The Sybase Server agent cannot connect to the Sybase server.
The following error messages are continually shown in the <install_dir>/logs/<hostname>_oy_<instance>_col.log:
CGN1521E (hhmmss) Interval collection failed for cursor HART1
>ESQ0610E (hhmmss) Setting password for SYBASE Server connection failed
Unable to retrieve localized message for tivoli
YEM0145E (hhmmss) Setting password for SYBASE Server connection failed
YEM0155E (hhmmss) Failed to open SYBASE Server connection
YCD0130E (hhmmss) Unable to connect to SYBASE server:MEM3PROD,
id:tivoli, Retcode= 0
This problem occurs when you install the Sybase Software Development Kit (SDK) into the same directory as the Sybase installation directory.
The Sybase Server agent configures the SYBASE_OCS environment variable as full path. The Sybase server without SDK can be connected with the full path of SYBASE_OCS environment variable, but the Sybase SDK requires SYBASE_OCS environment variable to be a subdirectory to which the open client is set.
Resolving The Problem
Option 1: Apply 6.2.0-TIV-ITM_SYB-IF0011 or above version will solve the issue
Option 2: If you can't apply 6.2.0-TIV-ITM_SYB-IF0011 or above version, please do the following:
To resolve the problem, change the configuration of the agent by using the following steps:
1) Change the definition of the SYBASE_OCS environment variable in the configuration file (<host_name>_oy_<instanc_name>.cfg under <install_dir>/config directory) from full path to the subdirectory name to which the open client is set. For example:
export SYBASE_OCS="/mmpd12/sybase15/OCS-15_0"
export SYBASE_OCS="OCS-15_0"
2) Add the Sybase open client library path $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/lib to the configuration files (<install_dir>/config/oy.ini and <install_dir>/config/oy.config); otherwise, the agent cannot load the Sybase open client libraries.
Change LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux or Solaris systems, LIBPATH for AIX.
For example on Solaris systems:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='...:/usr/lib'
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='...:/usr/lib:/mmpd12/sybase15/OCS-15_0/lib:'
NOTE: Do not omit the colon (:) from the end of the line.
3) Restart the agent.
Product Synonym
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Document Information
Modified date:
17 June 2018