target version you want to roll back to. You will need the package ID followed by an underscore and the specific version ID. If you are rolling back multiple packages in the installation, separate each package and version ID with a space. If you supply only the package ID, the package is rolled back to the most recent previous version.
To find the IDs of the packages you can roll back to, run this command:
IM_INSTALL_LOCATION/tools/imcl listInstalledPackages -rollbackVersions -installationDirectory INSTALL_DIR -log LOG_FILE
Optionally, you might need to supply the fix repositories for the target of the rollback if you did not use the option to save files for rollback and do not have access to the live repository. Download and unpack the fix repositories for the target version. Gather the full directory path to your unpacked repositories associated with each fix package that you are applying. If you are rolling back multiple products, separate the repository directory paths with commas.
2. Using the information gathered in the previous step, run the imcl command to roll back to the previous target version of a product in the installation.
IM_INSTALL_LOCATION/eclipse/tools/imcl rollback PACKAGE_VERSION_IDS -installationDirectory INSTALL_DIR -log LOG_FILE
To include local repositories for the target version, add the -repositories REPOSITORIES option.
3. When the rollback completes, check the log files to ensure that the rollback completed successfully. A success message displays on the command line:
Rolled back to in the C:\IBM\BPM\v8.5 directory.
4. Repeat the process for each installation in the environment.
5. Before you restart the server the first time, run the server start pfsserver --clean command for each installation that you rolled back.
Trademarks and service marks
For trademark attribution, visit the IBM Terms of Use Web site.
[{"Product":{"code":"SSFTN5","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Advanced"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation \/ Configuration","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.7.CF201706;8.5.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]
Product Synonym
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Document Information
Modified date:
17 June 2018